Post Pregnancy Weight Loss - Need motivation



  • SuperTiredMom
    SuperTiredMom Posts: 172 Member
    My 4th is almost 5 months old. After I had him, I went right back to pre-pregnancy weight just from nursing, but during labor, I'd torn a ligament in my leg and had a really bad recovery where I couldn't move very well and my husband went back to work so I was cooking too much processed junk because it was hard to stand in front of the stove. I packed 25 pounds back on over 3 months.Since healing, I started MFP, calorie counting and doing 45 minutes cardio at least 5-6 days a week. I'm now 13 pounds away from pre-pregnancy weight and I have another 34 to go after that.
  • cloverfield4
    cloverfield4 Posts: 52 Member
    No longer BF, but I've got a 4 year old and 18 month old. Just now getting around to losing the weight from the 18 month old. :embarassed:

    Feel free to add me if you want mommy friends! Good luck, and kudos to you for diving into MFP! I've seen plenty of BF mommies around who are having good results. :heart:
  • mmgreen35121
    I have a handsome little man who will be 14 weeks tomorrow and this is baby #2 and the last so I am trying to really get it in gear since we are done with kids and I know I won't be getting pregnant again. Also, I am on BP meds and had Gestational Diabetes and so weight loss is extremely important for me, so I need motivation too!
  • OliviaVoul
    OliviaVoul Posts: 1 Member
    Hi there!! I am a new mom too, needing to lose the extra weight that I gained during (and after) pregnancy! To be honest I gained most of it after I returned home from hospital cause I ate everything that contained sugar, like crazy. It was also Christmas period so we always had sweets or chocolate in our fridge. I am breastfeeding only, and it doesn't help to control my cravings!

    Now I need to lose all the excess weight. I was 55kg when I got pregnant and preparing to get married, then the baby came and the wedding was postponed till next September! I had already bought the wedding dress (which I have to wear in September!!!). Mommies feel free to add me, friends are always needed to stay focused!!! :)
  • aleenazaz
    aleenazaz Posts: 24
    Thank you , I will definitely join the group. I have a 3 month old and breastfeeding ...
  • kikif617
    kikif617 Posts: 69 Member
    Hello everyone. I had a c-section back in 2010, and then another one in late 2012. I went back to my pre-pregnancy weight immediately thereafter (although I was trying to lose weight before even getting pregnant). So basically I'm trying to get down to the weight I was before I ever got pregnant in 2010 which was 121 lbs. I don't want to be that small again. I looked my best at 135 so that is my goal weight at this point, but I would certainly be happy with 140. I'm currently 159 and not very happy about it. I did not breastfed any of my children though.

    We can all do this ladies. It will take work, but lets motivate each other to stay on track, and we can do this journey together.
  • elodia83
    elodia83 Posts: 4 Member
    Hi, I am 3 months postpartum I have lost 15 pounds but I still have 35 more yo go.. I am really worry about my tummy and my breasts because they are bigger now.. Feel free to add me :-)
  • SamsyQueen
    SamsyQueen Posts: 5 Member
    I am a year post pregnancy now and have lost over 30 pounds, about half way to my goal. I also waited until my little bundle of energy was eating a good supply of solid food because I did not want to have my milk supply dry up. I am still breast feeding in the morning and at night, and he is not showing any signs of wanting to wean from that yet. I will begin to wean him at 18 months or so if he is still showing no interest in weaning on his own.

    I began working out at lunch at work because it can be so hard to do at home after work. We take lots of walks on non rainy days and I am looking forward to this summer when we can be outside most of the time! Yoga at home does seem to work well for both of us. He crawls all over me and I have added resistance!!!