


  • FindingAmy77
    FindingAmy77 Posts: 1,268 Member
    hey I found a way to eat carrots and it is yummy. bake them in the oven like French fries.. I was so surprised at how good and sweet they tasted. I only used cooking spray and a little salt and it was like fries. my husband and I both loved them. I hate carrots. it was his suggestion and it was actually good. I guess I wished I like that hummus crap. or chick peas for that matter. but no too yucky
  • HealthyishWithMaggieG
    HealthyishWithMaggieG Posts: 397 Member
    I wish I liked the taste of carrots more. They are easy to find year round and easy to take to work .. My problem is I always want to dip them into dressing!! LoL

    What's the food that you wished you liked to eat, but just dont?

    I'm picky about carrots as well. The only ones I like eating are the bunched ones. They are sweeter, more tender and not bitter. If you haven't tried them already, it may be worth a try.
    Nothing wrong with dipping your veggies in dressing. Just choose a low calorie one.

    I wish I enjoyed squash. It's so readily available in so many varieties in the winter. I've tried quite a few but the only one that tastes okay is spaghetti squash.

    I love carrots, but yes, they can be bitter sometimes. The thing I've found is that organic carrots taste waaaaay better than regular carrots.
  • Mangopickle
    Mangopickle Posts: 1,509 Member
    Steak and kidney pie. I got a forkful almost to my mouth and I got a whiff of it. I am normally extremely adventurous with food-for heaven's sake ,I've eaten Balut (trust me, you don't want to know). But this classic dish was an absolute no go. If you googled Balut, I warned you you didn't want to know, now that you have that image in your brain.
  • HealthyishWithMaggieG
    HealthyishWithMaggieG Posts: 397 Member
    My heart is breaking as I read through this. Except for the couple things I haven't tried, I love everything that all y'all hate.
  • UandI1985
    UandI1985 Posts: 55 Member
    1. Corn. Any kind, corn on the cob, canned, chowder, creamed corn (GAAAAAAAAAG), Just the smell makes me want to die. I don't mind little pieaces in rice or a stir fry, but just as a stand alone...Y.U.C.K!

    2. Mushy apples-texture. I love the crispy red-dels though

    3. Cantaloupe and sometimes honeydew-Texture and smell

    4. Water chestnut-same reason I hate mushy apples.

    5. Spray cheese...I can't even..

    6. Doritos/Nachos/Fritos...Just the smell. But I do LOOOOVE my cheetos..:)
  • mjamora1
    mjamora1 Posts: 3
    Celery!! I can't stand it. People think its so funny and always say "it has no flavor." Oh how wrong you are!! If I order something at a restaurant and it event has celery salt or flavoring it makes me sick!! I wish I could eat celery and peanut butter. I remember loving it when I was a kid, but no more :).
  • RaggedyAnnazon
    RaggedyAnnazon Posts: 183 Member
    Raw Celery, spinach, tofu, almond milk. For everything but spinach it's the flavor, but for spinach the texture drives me nuts, I don't like it ANY way. But I want to eat it.