When was your last straw that made you want to change?



  • BlackButterflyKS
    BlackButterflyKS Posts: 1 Member
    My daughter is turning 25 years old on Sunday and I am not getting any younger. It is time to start focusing on my health and well being. The extra pounds can no longer be considered baby weight after 25 years can they? I think not!
  • catherinemaxwell566
    I moved 5000 miles away from my family to attend college on a study abroad program and while skyping my 7 year old niece she blurted out "mummy and nanny think you're getting fat by the way" ... half funny half devastating , apparently all theyd said is im gaining a bit of weight apparently to eachother but my niece read fat lol. I knew id gained a bit but was in denial so I was like right its time!
  • roozielynne
    roozielynne Posts: 52 Member
    I have ridden the roller coaster of desires to fix my weight issues for at least 15 years.

    I too am an emotional eater. Especially when I am bored or stressed. And I am a natural worrier so you can imagine I am constantly stressed.

    My husband and I have had major marital issues in the last 5 years. We are working our way through them but in 2012 I had my entire marriage crumble around me and I am still trying to fully pick up the pieces of lost security and trust. (We are still together after a ton of therapy and communicating much better.)

    Anyways I recommitted about 5 weeks ago, as the reality of the future I didn't want suddenly became crystal clear in my mind to me as I realized that a trip I have been invited with my mom and aunt to Paris, France was going to happen. The trip involves lots of walking and a very long plane ride. I had visions of what that trip would be like at the current weight and physical activity scale I was at. And it scared the ****ens out of me. I don't want to take what will be a trip of a lifetime for me and squander it because I am to heavy! I want to make it worth the financial investment. I want to come back from that trip and say it was amazing and not once think I wish I would have done this or that but couldn't because I was to heavy or to out of shape physically!

    So 5 weeks later and I am on the right path, making smarter healthier food choices. Watching my calorie counts daily. Working out to get some physical activity. And finding myself 12 pounds lighter than when I started.

    I have a lot more to go but that is what is motivating me so far! Not to mention I like the way I feel when I am attempting to make a difference in my health rather than the self disgust I feel internally when I am stuffing my face on food!

    Awesome to read everyone's motivation! Thanks for starting the thread!
  • shoing
    shoing Posts: 114 Member
    My last straw was after school started this year and all I had felt like doing this summer was sit on the couch. I realized I'm missing out on life with my family. I want to be able to keep up with my kids and have fun! I started this journey at 223lbs. So 213 days later I am, 44lbs.less, 20 some inches less overall, going from a really tight 18-20 to a well fitting 12 (so far) & feeling SO Much better. As of this morning I was 178.8lb.
    This site was a God send that I really feel saved my life. I am a more confident person, I feel so much better about myself and I love myself again.
    :flowerforyou: Congratulations and good luck to everyone on this new life journey. Don't give up when things seem to slow down. Just stay confident try a different approach and start fresh. Happy Logging Everyone :drinker:
  • kristendeyell
    kristendeyell Posts: 80 Member
    Finding out my husband and I were infertile and starting my 5th year of supply teaching. I couldn't control anything else in my life, but I could control my weight. It was a release for me, a way to put all my negative energy and emotions into something concrete and positive.
  • kimberlymes
    My hips hurt. My body hurts at the end of the day. I am very emotional. I just want to feel good physically and emotionally.
  • briannashaw_
    briannashaw_ Posts: 59 Member
    In 2012, I was still in high school, and I was walking up the stairs and I fell and hit my head, and had to go to the doctor. They weighed me and measured me, and the doctor told me that I was obese. Of course, I didn't listen. Late last year, I just got tired of always feeling lethargic, having clothes not fit, and having to sleep in a certain position because I would be out of breath. I'm so glad that I've made this change, because everything is going great in my life. I'm the happiest I've ever been, and I'm almost the smallest I've been in a long time (I was a size 12 by the 7th grade, years ago). :smile:
  • debilang
    debilang Posts: 874 Member
    My SIL's recent stroke. She is rehabilitating...but...OMG...I had a mild heart attack in 2009...and vowed I would never have another one. I lost 10 lbs (a yo-yo lifetimer)...then gained it back after being off processed sugar for 6 months. Now I am following LCHF lifestyle..and it FITS me...doing well...Grain Brain was my jumpstart. My FAMILY...especially my GRANDS are my INSPIRATION :):) Good Luck on your Journey, Everyone!
  • DoctahJenn
    DoctahJenn Posts: 616 Member
    When I could FEEL my skin stretching. It hurt! I was having thyroid problems, and stressed and drepressed, and eating way too much junk. I lay down in bed one night, turned on my side, and my belly hurt, hanging to one side. That was it for me - I was determined to lose the weight and be comfortable - literally! - in my own skin.
  • 3mmmc
    3mmmc Posts: 4 Member
    Let's face it life is stressful. When I was younger I handled my stress better. Bad day at work I would watch Looney Toons, love up my cat, and beat myself up with a good workout. Marriage, kids, extended family, finances, and the unexpected, well here I am! Even after having a mini stroke years earlier and losing weight out of fear. I gained almost all of it back and justified it because "I'm a stress eater". Now back where I started, weight is up, bp is up, collesteral is up, and the stress isn't going any where. So am I waiting to have another stroke? Time to make changes before it's to late, wish me luck! I have had nearly 25 years of failure...
  • JonnyQwest
    JonnyQwest Posts: 174 Member
    Realizing that with sky high blood pressure (around 145/95 WITH meds!!), cholesterol at 290, on anti-anxiety meds and drinking EVERYDAY I was probably going to die before 50 and actually being resigned to my fate....a very scary place to be mentally! Thank GOD I finally snapped out of it and took control....I am now off all meds and I feel like I have been given a new lease on life, good to be happy again! I can't keep from smiling now, what a difference 11 weeks has made!!
  • thegasper
    Hitting 308 pounds.
    At 5'10'' and being a young adult female that is NOT. OKAY.

