Calories burned for beginning runner?

I'm trying to log my running into my workouts, but I honestly have no idea how fast I'm going. I'm brand new to this, I'm asthmatic (triggered by exercise, but I try to control it by walking) and my shoes are awful. I can jog for about five minutes, take a minute break to walk, five minute jog, one minute walk, and one last five minute jog before I'm spent. Saving up for the shoes first, but after that I'd love to get a tracker (app or otherwise), but for now all I can do is guess.

On the exercise database my option for the running that seems most applicable is: Running (jogging), training: 133 calories for 15 minutes... does that sound about correct for a beginner? I'm 5'4'', 110lbs, female.


  • wendopia
    wendopia Posts: 7
    Do you know the distance you are doing, if so, you can use this pace calculator to find out your speed.
  • It depends how fast you are running as well as your weight.

    The faster and heavier you weigh, then the more calories you burn.

    If you run 5 miles an hour, then I would say you burn around 110 calories in 15 mins.
  • samamps88
    samamps88 Posts: 52
    The great thing about running is it doesnt actually change no matter how fast you run because the faster you can run generally the more efficient you are and so the less you burn time wise but you will run further in the same time.

    It does change depending on your weight however due to normal reasons, but as a rule if you know how far you go it is roughly 100 calories per mile.

    If you dont know how far then a good guess would be you are doing 10-15minute/miles so yeh agreed 100-110 per 15 mins is about right
  • If you have a smartphone get "MapMyFitness" app. It records your run using GPS and tells you your speed and number of calories burned. And you can connect it with your MyFitnessPall app. :)
  • MeanderingMammal
    MeanderingMammal Posts: 7,866 Member
    I'm trying to log my running into my workouts, but I honestly have no idea how fast I'm going.

    There are a number of smartphone apps that you might find useful if you have one; Runkeeper, Endomondo, Runtastic and as upthread MapMyFitness. Personally I use Endomondo and Runkeeper as the analytical tools in Endomondo are quite powerful and I have some social connections in RK. I found mapmyfitness unstable and when I tried Runtastic it didn't add anything I didn't already have.
    I'm asthmatic (triggered by exercise, but I try to control it by walking)

    That should improve as your fitness improves, it's quite commonly a control mechanism.
  • jonnyman41
    jonnyman41 Posts: 1,032 Member
    I use a free phone app now but before I had that I chose a route that followed a road so that I could measure the distance and do a rough calculation for the length of the route ( firstly using my car and distance clock and then by using a free on-line distance measurer (walk/jog/run) and then I just timed what felt like an average run for me. Not totally correct but was pretty close to when I managed to measure it later on with the phone app.
  • brainfreeze72
    brainfreeze72 Posts: 180 Member
    I use the app "RunKeeper" on my smartphone. Before that I would use google maps to calculate distance and time myself, I started off with power walks and eventually my body wanted to go faster so I started jogging. I know it's not exact but I would calculate my distance and time and if I did the three mile loop in 45 minutes it was 4 mph, in 36 minutes it was 5 mph etc. Like I said, I know it's not exact but it was pretty close if I jogged 2 miles and walked the third and calculated each pace separately or averaged them together.
  • Annalisa_87
    Annalisa_87 Posts: 56 Member
    Nike plus is a great little tool to measure your calories. The only negative is you have to have nike+ shoes. But like others have said, there are a number of free tools that you can use.
  • _runbitchrun
    _runbitchrun Posts: 205 Member
    When I started out I used Nike running app, and then I used Mapmyrun app on my phone which i've seen has more accurate GPS/Speed. You can get a something that counts your steps (my ipod nano has the Nike app on it and it counts my steps while i run, thus counting distance/speed and calories. I use it when on the treadmill and it matches up well with the treadmill)
    So if you want to invest a little, you can get a monitor.