Biggest nutrition/weight loss/fitness pet peeves?



  • dopeysmelly
    dopeysmelly Posts: 1,390 Member
    This is a great thread.

    1. The word "diet". I hate it so much it's banned from my house. I have an 8 year-old daughter and it's my mission in life to do all I can to prevent her having body image issues, including those I grew up with.
    2. Diet food. No, no, no. Real food only, please.
    3. Fad diets. I know everyone else has this, but I still hate it.
    4. My Mom for thinking that somehow, by some flippin' miracle that when I lose the 60lbs (1/3 of the way done!) I'll magically develop a fabulous dress sense. Just deal with it, Mom, I've had 41 years to try, but I'll always be scruffy. I have hope, though, on this one. It took 15 years, but I finally got her to stop nagging me about my weight. She really didn't get that it just pissed me off.
  • tink11464
    tink11464 Posts: 119 Member
    My pet peeves are:

    Those who come on saying - I'm 5'6 my current weight is 125lbs and I want to be at 105 by "whatever date or event". Ummm - at 5'6 125lbs is a bit thin as it is.


    When I hear people saying fat people are lazy - that irks me to no end!! If you don't know a person's backstory - keep your opinions to yourself!!
  • KKishaA
    KKishaA Posts: 160 Member
    people posting the just can't eat up to 1200 calories because they are so full...then how did you get 80lbs overweight

    Damn, why can't MFP have a "like" button? This is the best thing I've read all day. AMEN SISTA!

    Thank you!! I hate reading the posts "Sooo full on 1000 calories can't manage to choke down the last 200." Really? Then how did you gain weight in the first place?

    It's an annoying humblebrag. I eat all my daily calories and 1/2 or so of my exercise calories and am satiated but hardly stuffed - I'm a comfortable level of full, and get hungry before meals like clockwork. It used to scare me that I was some sort of monster who was never full on 1200 a day - I had to switch to eat more calories and filling foods - lots of veggies, protein, whole grains, etc, with only occasional treats and eating out.

    YES YES YES! I can't even fathom this. I eat 1000k by noon, some times earlier! I, too, felt like I was a terrible beast for never being able to stay at 1200k.
  • easjer
    easjer Posts: 219 Member
    One more that I forgot earlier.

    I hate specific weight loss goals. Especially when it's based solely on BMI or random number that sounds good. Why not aim for general health and fitness? Sometimes numbers look fine on paper but ignore bone density or muscle mass or a number of things that work out to 'your body is most functional at this size, even though your head thinks you need to weight 13 lbs less' . . . It's frustrating and sad to see someone so focused on what is fundamentally only one aspect of health and appearance.
  • chasetwins
    chasetwins Posts: 702 Member
    Dr. Oz's existence is my biggest nutrition/weight loss/fitness pet peeve.

    ^^^ This and all the other quackery that he represents!!!!

    Also - misleading nutritional labels which I am now learning about. Small amounts of variance allowed by the government can impact the bottom line when that item is used alot! :/

    People on FB who post how often they are at the gym and what they did...every day...then later post what they eat / drink which completely defeats the purpose of their earlier post...then they moan that they are fat!! SMH!!!!
  • Amelia7779
    Amelia7779 Posts: 53 Member
    people posting the just can't eat up to 1200 calories because they are so full...then how did you get 80lbs overweight

    Damn, why can't MFP have a "like" button? This is the best thing I've read all day. AMEN SISTA!

    Thank you!! I hate reading the posts "Sooo full on 1000 calories can't manage to choke down the last 200." Really? Then how did you gain weight in the first place?

    It's an annoying humblebrag. I eat all my daily calories and 1/2 or so of my exercise calories and am satiated but hardly stuffed - I'm a comfortable level of full, and get hungry before meals like clockwork. It used to scare me that I was some sort of monster who was never full on 1200 a day - I had to switch to eat more calories and filling foods - lots of veggies, protein, whole grains, etc, with only occasional treats and eating out.

    YES YES YES! I can't even fathom this. I eat 1000k by noon, some times earlier! I, too, felt like I was a terrible beast for never being able to stay at 1200k.

    Yes!! Totally a humblebrag. Maybe it's just because I'd gladly eat 3000 kcal a day if I could, but I just don't get the "1200 is too much food" whine. Oh, and the lose/loose thing drives me crazy. What do people think it means, that they are shaking the weight "loose"?
  • Chickee8586
    Chickee8586 Posts: 155 Member
    Starvation mode. I hate that phrase. Really, you're eating Bojangles for breakfast, fried fish and chips for lunch, who knows what for dinner, and was told by your nutritionist that you should eat 5 snacks a day because your body is in starvation mode.

