what the eff?!!?

So I was super excited yesterday to report that I had finally hit one of my goals, and was finally under 200lbs.. This morning I go to weigh in, and ..


So not only is that a rediculous number to gain in one night, but that puts me back over 200lbs again.. I'm so shocked, I've been trying to take people's advice when they say that eating all of my calories will help me lose weight.. But I'm thinking that doesn't work for me.. Everytime I hit or slightly go over my cals I gain a rediculous amount of weight..

What can I do to fix this?!?!! :(


  • krystonite
    krystonite Posts: 553 Member
    Sweetie, don't weigh yourself everyday. It fluctuates too much and you'll always be discouraged. Keep fighting the good fight.
  • Healthyby30
    Healthyby30 Posts: 1,349 Member
    I'm 99% sure its water. Have you changed your workout at all? Increased amount of time, effort, routine, anything? Did you have excess sodium, not enough water? This happens to me a lot and its just water. There is no way you possibly gained that much weight overnight. I always lose it after I have a rest day and drink lots of water on that day.
  • Mollydolly10
    Mollydolly10 Posts: 431 Member
    I'm 99% sure its water. Have you changed your workout at all? Increased amount of time, effort, routine, anything? Did you have excess sodium, not enough water? This happens to me a lot and its just water. There is no way you possibly gained that much weight overnight. I always lose it after I have a rest day and drink lots of water on that day.

    YES. Don't weigh everyday. You are doing FINE. You don't need to adjust your workout/water/whatever. You can't gain that much over night, that'd be physically impossible. Try weighing in once a week at the same time of day, before you eat is best
  • Lulu2929
    Same Exact thing happended to me. I didn't weight myself for over a week and it was off. I'm now 2 lbs under 200. But let me tell you it was hard not to weigh myself everyday. I push myself to only weigh once a week.
  • emorym
    emorym Posts: 344
    That is one of my goals as well. I weigh myself every day and if I see a loss and then a gain the next day I use that as motivation to know I was that weight and I can get back down there. I usually wait till I see a weight for a few days before I update my profile. You have seen it is possible to get down below 200 so now you know you can make it happen.
  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    Water weight. Too much sodium the day before. Could by anything. Those two pounds equal 7000 calories.
  • TateFTW
    TateFTW Posts: 658 Member
    This is why we always suggest weighing once a week. Hell, I've lost 5 lbs in the last 2 days. I didn't actually lose 5 lbs of fat, but 2 days ago the scale said 215, then this morning, 209.8. 4 days ago I was 212.

    You should totally take that addendum off of your signature. You met your goal, and that's all there is to it. Be proud, and know that small variations in weight will happen, but if you met your daily goals you WILL lose.
  • ashlee954
    ashlee954 Posts: 1,112 Member
    Unless you ate 7000 calories OVER your daily calorie goal you did not gain 2 lbs over night. It's just water. Drink extra today and flush it out.
  • FrenchMob
    FrenchMob Posts: 1,167 Member
    You can't gain 2 lbs in one day unless you're 7000 calories above your daily requirements. You either you ate something with alot of sodium, increased one of your workouts, didn't drink enough water, etc and you just retaining a little water.

    If you weigh yourself every day, just know that your weight will fluctuate like that, but as long as the overall trend is going down (over a week or 2), then you're doing fine.
  • goron59
    goron59 Posts: 890 Member
    Yes, definitely get rid of the extra info on your sig, you met your goal.
    If you do weigh yourself every day, make sure that only once a week (preferably same time/day each week) is the one you record.
    I do weigh myself daily unofficially, and routinely see 1-3lbs in fluctuation.

    Don't worry, you're doing absolutely fine !
  • FrenchMob
    FrenchMob Posts: 1,167 Member
    BTW, I saw in your profile you're considering the lap band. Don't cop out like that. It's dangerous and unnecessary. Millions of people every year lose weight without these "aids". Taking the "easy way out" is NOT going to help you in the long run.
  • sallyLunn
    Its WATER.
  • curvymonkey
    So I was super excited yesterday to report that I had finally hit one of my goals, and was finally under 200lbs.. This morning I go to weigh in, and ..


    So not only is that a rediculous number to gain in one night, but that puts me back over 200lbs again.. I'm so shocked, I've been trying to take people's advice when they say that eating all of my calories will help me lose weight.. But I'm thinking that doesn't work for me.. Everytime I hit or slightly go over my cals I gain a rediculous amount of weight..

    What can I do to fix this?!?!! :(

    I know exactly how you feel. My advice that I had to force myself to do? Don't weigh yourself everyday. Weigh yourself on the same day of the week at the same time, i.e. I weigh myself Monday morning when I wake up. There is too much fluctuation during the week that will just make you frustrated. As long as you're losing, and you're doing great!... keep doing what you've been doing. Trust me, there is nothing more frustrating than to have walked for 30 minutes and done a 60 minute strength training class the day before, to see the scale go up a pound. Nu uh! Oh no you didn't! :)
  • dewoods
    dewoods Posts: 148
    I agree with everything that has been stated already. I do weigh myself everyday but that is just my OCD and it helps motivate me. I don't give it much thought as I know it will fluctuate.

