Losing Pounds but Not Inches...=(

Hello Everyone,

This is my first forum post. I have been using MFP regularly for about 2 months now. I have lost about 11 pounds which is great, but I am not noticing any difference in how my clothes fit. It has started to become a little discouraging. The scale says I'm losing, but I don't really feel or look like I've lost anything. Am I being too impatient? For those of you who have lost a lot, when did you start to see a change in the way your clothes fit? Is that different for everyone?

I could use some encouragement, I still have 73 pounds to lose!


  • caitconquersweight
    caitconquersweight Posts: 316 Member
    Omg me too. We should friend each other, because our goals are about the same lol.

    I got back into MFP at the end of January. I've lost 10 pounds since then, and my measurements haven't budged. I'm guessing we need to wait a bit long to see a difference.
  • Very_Kerri
    Very_Kerri Posts: 44 Member
    I have about 125 more pounds to lose and am only down 26 so far. I didn't notice a difference until just now. I only just went down a pant size. The scale is nice to me thankfully but I don't really look any different to me. I assume it is because I have a lot to lose but that just may be me.
  • chasetwins
    chasetwins Posts: 702 Member
    It took awhile before I went to my next pants size when i first started. I basically started in february of 2013 and did not switch down a size until june / july of 2013. Granted at the end of June - they were falling off of me lol However before that point the next size did not fit right yet. Went from 16 to 14
    I then did not switch size again until mid winter to a 12..I am now slowly switching into the next lower size (10) again but still fit good in most of my 12's.

    Have patience ;) I too got discouraged about losing weight and not size jeans :/ You will get there and it will be pure bliss until you have to buy a new wardrobe all over again for a newer size haha - that does get old believe it or not even when you see the $ was wasted for a great cause!
  • thesaraaah
    thesaraaah Posts: 17 Member
    I started to lose weight in my upper chest and shoulders first. It was hardly noticeable until I lost around 15lbs. 25lbs in and my clothes fit different now but haven't really lost any inches in my belly yet. Bodies are strange, just keep going and you'll get there.
  • swsays
    swsays Posts: 125 Member
    Hang in there and keep at it - the inches will come. I think plus sized clothes are cut in a way that weightloss maybe isn't real noticeable at first - plus the more we have to lose, the longer it might take for the first noticeable downsize. My upper body has changed a lot faster than my lower body too. Just keep at it and revel in the scale victories and the other non-inches victories for the time being!
  • PunkyDucky
    PunkyDucky Posts: 283 Member
    You could be losing in areas that you're not measuring OR you're prob losing muscle mass OR it could be water weight.
  • ruffnstuff
    ruffnstuff Posts: 400 Member
    Here's the straight deal - 11 lbs out of a 99 lb goal is not a huge chunk...YET. It's a GREAT start, so toss the impatience and know you are doing something right. I have lost about 57 lbs total from my last summer's weight, probably somewhere in the 40-45 lbs to go department. Obviously very noticeable now. Remember, though, usually the bigger you are to start, the more lbs it will take to see in the mirror. Start at 140 and down to 129...you'll notice fast in your clothes. In my experience, the smaller I am, the quicker I get down to the next size jeans (started in very very tight 18 - lets just call it 20, and am now in loose 14, almost ready for 12). Took the most amount of lbs to move to being able to breath in the 18s, then down to 16s.

    Good luck!
  • JaysWays
    JaysWays Posts: 77 Member
    Its different for everyone! Don't get discouraged you should be proud of yourself. For losing the weight you have already.Keep on going along on your journey loose another 11 pounds I'm sure you will notice a difference. Never put a number on it though. Just keep eating healthy, and find yourself a good workout program to do. Stay motivated. Really take one good look at yourself naked at the beginning of each month. Then keep doing that every month. The same date. You will be proud of yourself when you look in the mirror. Don't ever look down at the scale. Look at your beautiful body that God has blessed you with. Here if you need any other advice or tips
  • dawlschic007
    dawlschic007 Posts: 636 Member
    You're doing great so far! Don't be discouraged. The inches will come off soon enough. I tend to find that I lose inches when I don't lose pounds. It helps to keep track of both so you know you are making progress.
  • krennie8
    krennie8 Posts: 301 Member
    I started at 172, now 160, would like to be 130. It's been very slow to see inches. I haven't had anyone tell me I look like I lost weight (except one friend but she knew I was dieting). Just this last week (and pound) was the first time I felt it was necessary to wear a belt with my pants. And I still don't think it's required but it helps!

