Sweet Tea



  • tmm_0127
    tmm_0127 Posts: 545 Member
    I loved sweet tea until I moved to North Carolina for university. D: Mostly because it tasted more like dirty dish water than anything else (in the university cafeterias).

    You should try making it with honey (sweeten it while it's still hot / before chilling it) or stevia instead of regular sugar. It obviously won't taste the same, but everything takes some getting used to and you'll be cutting your sugar in take. :)
  • Edmond_Dantes
    Edmond_Dantes Posts: 185 Member
    Cut it down as best you can. If you make it yourself, reduce sugar by 1/4 and use Stevia or artifical sweetener, then gradually lower sugar further and increase sweetener. Concentrated sugars can wreak havoc on your triglycerides and hormones.

    If you buy it, gradually water it down and drink less.
  • anyamb
    anyamb Posts: 52 Member
    I'm the same way, but I drink green tea (to help boost metabolism) and it's so bitter I have to have it sweet. I use Stevia in the Raw now.

    1) Green tea won't have any real effect on 'boosting your metabolism'
    2) If your green tea is bitter, try making it with off-the-boil water (or add some cold water to the cup first). It shouldn't be bitter when you make it, but often people use freshly boiled water and scorch the tea leaves.

    ^This. If you let your water cool for about 2-3 minutes once it's reached a boil and then pour it over the leaves, it shouldn't be bitter. Maybe a little "grassy" depending on the type of leaves, but not bitter.
  • kaned_ferret
    kaned_ferret Posts: 618 Member
    What is sweet tea? for 250 calories it sounds like it's a specific recipe rather than just a cuppa with milk and two i'm guessing?

    I personally love my herbal teas, twinings do a camomile and maple that is naturally sweet without needing any extra sugar, and only 2 calories for a mug so works well for me :)
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member
    What is sweet tea? for 250 calories it sounds like it's a specific recipe rather than just a cuppa with milk and two i'm guessing?

    I personally love my herbal teas, twinings do a camomile and maple that is naturally sweet without needing any extra sugar, and only 2 calories for a mug so works well for me :)

    It is a Southern US thing:

  • bsmcdonald0513
    bsmcdonald0513 Posts: 15 Member
    What is sweet tea?! God's gift to man. I could also drink a gallon a day, but I save it for my once weekly meal at Grandma's. Just like everything else, moderation!
  • amy8400
    amy8400 Posts: 478 Member
    I am so used to unsweetened tea that if I drink sweet tea it about puts me into a sugar coma. That stuff is powerful sweet!