Biggest nutrition/weight loss/fitness pet peeves?



  • Amandawith3kids
    Amandawith3kids Posts: 367 Member

    people posting the just can't eat up to 1200 calories because they are so full...then how did you get 80lbs overweight

    I can answer this one - you don't need to actually like food to get overweight. You may just be obsessed with sweets. I'd often have nothing but 3 slices of cake, a bar of chocolate and a big pack of m&m's throughout the day. This and a total lifestyle change (from an active working person to a lazy housewife) made me put on a lot of weight.

    i gained 20 pounds from a wicked poptart addiction. i ate almost nothing but poptarts for about 3 months. gained weight, skin was horrible, i had no energy, was depressed, and overall miserable.
  • benlambrou
    benlambrou Posts: 42 Member
    1. I hate all the supplement adds that now pop up on my webpages. I eat food, not magical powders and pills.

    2. I hate even though I lost around 40lbs since i started loosing weight I am still big enough (cw=291lbs) where people think they should suggest I could loose a few lbs or start going to a gym. Seriously?
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    1. "I have an event/holiday/graduation/wedding coming up in 2 months/3 weeks/6 hours, how do I lose 40 lbs by then?" Followed by the inevitable anger that people are rude, unsupportive, and mean for saying that it's unrealistic, impossible, and no, you don't have the body of a fitness model hiding under the excess 40 lbs and just losing the weight won't give you the results you want. Then the pile on from the lurkers about how everyone is mean, followed by a dramatic OP exit or rage quit.

    2. Agony and suffering for weight loss. Whether it's eliminating foods or food groups for no reason, eating 1200 calories because you think you have to when the math doesn't support it, or just making things harder than they need to be.

    3. Gremlins. Never consume anything after midnight/9pm/8pm/6pm even if you have 700 calories left to hit your daily goal or you'll gain weight. Even though a logical glance at third shift workers would indicate it's a myth. I still haven't figured out how gremlins reconcile time zones and the rotation of Earth - are all the people on the other side of the world overweight in this line of thinking because they are eating after 8 pm local time?

    4. Chocolate is not calorie free.
  • tigerblue
    tigerblue Posts: 1,526 Member
    People who tell me that 1200 calories isn't enough - I've done the calculator - I'm short, I'm not that active and I'm not 21 anymore- the number I get is 1228 for 'fat loss' sedentary. If I don't do any exercise that is what I am supposed to eat. Yes I eat back when I exercise, but don't assume everyone is the same. You know what assume means......

    This!! I even had one person admit that she had more lean body mass than I have entire body weight. But she still couldn't get her mind around the fact that I maintain at just over 1500 cals and have to eat under 1300 to lose. And that is when I am exercising. When I don't exercise the numbers are even lower! It is hard enough to deal with these facts without lots of people telling me I am starving myself. The calculators don't lie.
  • dakotababy
    dakotababy Posts: 2,406 Member
    My biggest pet peeve is when others go onto the latest bandwagon/fad diet. EX - Gluten free.

    Little do they know....
  • Amandawith3kids
    Amandawith3kids Posts: 367 Member

    people posting the just can't eat up to 1200 calories because they are so full...then how did you get 80lbs overweight

    I can answer this one - you don't need to actually like food to get overweight. You may just be obsessed with sweets. I'd often have nothing but 3 slices of cake, a bar of chocolate and a big pack of m&m's throughout the day. This and a total lifestyle change (from an active working person to a lazy housewife) made me put on a lot of weight.

    i gained 20 pounds from a wicked poptart addiction. i ate almost nothing but poptarts for about 3 months. gained weight, skin was horrible, i had no energy, was depressed, and overall miserable.
  • dreams4sale
    1. I have a thigh gap
    2. I did not strive for it
    3. I'm perfectly f***ing sexy with my thigh gap, this thigh gap runs miles and miles every week, and it does weighted pack work outs that most people couldn't imagine doing
    4. You can be "fit" and "skinny"
    5. Your preference for what is sexy means nothing to the rest of the world

    That being said, my biggest pet peeve is people not reracking the weights. Didn't mom ever tell you to put away your toys??
  • A_Fit_Mom
    A_Fit_Mom Posts: 602 Member
    My biggest pet peeve is seeing my facebook friends trying the latest fad diet. I wish I could just tell them. NO....just exercise and eat right. That is all you have to do. But I don't want to sound like a know it I just keep my mouth shut.

