Has anyone tried Joel Fuhrman's Eat to Live diet?



  • sunshinelively
    sunshinelively Posts: 249 Member
    Fuhrman's diet is great. I have his book "Eat To Live" and enjoy his work, though i don't eat his exact diet. The real point to a lot of his work is to include as many veggies as possible. He calls his diet a "Nutritarian Diet" because it is so loaded with vital nutrients. He insists on eating nutrient dense food, and a lot of green leafs and cruciferous veggies.
    Agree with this. I did the 6 week ETL detox in 2011 and adopted the plan. I probably veer a little bit, but to me everything he writes makes a lot of sense. After I started ETL, I stopped having headaches, abdominal cramps, asthma symptoms. Stopped taking ibuprofen nearly every day for inflammation of various kinds. I lost 10 lb and kept that 10 lb off. More recently Dr Fuhrman seems to be on more of a money making kick, but ETL was written some time ago, and while radical, pretty much confronts a lot of unhealthy eating that Americans have gotten themselves into. I do think it's more of a lifestyle, basically eating large amounts of food that is packed with micronutrients. I can tell you this: I felt sooo much better after changing my eating in this direction, made a huge difference.

    It might not make a huge difference to everyone who tries it but if you don't feel good, try it. It's like a breath of fresh air, your body will feel lighter and whole again!
  • UtahWI
    UtahWI Posts: 257 Member
    Fuhrman's diet is great. I have his book "Eat To Live" and enjoy his work, though i don't eat his exact diet. The real point to a lot of his work is to include as many veggies as possible. He calls his diet a "Nutritarian Diet" because it is so loaded with vital nutrients. He insists on eating nutrient dense food, and a lot of green leafs and cruciferous veggies.
    Agree with this. I did the 6 week ETL detox in 2011 and adopted the plan. I probably veer a little bit, but to me everything he writes makes a lot of sense. After I started ETL, I stopped having headaches, abdominal cramps, asthma symptoms. Stopped taking ibuprofen nearly every day for inflammation of various kinds. I lost 10 lb and kept that 10 lb off. More recently Dr Fuhrman seems to be on more of a money making kick, but ETL was written some time ago, and while radical, pretty much confronts a lot of unhealthy eating that Americans have gotten themselves into. I do think it's more of a lifestyle, basically eating large amounts of food that is packed with micronutrients. I can tell you this: I felt sooo much better after changing my eating in this direction, made a huge difference.

    It might not make a huge difference to everyone who tries it but if you don't feel good, try it. It's like a breath of fresh air, your body will feel lighter and whole again!

    Bingo. There is nothing to be skeptical or jaded about regarding ETL. It was published quite some time ago, I got a copy back when, used, for a few dollars. There is no requirement to join his website at all. Everything you need to know is in that book. Nowadays, he does have the website and other books, and he probably is making some money at it. So what? His work is well researched and well referenced. He is one of the few doctors who I think really knows something in depth about nutrition. And, ETL was really aimed at changing things for people who are really in trouble from a health stand point. He was pretty blunt in ETL and obviously doesn't have any self esteem issues, hahaha, but he has helped many people make the drastic changes they needed.

    I did it starting in 2009 and lost 45 pounds. It literally did just melt off. I am an RD, and RN so I appreciate his research. Now, in the last couple of years I fell off the wagon especially when I got very sick (colon cancer...contrary to what he says, ETL can't stop everything...I think he needs to be read with a grain of salt...see "ego" hahaha) but am working on getting back on that wagon. At that time I only needed to change it up when I started doing more intense exercise (think Insanity...I needed more support then) and couldn't keep up enough calories. I recommend it to anybody. Of course if you are taking certain meds...Coumadin for example, talk about it with your healthcare team, make changes gradually, and stay monitored.

    The one that bothers me is Dr. Oz and people seem to love the crap out of him. LOL.
  • BigBadVanna
    BigBadVanna Posts: 65 Member
    I followed the plan for about a month a year or so ago. I felt great (and lost weight), but it is very strict. Eating out was very difficult. It did, however, open my eyes to the importance of placing nutrient dense, whole foods as the base of any healthy way of eating.

    A bit of a warning: my dad (upper 60s, very active half marathoner and 2-3x/wk lifter) obviously wasn't getting enough calories and became very weak while following this plan for about two months. There was a noticeable difference in his physique and personality (grouchy). He loved the principles of the diet, but had to add more protein and more calories in general.
  • FrankWorsley
    FrankWorsley Posts: 106 Member