Need some support and to be a supporter

Approaching that "50" mark in September! I'm relatively decent looking but the weight gain has put me up 30 lbs past where I need to be. I work out, I have tried to do weight watchers again but I don't like the new program. My latest - I'm cutting way down on carbs. That worked as long as I was working out 5 days a week. I actually lost 5 lbs. I started a new job where I can work out at lunch, so that's a bonus, but the weight won't budge. Don't tell me it's my age - I don't want to hear anyone's road blocks!
I have 13 yr old twin boys. I'm very active. I don't eat junk, I like my good food.
My average day consists of a protein shake in the morning, a piece of fruit, for lunch ff turkey etc etc and dinner is the standard fish or 4 oz of meat. There is nothing BIG I can do to change up my intake. HELP!


  • JulieE1002
    JulieE1002 Posts: 162 Member
    Hi! :) I recently turned 50 and decided it was time to take control of my weight. I began my new lifestyle the beginning of this year - I was so tired of being sick and tired all the time! I couldn't walk up the stairs without being out of breath; I couldn't do a sit-up, jumping jack or push-up. Then I started reading about nutrition and exercise. I make it a point every single day to move my body somehow. Some days I workout for up to 90 minutes and other days I may just workout for 20 minutes. But what has worked for me is using MFP. The fact that I have to diary every morsel of food that goes into my mouth keeps me accountable to myself. Another thing I would suggest if you're not currently doing it - measure that food! When I hit a small plateau I couldn't figure out why until I decided one night to measure a piece of chicken - what I thought was a "portion" was not! Another suggestion is to change up your regular meal routine - shake it up by completely changing the foods that you are eating at your meal/snack times. I've eated dinner food for breakfast (grilled chicken & baked potato), and had breakfast for dinner (scrambled egg whites and fruit)! Sometimes it's just the smallest things that can make the biggest difference. Good luck! Keep it up!
  • Hi, how long have you been on that diet ? the human body is a remarkable piece of engineering but a little on the stupid side, my advice would be cheat, I found that reducing my intake worked but stopped very quickly, by cheating one day a week it resets your weight loss counter and worked for me. add me if you like and we can discus further. Good Luck
  • wrenegade64
    wrenegade64 Posts: 410 Member
    Well wadda you 50th B-day is this October and I intend on having 75 lbs gone by then....LETS DO THIS!!!!