    But if they ask what my "secret" is, I always say that I have never done a fad diet or have taken any pills...just exercise, water and watching what I ate. So I take that opportunity to give them a hint to not do the crazy stuff.
  • Cheechos
    Cheechos Posts: 293
    Additional commentary on the "I can't eat more than 1200 calories" thing: A lot of bigger people (myself included) got to be overweight because they weren't paying attention to their natural hunger cues and were eating a lot of calorie dense foods. Once you start to be hyper aware of what you're eating, you start noticing when you feel full and a lot of people get carried away with noticing that feeling. That, combined with the influx of salads and all of those low cal foods associated with that "new diet willpower" mean that a lot of those people are feeling fuller on less food (which is good!), but they're taking it to an extreme because they want to be "good" and focus on the carrots and the strawberries instead of mixing in the nuts, the meats, and other high cal foods that will up their daily counts. Once they realize they can incorporate higher calorie foods into their food intake without feeling guilty or nervous about a backslide they start to get the hang of it. I used to be one of those people and it took me a little while to understand that I needed to balance calorie dense foods with the low cal stuff to up my intake and not feel overfull at the same time. It might sound like a really simple conclusion to make, but obviously more people than you'd imagine get stuck on it.

    A pet peeve of mine: When you tell people you're going to start eating better and they suddenly start dictating to you all of the things you're "not allowed" to have. My mom does this all the time. Once she even yelled across the grocery store at me "YOU CAN'T HAVE THAT, REMEMBER???" when she saw me looking at some cake in the bakery section.
  • paperpudding
    paperpudding Posts: 9,088 Member

    Also, for some really odd reason, the word "veggie" is a pet peeve of mine. I have no idea why. Maybe because it's trying to be too cutesy? Like I have to be old pals with them and give them a nickname before I'll eat them? Nah, they are vegetables in my house.

    Please do not come to Australia - veggies is such common speech here - and so are other shortenings: Chrissie pressies, brekkie, kiddies, just to name a few off top of my head.

    You would be in perpetual state of annoyance here :laugh:
  • ninja8tofu
    ninja8tofu Posts: 76 Member
    LOSE vs. LOOSE

    OH SWEET LORD much.

    And also for me, cleanses.
  • Super_Amy
    Super_Amy Posts: 97 Member
    I get very, very angry if someone tries to coop my gym time. That is MY time.
  • Rocbola
    Rocbola Posts: 1,998 Member
    When the banner ad on MFP is for junk food.
  • RainbowSmiles123
    RainbowSmiles123 Posts: 23 Member
    had to Goggle it...WOW
  • seashell709
    seashell709 Posts: 123 Member
    the word "diet". when people found out i'm losing weight they ask what diet I"m doing. I'm eating anything I want but within my calories that MFP has set for me 1700. I tell them it's a lifestyle change not a diet!!! I think that any diet is a waste of time and teaches people not how to eat or properly lose weight. Once there off there diet they gain the weight back and wonder why.

    Some diets that drive me nuts
    1. fat flush diet
    2. HCG
    3. Military

    of course your going to lose weight your not eating enough and you body is eating you muscle and fat to keep it running!!!
  • Rhydiah
    Rhydiah Posts: 2
    My biggest pet peeve is seeing my facebook friends trying the latest fad diet. I wish I could just tell them. NO....just exercise and eat right. That is all you have to do. But I don't want to sound like a know it I just keep my mouth shut.

    Agreed! One of my husband's friends is constantly posting about the Paleo diet, and has been for a couple of years. If it works for you, that's great! But it obviously hasn't worked for him because every time I see him, he's gained quite a bit of weight. I don't have it in me to tell him he just needs to watch his calories. I also mentioned on Facebook how I've been doing this for a month and am very pleased with my slow and steady weight loss, and how happy I am that I have much more stamina when working out...No fad diets or wraps included. But I had this girl who sells wraps immediately leave a snarky comment about how great they are and how they're not about losing inches, even though she made sure to tell me she's lost 6 inches using them. But when I see her around, she looks the same. No way she lost that many inches!

    Also, people waaaay overestimating how many calories they burn when they work out. I think the highest I've seen so far was 1800 calories in one workout lol.
  • UnicornAmanda
    UnicornAmanda Posts: 294 Member
    weight loss "miracles"
    Dr Oz...see above
    body shaming women who do lift
    people posting the just can't eat up to 1200 calories because they are so full...then how did you get 80lbs overweight

    and most of what others have posted....

    I love this lol. This also pisses me off lol.
  • GertrudeHorse
    GertrudeHorse Posts: 646 Member
    Some of my pet peeves have already been mentioned in the thread already but I'm going to repeat them just because they are so bloody annoying.

    I hate:

    - When someone criticises anyone else's body size or shape (either current or ideal). That includes crap like "fit is the new skinny", which is just another way of telling women they can never be good enough.