    Meanwhile your office chair is squealing from your weight. Put down the biscuit now.
  • KKishaA
    KKishaA Posts: 160 Member
    I, for one, hate the word "skinny." I hate when girls on here say, "I just want to be skinny!" Why? There's nothing sexy about being skinny. There's nothing hot about a thigh gap. Fit is the new skinny! Being healthy is more important than looking like Jessica Alba.

    These are just a bunch of words- "fit is the new skinny" is pretty much as meaningless and loaded with expectations about what you "should" look like, and equally difficult to attain. Those fitness model's bodies might be healthier than a model's (although that's no guarantee) but they are just as hard for the average woman to achieve. I believe that health is the goal, but just changing the ideal to a more muscular, equally low-body-fat look isn't really changing things. And many women and men would disagree that "there's nothing sexy about being skinny." Everyone has different tastes and many people DO find "skinny" attractive. It's not okay to disparage thin bodies any more than it is to do so for fat ones. Fat people can be sexy. Skinny people can be sexy. Many people are attracted to one of those shapes and it's okay.
    I also hate when women say they don't want to do strength training because they don't want to be "muscular." What a huge misconception! Women don't have the testosterone needed to bulk up like men. On a similar note, I hate that age-old logic that you do heavy weights, low reps to bulk up and light weight, high reps to "tone." Not true. Men who lift heavy bulk up; women who lift heavy "tone up." Some women seem to think lifting for 30 minutes three times a week will make them into some bodybuilder. If only it were that easy, right guys?

    This is all true, but again, not everyone has to do intense strength training to be healthy or attractive. It's okay not to lift weights if you don't want to. Honestly.
    The myth of the 1200 calorie diet. Don't even get me started! If I see one more new thread about, "What do you eat on 1200 calories per day?" Not enough, that's what! Unless you're a tiny petite woman, you should be eating more than 1200 calories per day.

    Most adults will need more than 1200/day, but lots of people who are not "tiny" can manage 1200/day just fine. Anecdotally, my TDEE is only about 1500 if I don't have time to exercise, so 1200/day is a very small weight loss deficit for me. And I'm average height, average weight...I just have a sedentary office job.
    I also can't stand when people try to tell others on here that there's only one way to do things. The pretentious "my way or the highway" attitude. I say do what works for you, as long as you're doing it in a healthy way and not harming your body in the process! Examples of harming your body: Not eating enough, trying to attain a figure that does not exist, putting your vanity over your health.

    Pot/kettle, etc.
    What are your biggest pet peeves regarding nutrition, weight loss, and/or fitness? Any huge misconceptions that you're sick of? Feel free to rant about it here!

    I mentioned a few of mine, but this Pinterest-fueled "fit is the new skinny" is probably the biggest. Obsessing over fitness isn't necessarily any healthier from a body-image perspective than obsessing over thinness (although, yeah, a healthy and strong body is a good thing and better than a weak and underfed one for your actual physical health.) In my books, an obsession with having abs for the sake of abs isn't really better for your mental health than an obsession with a thigh gap. Non-aesthetic goals like lifting a certain weight or being able to complete a certain task are a great thing to have, but that's separate from the rampant pursuit of fitness for solely your looks' sake.

    I know I am quoting a lot but there are a lot of great posts in here but THIS ^^ I agree with 1000%.
  • dym123
    dym123 Posts: 1,670 Member
    Whenever someone calls me skinny, I want to punch them in the neck.

    One of my biggest pet peeves is hearing people say, "when such and such happens, then I'm gonna start working out or eating better". The other day a woman at my office learned that her department wasn't going to move to another location, she was happy because "now I can starting working on losing weight". I wanted to say "what makes today any different from yesterday?"

    Another pet peeve is the weightloss deadline. Weightloss doesn't have a timetable, it will take as long as it takes.
  • bobbiejof33
    I am sure this has been said on here, but I have to reiterate: ANYTHING DOCTOR OZ SAYS!!!! Everytime I turn around there is another dr oz thing or he says that berry will make you shed 20lb while you sleep. COMMON!!!!! If it sounds to good to be true, it usually is!!!!!!!!!!!!!! UGGGG
    Rant over :) (for now!)
  • jdb3388
    jdb3388 Posts: 239 Member
    Has anyone mentioned Dr Oz yet?