    And so here I am.
  • salvationsdying
    salvationsdying Posts: 205 Member
    I lost my job and started sitting at home. Then I started eating more and gained 50pounds. I've always been over weight but it was really outta hand. Then I stopped getting cycles and I thought I was pregnant again (I have a 2yr old) . Well 3 negitive test later I seen my dr. No pregnancy. 6 months later no cycle. So come to find it out my weight was causing issues and he said weight loss would help a great deal. He said I could end up diabetic and all kinda stuff. So I decided this time it was time to really do it
  • hkristine1
    hkristine1 Posts: 950 Member
    I used to wear suits a lot for work, but changed jobs 2 years ago and don't really wear suits all that often anymore. I needed to wear one about 2 months ago to a meeting and put on the one I had worn to interview for my current job. It DID NOT FIT... like, at all. ugh. I couldn't believe I could have gained that much weight in two years. I knew I needed to reverse the trend.
  • shapefitter
    shapefitter Posts: 900 Member
    Want to look fab at 50.
  • vixen_5ra
    I gained only around 6 or 7 kg (15 lbs) during both of my pregnancies. After the birth of my second son almost 2 years ago I had 67 kg (148 lbs), which is only a little bit over my OK weight. But in the next 8 or 10 months I gained 12 kg (26 lib) and some more since then...
    I started my life change 11 days ago with 80 kg (176 lbs) after 5 different people over last 6 months asked me or just assumed that I was pregnant... And I'm not, of course. :( I tried to not let it bother me, but then decided it's better to just do something about it... :)
  • AusEliza
    AusEliza Posts: 60 Member
    Definitley being called the fat one of my friend circle by a group of guys in high school. Man that hurt and I still use that as my motivation today.
  • kerricus
    kerricus Posts: 165 Member
    Turning 30 and realizing that I did not enjoy my youth because I was ashamed of how I look. I don't want to continue that trend and end up like my mother--65, overweight, and full of self-loathing.

    Before that, New Years Day 2011, I saw a photo of myself that I almost didn't recognize. I couldn't believe I was so big! I got lucky and got a job as a gardener and dropped 15lbs over the summer without noticing. But, in January 2013, I saw the scale going up again. Dropped close to 10lbs in 2013. Then gained it back over about 6 months. Now I'm on here for the long term.
  • The_1_Who_Knocks
    The_1_Who_Knocks Posts: 343 Member
    One day when I was at my absolute heaviest (274 pounds) I was telling a co-worker that my weight bounces up and down like Oprah Winfrey's, and that at one time not that long ago I was 206 pounds. She said "What are you now, 280?"

    Then it occurred to me that not only was I way overweight, but other people could actually tell how fat I was. I really looked as fat as what the scales said I was.

    I'm 184 now. The same co-worker is telling me I am getting too skinny now. LOL hater.
  • babyweightloser84
    babyweightloser84 Posts: 7 Member
    crying, with my fork in peanut butter chocolate cake! Feeling out of control!