I'm sick of being fat and sad!

I'm sick of feeling down all the time for my wieght. I've let it affect me to point of losing all my friends and any social life I had. I let it ruin my moods, and everyone's around me. I let it dictate how and when to play with my kids. It's destroying a relationship Ihave with a wonderful man. And I'm done. I let these cravings consume me, the cry about what I ate and that's no way to live. I'm 24 and I'm choosing to change my life and be happy but most of all healthy.

I dont think anyone is going to read this, but if you do and you have advice, please give any I need about all I can get.


  • KikiinVA
    KikiinVA Posts: 10 Member
    I'm back here for the umpteenth time. Stay on course, get into a healthy lifestyle NOW and keep it throughout your life. You don't want to be me at 40 something and starting over again. Plus - looking back I was so much skinnier back in my 20's even when I thought I was fat. DOn't beat yourself up - trying to remember to just keep making a better choice!
  • i feel your pain girl and my advice is to make fitness buddies it's a lot easier with friends you can help eachother finish weightloss goals with :) shoot, add me :)
  • I'm here for you if you need someone to talk to!
    You are such a pretty girl, and you shouldn't be feeling down about yourself, and letting your weight effect your lifestyle!
    The only advice I can give, is eat clean, eat small portions, exercise (not only does it help tone your body but it makes you feel so good about yourself!) if you start living a healthier lifestyle, you will love yourself for it!
    I'm in a situation similar to you, and it sucks, you feel so insecure and it definently does effect your day to day life. But I'm making small changes, and my motivation is basically, if I don't do this now, then I will never be truly happy with myself. And your right, that is no way to live.
  • Sreneesa
    Sreneesa Posts: 1,170 Member
    All I can say that you got to learn to love and value yourself and only you can do that.

    Use a food scale and measure your food and log it. Figure out your daily calories. Use the link below. And be consistent and if you have a bad day don't quit, learn from it and keep it pushing.


    You want to get out this funk you are in you got to make positive changes. Pick yourself up, and make it happen. You got this! You are stronger than you think.

    Also do some form of exercise at least three times a week.
  • tashamao
    tashamao Posts: 1 Member
    I was struggling with the same problem awhile ago but feeling great now. I would say that if you can slowly developing a habit of working out 5 to 6 times a week and eat a balanced diet (no extreme diet), for the long run you will see results and feel healthier (don't just jump in to a hard workout schedule, to avoid burn out). I would say that it is ok to reward yourself once in awhile (like once or twice a week for myself) for your hard work for job, family, and your new healthy lifestyle, even if that means losing weight a little slower. This can avoid burn out better than if you feel like you stick to a strict diet. Find exercise that you like, like dancing, barre workout or yoga, instead of thinking that you need to jump into P90X or Insanity immediately.

