
Hi, I am Cat from Bristol UK.

I would like to say hello to everyone and join in with everyone here.

I am a mum of 2, and I weight 13 stone 4. I wear size 14 clothes.

I have a 7 year old and a 2 year old, before I was first pregnant I weighed approx 10 stone 11lbs and after having my first I lost weight to around 11 stone. That gradually increased until I had my 2nd child and am now at my current weight. I lost about half a stone last summer which gradually crept back on and I'm now here!

I am always trying to start eating healthily but I am a real sucker for junk food and chocolate etc and it never lasts longer than a few days.

I am on day 2 of my diet now and hope I can stick to it this time. My partner has commented recently about me apparently getting bigger so I am currently using that as my main inspiration as its really got me down :(

Roll on the size 10 jeans I am dreaming of buying and one day being able to look in the mirror and LIKE my body.

Look forwards to joining in the forum :)
