Hey there! Looking for people in my age range to be MFP friends with (in the 20s). I need more friends to support me and at the same time, I wish to offer some support as well. Anyone interested?


  • pikaboooo
    pikaboooo Posts: 54

    I was litearlly just about to type up a friend finding post too just now lolol!

    But saw this as i was gonna start a new post so thoguht id stop by and greet u

  • spirit095
    spirit095 Posts: 1,017 Member
    Hi! I'm in my mid-20s, but I'm always cool for more friends :)
  • sending out friend requests now :)
  • AndietheGreat13
    AndietheGreat13 Posts: 39 Member
    I'm 21 :) sent you a request!
  • thanks :)
  • eduke17
    eduke17 Posts: 1
    Hey All!

    Name is Lizzie. Just started too and looking for people to keep me motivated! Drop me a request :)
  • smad1705
    smad1705 Posts: 2

    The name's Damien (french speaker), 26. I've been trying to get going again, decided this time I needed some people to motivate me and kick my *kitten* from now and then...

    Requests are welcome as well :-)
  • icastro25
    icastro25 Posts: 16 Member
    Hey I'm 23 and always looking for motivation on line. I've found having friends on MFP really helps. I mostly just log my workouts, but am trying to do better with my food as well!
  • I'm don't suppose I'm technically a 20-something... I'm a 20-nothing? Haha, in any case, I'm 20 :)
  • Hey, I'm 22
    Add me up good :)
  • jijita55
    jijita55 Posts: 14
    Hi, I'm not 20 yet...(I'm 18) :-) if you want you can add me!!
  • I'm 19, but I turn 20 in may. :p Nursing student. Tired of hating my body. I need support and motivation. ♡
  • SergeantNarwhal
    SergeantNarwhal Posts: 116 Member
    I'm 22!! Y'alls can friend me if ya want, my diary is open to friends.
  • DanielleLCook
    DanielleLCook Posts: 22 Member
    Hey all, I'm 21 in the UK and always love new friends
  • smithed812
    smithed812 Posts: 289
    24 here :) always like having new pals
  • haylslade
    haylslade Posts: 22
    26 :) UK
  • potatotofries
    potatotofries Posts: 7 Member
    hi! I'm 21. let's motivate each other!!
  • Hey I'm Nat, and I'm 20! Add me and we can work together:) xxx
  • Sweetie_darling
    Sweetie_darling Posts: 123 Member

    I'm Carly and I'm 24, 25 in a few days....

    Feel free to add me guys

  • Hello,everyone :P
    I signed today and I'm planning to start and finish this journey successfully!
    21yrs old,student
    soo if u want a new pal- here I am ^__^