    - When people body shame under the guise of being "concerned". Not your body? Not your business.

    - Anyone who thinks that fat people being happy with who they are is "glorifying obesity".

    - When someone thinks anorexic = skinny. Or that skinny = anorexic.

    - When people get into arguments about whether or not a thread is too argumentative.

    - When people make grossly simplistic comments that add nothing and don't provide helpful information. That includes repeating the mantra "calories in versus calories out". Yes, we know that is what it all boils down to. The difficulty is putting that into practice.

    - When people vastly overestimate their exercise burns.

    - When people use buzz-phrases like "this is a lifestyle not a diet",

    - People who advocate excluding whole food groups for non-medical reasons. Or deamonising particular food groups.

    - Mostly everything associated with raw veganism.

    - Anyone using the words "detox", "cleanse" or "toxins".

    - Following fad diets like paleo, low carb, gluten free, clean eating, etc.

    - When people misuse the word "bullying".

    - The belief that weight loss is equivalent to increased health (and vice versa).

    - Recommended portion sizes on packaging. Two crackers is a portion?! You've got to be *kitten* kidding me!

    - When someone complains they "can't possibly force themselves" to eat more than 800-1100 calories per day because they are "so full" and "positively stuffed". Unless you're recovering from a restrictive ED it is actually not possible to be "full" from such a small amount of food. And if you do genuinely feel "full" you might wanna start ignoring your hunger cues and overriding them with some damn common sense.

    - People who write loose instead of lose. Think about it this way. When you lose weight you are getting rid of something. GET RID OF THE SECOND O. When your pants becomes loose they have extra space. EXTRA SPACE TO ADD A SECOND O.

    - Anyone thinking it is appropriate to comment on someone else's body size, weight loss, weight gain or food consumption.

    There are probably others, but that's enough venting for the time being :-)
  • amandastephens9003
    amandastephens9003 Posts: 33 Member
    Some of my pet peeves have already been mentioned in the thread already but I'm going to repeat them just because they are so bloody annoying.

    I hate:

    - When someone criticises anyone else's body size or shape (either current or ideal). That includes crap like "fit is the new skinny", which is just another way of telling women they can never be good enough.

    - When people body shame under the guise of being "concerned". Not your body? Not your business.

    - Anyone who thinks that fat people being happy with who they are is "glorifying obesity".

    - When someone thinks anorexic = skinny. Or that skinny = anorexic.

    - When people get into arguments about whether or not a thread is too argumentative.

    - When people make grossly simplistic comments that add nothing and don't provide helpful information. That includes repeating the mantra "calories in versus calories out". Yes, we know that is what it all boils down to. The difficulty is putting that into practice.

    - When people vastly overestimate their exercise burns.

    - When people use buzz-phrases like "this is a lifestyle not a diet",

    - People who advocate excluding whole food groups for non-medical reasons. Or deamonising particular food groups.

    - Mostly everything associated with raw veganism.

    - Anyone using the words "detox", "cleanse" or "toxins".

    - Following fad diets like paleo, low carb, gluten free, clean eating, etc.

    - When people misuse the word "bullying".

    - The belief that weight loss is equivalent to increased health (and vice versa).

    - Recommended portion sizes on packaging. Two crackers is a portion?! You've got to be *kitten* kidding me!

    - When someone complains they "can't possibly force themselves" to eat more than 800-1100 calories per day because they are "so full" and "positively stuffed". Unless you're recovering from a restrictive ED it is actually not possible to be "full" from such a small amount of food. And if you do genuinely feel "full" you might wanna start ignoring your hunger cues and overriding them with some damn common sense.

    - People who write loose instead of lose. Think about it this way. When you lose weight you are getting rid of something. GET RID OF THE SECOND O. When your pants becomes loose they have extra space. EXTRA SPACE TO ADD A SECOND O.

    - Anyone thinking it is appropriate to comment on someone else's body size, weight loss, weight gain or food consumption.

    There are probably others, but that's enough venting for the time being :-)

    Yep this is all mine too.... i also don't understand people that do juice cleanses for 10+ days, how do they not starve to death?
  • SbetaK
    SbetaK Posts: 388 Member
    Ha ha GertrudeHorse you have a lot of pet peeves! Hope it's not a reflection of your entire personality! (joking)

    My biggest turn-off is people, usually noobies, that post "HELP ME PLEEAAASSSEE!!!!!!!!!!' Before even reading their posts I cop an attitude that they are people with no willpower and full of excuses. Of course that is "profiling" and judgemental on my part, they genuinely are looking and needing advice. The way they ask just kinda turns me off.