Hello world of MFP, I've been hiding away for 3 months now! I have a question. FIRST THOUGH! A little background...

Hello everyone, I am a 22 year old university student who, 2 years ago, was diagnosed with PCOS. I had had it a while but the proper symptoms did not kick in until I had fully recovered from anorexia about seven years ago.
I am overweight. There's no way around that, I having tried to battle with my overweightness for many years now, I have a true appreciation for the slog that losing weight with PCOS is.

I have attempted MFP on many occasions in the past and subsequently failed. I had lots of friends on my old account who were losing multiple lbs a week while my body seemed determined to cling to every last lb of fat I had, which I am sure others with PCOS can relate to.

At Christmas 2013, I decided enough was enough 2014 was my year to change. I've been here 3 months now and have slowly managed to lose 9lbs. I have had the support of my mother who has been losing weight alongside me.
I am 100% committed and devoted, I wanted to be sure of it before I started adding people to my friends list. It's a painfully slow journey and I still have quite a way to go before I reach my first, second and third goal.

So I have a simple request?
-Dramatically extends arms out towards the MFP community-
PCOS or not, join me in this epic battle against the fat?


  • I have PCOS as well and I have struggled significantly; I have been a member of MFP for a few years and I have not seemed to find a way to stay on my path to success! I am starting over again as well and I hope we both are successful on this journey to a healthy lifestyle. I know you can do it and I will be here to support you! Good luck!