    The most important of all, I think, is knowing that you are NOW doing the right thing and there is no need to be obsessed about your weight as long as you are doing the right thing. I know it's hard at first, but try not to think about your weight every minute. Finally, remember that what makes a person beautiful is confidence and intelligence inside, because appearance will eventually fade with age, while you can always grow more beautiful inside.
  • soozey1
    soozey1 Posts: 102 Member
    Fitness buddies are great for encouragement I have plenty who I inspire, but mostly they inspire me, when I see how great they work out they keep me motivated. We have all been there with them damn negativity voices in our head. You need the ones that say you can do this one choice , one step at a time.
  • krokus99
    krokus99 Posts: 35 Member
    Fill the food and exercise diary here, on MFP. You will see where is your problem.
    Try to exercise daily, if not else just walk. (Try Leslie Sansone's walking exercises)
    Look at what your MFP-friends have achieved.
    And look at the success stories daily. Read them for motivation. Or just look at the photos.
  • salvationsdying
    salvationsdying Posts: 205 Member
    I feel your pain. I've always been heavy (about 220) then I got pregnant and went to 267 at birth. I dropped back to my prepregnancy with no work but life got messy and here I am. A month ago I was 271. I'm down to 252. I stay under my 1840 and work out for 10 minutes (at home, youtube videos mostly) for 10 - 30 minutes. Its kinda fun that my 2yr old thinks I'm dancing so she dances and it makes it enjoyable. It got to the point I wasn't letting my amazing fiance touch me. And if he did it would have to be dark. It was bad. After a 19 pound loss (so far! I plan to keep this up!) I'm feeling sooo much better. You have to want it and be determind. But it will happen! Know your going to have bad days. Don't beat your self up to much. Just work extra hard the next day! Set small realistic goals and keep going for it! If you want to add me feel free!
  • queasy
    queasy Posts: 28
    I just read this post here. It popped up in the bar on the side, I have literally just written a post called I am fat and happy. Its basically a rant about how I too will not let this affect me any more. I woke up today and that was it I was done being the fat girl. I will loose weight to be healthy but I don't care about being fat anymore I'm done! feel free to have a read if you want! http://www.myfitnesspal.com/blog/queasy/view/attention-world-i-am-fat-and-happy-641961
    and you should be happy too!I'm sure you are beautiful and a wonderful mum and a fantastic girlfirend!don't let the world tell you otherwise!
  • arainiday1
    arainiday1 Posts: 1,763 Member
    i totally understand. its a roller coaster. i had a bad day today too. i know tomorrow is a NEW day, just gotta keep going. Add me and we can cheer each other on!
  • you got this...the most important thing to remember is don't let set backs bring you down. Instead use them as learning experiences; what did you do great in the situation and what could you do different? Another important thing to remember is don't let one bad meal hinder the rest of your day; "one bad meal will not make you fat, just like one salad won't make you skinny' It is a lifestyle change that you have to make..take baby steps...focus on your portion sizes then move on to nutritional food then add in exersize. Start with walking then add weights and when you've got a little confidence add in other types of exersizes. Find fun activities to do as a family like swimming, biking, roller skating, basketball. Push yourself. Find your motivation and keep in front of you. Tell your self every morning "I can do this, I am strong, and smart and sexy. I got this" GO FOR GOLD sweetie you can do this!!!!
  • paprichak
    paprichak Posts: 1 Member
    I too share the feeling, I get depressed seeing every day i look fatter in the photos and see the need to buy new clothes, low self-esteem everything. But very recently I saw one of my close friends loose weirght and she is looking so nice. i asked her and she mentioned this new 5:2 diet that she is doing. It is a slow process, but does not get on top of you. Well, all i did was did the two days this week and it was not too bad. I have lost one kg in a week doing 20 minutes of walking 3-4 days
    So basically two days in a week you eat 500 calories and other days you can eat normally. I thought this was not bad. Give it a go, google it and let me know how you are doing. all the best.
  • LazySewMom
    LazySewMom Posts: 6 Member
    Hi, I got myself a fitbit flex to track my steps and believe me it's really motivating. Yes reward yourself after you fulfilled a goal. If you can afford it get you a heartrate monitor to see how much calories you burn while doing a walk or exercising.
    And don't put the stakes to heigh because (I'm quoting)
    <<How do you eat an elephant?----Bite after bite!>>

  • MzBeckie
    MzBeckie Posts: 207 Member
    I am currently feeling this way myself. Feeling very ugly and hate looking in the mirror at the moment so I hurry and fix my hair, put in my eye contacts. I keep try and trying though to lose weight and I figure one of these times I will get motivated and stick with a good healthy diet. I lost 50 lbs but that a couple years ago and since then I've just struggled and struggled or my weight fluctuates.

    I hope you start to feel better. You're very pretty. Find some friends who would be supportive and maybe even go on walks with you. Make a small goal to reach. I found in the past, I used small goals (like lost 10 lbs, instead of looking at losing 100 lbs) and once I reached that goal I found motivation to keep going. I just need to get into that thinking again myself but try it.
  • xZITAx
    xZITAx Posts: 32 Member
    Us women with weight issues ALL know this feeling.... BUT... When you start taking control of yourself and your eating, then you see the results, you'll feel the most awesome feeling and be addicted to that feeling and everything will change in a POSITIVE way. You're a beautiful lady!... Do it for YOU! ????