    Basically though it depends on how you gain weight. If you gained all over, it will come off all over so your clothes won't change as quick as they would say if you carried most of your excess weight on your lower half.
  • melissat888250
    melissat888250 Posts: 79 Member
    I've been losing weight for about 9 months now (yes, I slacked off for a few months in there!) but I just went home last weekend and my mom and sister said they noticed a difference between me now and me at the holidays. I'd say averaged out I've lost 15-17 pounds between now and when I started last July, but I think I've lost most of them in the last three months. I've started exercising regularly and it's making a difference. I also got a more reliable scale than the one I was using before.

    If you're losing muscle that would explain the reduction in weight but not overall size, since muscle is heavier and fat takes up more space.

    I believe I read that people who see you regularly don't notice weight changes until you hit 30 pounds or so, so don't get discouraged! I've lost weight but I haven't lost a size yet. I'm hoping that will change in the next two months :) I'm hoping to get to 150 lbs for my birthday 5/28 and possibly down to 140 over the following 20 weeks (reducing to .5 lb./wk loss).
  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    I can't seem to lose pounds and inches at the same time. I lost about 10 pounds with no change but then started exercising. weight loss slowed to less than 1/2 pound a week but my pants started falling off. Everyone is different.
  • kjo9692
    kjo9692 Posts: 430 Member
    I didn't start losing like after the first 15 pounds. The first 10 I believe were water weight. You'll get there, that's a great start!
  • Asherah29
    Asherah29 Posts: 354 Member
    10 pound weight loss here so far... only lost 2 inches combined on waist and hips and a stunning FIVE inches on my chest. Maybe your measuring in the wrong places!
  • oneloopygirl
    oneloopygirl Posts: 151 Member
    You're still pretty early in your journey given what you say you've got left to lose. Keep going. You will see it in inches. It just takes time. I think I'd lost 15 or 20 pounds before I really noticed when I first started my journey a few years ago (prior to MFP). Now, that I'm maintaining, I can tell a difference in how things fit and feel if I fluctuate more than a couple of pounds.
  • Grumpsandwich
    Grumpsandwich Posts: 368 Member
    I actually looked up this issue when i started to lose and it was about 1 inch per 10 pounds but the first few weeks/month you are building muscle if working out while dieting so may not decrease right away.
    Ive noticed my hips havent changed in measurement in SEVERAL months BUT now i have a raised firmer, rounder booty and a smaller stomach.
  • klkateri
    klkateri Posts: 432 Member
    17lbs down, 1 pant size down, 16 inches lost from my body overall and I haven't noticed a damned thing either... and no one around me has either!!

    I posted pics on here at -15lbs and that was the only time I saw a change but other than that, nothing. O, my seatbealt on my car fits better and my favorite jeans no longer fit but I look the same and usually I lose weight first in my face but not this time so I think that's a sign that there is something more going on. (Toning up, and losing actual fat and not just water)

    It'll happen. I think part of losing weight and reshaping your body is to learn patience... which I have none of but I think that's one of the lessons we have to learn on this journey.
  • Omg me too. We should friend each other, because our goals are about the same lol.

    I got back into MFP at the end of January. I've lost 10 pounds since then, and my measurements haven't budged. I'm guessing we need to wait a bit long to see a difference.

    Let's be friends :) You have done an incredible job! 29lbs! That;s awesome! I have never lost that much weight, hopefully I will eventually :)
  • Wow! Thanks everyone for the encouraging words. :)

    Everyone is on such different places in their journey, but such positivity (maybe I should've tried the forums earlier!)

    I have started a running program (Couch 2 5K) if anyone has heard of it, its awesome! Also I have a Fitbit and I try to reach my goals every day. VERY worth the money, in case your wondering and you need that extra motivation! AND the best thing is that they all sync with MFP! :)

    If anyone wants to be friends send me a request :)
  • 17lbs down, 1 pant size down, 16 inches lost from my body overall and I haven't noticed a damned thing either... and no one around me has either!!

    I posted pics on here at -15lbs and that was the only time I saw a change but other than that, nothing. O, my seatbealt on my car fits better and my favorite jeans no longer fit but I look the same and usually I lose weight first in my face but not this time so I think that's a sign that there is something more going on. (Toning up, and losing actual fat and not just water)

    It'll happen. I think part of losing weight and reshaping your body is to learn patience... which I have none of but I think that's one of the lessons we have to learn on this journey.

    You are totally right about the patience! I am going to have to learn that. I think we are all so used to instant gratification and you just don't have that when you are losing weight. Although I do feel better and stronger, so that is a little gratifying. :)