  • Tinkerbell1988
    Tinkerbell1988 Posts: 22 Member
    people posting the just can't eat up to 1200 calories because they are so full...then how did you get 80lbs overweight

  • Tebroda
    Tebroda Posts: 5 Member
    Any new fad that has already been proven false. THIS time said fad will be true, I swear! The latest one I was told is that a friend of a friend's cousin (reliable source, of course!) lost 10 lbs by simply grinding their own pepper. Apparently, factory-ground pepper has more dust in it than actual pepper, thus leading to weight gain??? I didn't have the heart to tell her that spice factories usually seal their equipment from the surroundings, and better yet, I have been grinding my own pepper for over 10 years with a modest weight GAIN in that time. Unfortunately, she also uses the word detox lots and promotes the new fad shake line too :(
  • jasminecoco
    jasminecoco Posts: 50 Member
    I don't really have any pet peeves because I am the pet peeves... no willpower, envy people who are "skinny", always complaining why can't I lose weight, believe all those Youtube celebrities commenting on workout and healthy eating. At least I am trying to learn, not everybody knows how it feels like to be successful in losing weight, eating healthy, or even what Paleo diet or who Dr. Oz is... I guess people like me just have to go through the phase of being curious and confused, and then learn to shut up and work out hard.
  • willrun4bagels
    willrun4bagels Posts: 838 Member
    I'll tell you my secret: THERE IS NO BLEEPING SECRET! Caloric deficit = math. more out than in. 250 calories or rabbit food = 250 calories of Cheetos. TDEE, BMR, take the stairs, move that *kitten*. Rinse and repeat.

    I LOL'ed when I read that. So true!
  • zaniazong
    zaniazong Posts: 10 Member

    people posting the just can't eat up to 1200 calories because they are so full...then how did you get 80lbs overweight

    I can answer this one - you don't need to actually like food to get overweight. You may just be obsessed with sweets. I'd often have nothing but 3 slices of cake, a bar of chocolate and a big pack of m&m's throughout the day. This and a total lifestyle change (from an active working person to a lazy housewife) made me put on a lot of weight.

    Now that I'm trying to lose weight I have to make myself eat NORMAL food. Sure I'd have no problems getting the 1200cal (or double/triple that) with sweets but I want to make healthier choices and so sometimes I have to force myself to eat something that, although tastes alright, doesn't give me as much pleasure as chocolate :)
  • jdb3388
    jdb3388 Posts: 239 Member

    people posting the just can't eat up to 1200 calories because they are so full...then how did you get 80lbs overweight

    I can answer this one - you don't need to actually like food to get overweight. You may just be obsessed with sweets. I'd often have nothing but 3 slices of cake, a bar of chocolate and a big pack of m&m's throughout the day. This and a total lifestyle change (from an active working person to a lazy housewife) made me put on a lot of weight.

    Now that I'm trying to lose weight I have to make myself eat NORMAL food. Sure I'd have no problems getting the 1200cal (or double/triple that) with sweets but I want to make healthier choices and so sometimes I have to force myself to eat something that, although tastes alright, doesn't give me as much pleasure as chocolate :)

    That won't make you regular fat, that will make you really weak, and skinny-fat.
  • _lyndseybrooke_
    _lyndseybrooke_ Posts: 2,561 Member
    Dang! You guys brought my attention to the term "journey" and now I'm noticing how often it's used here. Now I'M annoyed by it. Add that onto the list. :)
  • Hornsby
    Hornsby Posts: 10,322 Member

    people posting the just can't eat up to 1200 calories because they are so full...then how did you get 80lbs overweight

    I can answer this one - you don't need to actually like food to get overweight. You may just be obsessed with sweets. I'd often have nothing but 3 slices of cake, a bar of chocolate and a big pack of m&m's throughout the day. This and a total lifestyle change (from an active working person to a lazy housewife) made me put on a lot of weight.

    Now that I'm trying to lose weight I have to make myself eat NORMAL food. Sure I'd have no problems getting the 1200cal (or double/triple that) with sweets but I want to make healthier choices and so sometimes I have to force myself to eat something that, although tastes alright, doesn't give me as much pleasure as chocolate :)

    But it's healthier to eat 800 calories of whatever you are considering healthy and 400 in candy for a total of 1200 than it is to only eat 800.
  • zaniazong
    zaniazong Posts: 10 Member

    But it's healthier to eat 800 calories of whatever you are considering healthy and 400 in candy for a total of 1200 than it is to only eat 800.

    I'm sure it is but it's a bit like alcoholic having a drink....having said that I do go for treats every now and then. Anyway, not to derail the pet peeves thread, I'm sure I'll find my way to up the calories without going berserk on sugar :D

    And as for what gets on my tits re weight loss, it's people expecting a quick fix with little effort.