    I even tried a new technique I read about yesterday where you fast for 24 hours then resume normal eating. I gave it a try thinking I would see a weight drop and weighed a little more today.

    As everyone has stated you've met the goal and now focus on the next one.

    Good luck!
  • miscalaineous
    miscalaineous Posts: 5 Member
    Congratulations first and foremost!! :flowerforyou:

    And I agree with everyone else, water and sodium. My two biggest enemies, not enough of one and too much of the other. Although, I do admit I weigh myself everyday, I only update my "results" once a week. The best results I have found are measurements....so the weeks I think I haven't worked hard enough, I take out my tape measure. I also use each day's weigh-in as my motivation for that day.

    Although I've never been to any type of 12 step program, my goals have been reached "one day and one step at a time". Now, I feel great about my successes, every single little one. And at 5'2", all my steps are little ones, I just make a lot more of them per minute now :happy: And tomorrow, the big 50 and I feel better now than I did over the past 5 years, yeah me! Okay, now off the chair and out to race the dogs. Good luck!
  • velix
    velix Posts: 437 Member
    Yes, definitely get rid of the extra info on your sig, you met your goal.
    If you do weigh yourself every day, make sure that only once a week (preferably same time/day each week) is the one you record.
    I do weigh myself daily unofficially, and routinely see 1-3lbs in fluctuation.

    Don't worry, you're doing absolutely fine !

    I will echo this post - I weigh myself every day - I am a bit weird in that it doesn't bother me, I just like seeing the fluctuation in one day (crazy body can move around 3-5lbs a day!) but I only record my weight once a week taken in the same time slot / circumstances every time.

    Also, when I do get down about gaining an extra pound or two, I look at the larger picture. For me, I was straddling 220 for the longest time (ok -- like 2 or 3 weeks) I would go above and below repeatedly. I finally made it to 216, but then went up 2lbs - I was down about it ... then I realized, hey - I haven't seen the '20's in a while - and used that as a benchmark of success instead of the individual number.

    As other's have said - seeing the scale go below 200 is a great moment - whether or not your extra pounds of fluctuation pushed you back over, remember, you've seen the other side - it's there - straddling - waiting for the extra pound or two that will keep you below in future fluctuations.

    Congratulations - be proud!
  • Aimee_PD
    Aimee_PD Posts: 177 Member
    Unless you ate 7000 calories OVER your daily calorie goal you did not gain 2 lbs over night. It's just water. Drink extra today and flush it out.
    I agree with this..
    I weigh daily as well just to see where i stand..i weigh after i've been drinking my water, etc..just because of curiosity. yes it will discourage you but you've done nothing wrong. some days are just off. drink more water today...keep the sodium low and dont panic too much. I go through the same thing and I know i havent gone over calories! Monday I weighed in at 196..felt super proud...then weighed in at 197 yesterday... felt bummed because i know the day before i ate good...drank almost double my water yesterday as well and im back down to that weight from monday...some days i end the day heavier because i drank so much water and come the next morning im back down to that happy place lol...dont stress! daily weight change is a screwy thing!
  • Aimee_PD
    Aimee_PD Posts: 177 Member
    BTW, I saw in your profile you're considering the lap band. Don't cop out like that. It's dangerous and unnecessary. Millions of people every year lose weight without these "aids". Taking the "easy way out" is NOT going to help you in the long run.
    i have a friend that did this.. (only needed to lose about 50 lbs) and they require you to watch your food intake as well...everything goes back to the original idea of exercise and healthy foods.... stick with it! it takes dedication but it WILL happen! I also have a friend that lost 155 lbs in 2 years with healthy eating and exercise! it CAN be done!
  • jessimacar
    Thanks everyone! I will go and remove the addition from my signature. Lol.

    I don't think I'm considering Lap-Band anymore, for those who noticed it in my profile.. I guess I have to change that too!! This is the most I've ever lost, and I'm starting to believe I'll actually make it!

    Thank god this is water weight. I can't make myself drink 8 glasses a day, but I could definitely drink more. How does water weight work? My body holds onto water when I don't give it enough?? How does sodium affect my body in terms of water weight? I understand that it makes me retain water, but does anyone know why?

    Thanks again everyone, I'll probably keep weighing in everyday, but only record it a couple times a week.. I Wii Fit to see my weight every morning, and it doesn't like when I skip days, Lol. Aaand I'm just to curious to not know..
  • JessicaPahl
    Its probably water weigt you cant gain two fat lbs in a day unless you eat a obscene amount of calories.. dont sweat it..