Do you knees click?



  • malibu927
    malibu927 Posts: 17,565 Member
    Yep. My right one has ever since I injured it when I was 14, and now my left one started a few weeks after I began working out.
  • guppy1697
    guppy1697 Posts: 148 Member
    yep..mine is more of a crunching sound. This is most likely due to an ACL surgery on my knee as well as a torn meniscus I suffered last year...knee injuries suck!
  • Pirate_chick
    Pirate_chick Posts: 1,216 Member
    Mine do whenever I climb stairs. It sounds like an old rubber band stretching.
  • tabbyblack13
    tabbyblack13 Posts: 299 Member
    My knees do the same thing. I did go to the dr years ago and she said it was Crepitus and that all I can do is to take ibuprofen and ice it. The only time mine goes away is when I lose weight and even then it's not all of the way gone. I'm going to a chiropractor now and she makes sure that my joints are in alinement so I don't suffer any pain and cause more damamge to my joints.
  • HavtaLose
    HavtaLose Posts: 59 Member
    Glad I saw this topic, I just got on the site to ask a q's abt the same. My knees started this crunching sound since 3 days. I'm on week 6 of T25 and just started Beta (pretty intense jumping, squatting etc). The crunching is only when I bend knees to sit down and is slightly uncomfortable. My breastfed son is milk intolerant so I avoid all milk products..... Maybe I should start taking some calcium? Or any other supplements? I do take a multi vitamin now and then. Or get it checked by ortho? I don't want to go untill I've tried some other cheaper methods (horrible insurance) ????
  • EreborsPrincess
    Mine used to make a little noise when squatting. I found that as my legs got stronger (ie-more muscled around the joint), the noise lessened, and any time I am lifting with my legs and they are under a heavy strain, it goes away. It seems that in times of heavy strain, with the muscles tightly contracted around the joint, it is better protected. I expect this is the beginnings of what I have read about deep squatting actually being very good for improving the function of your leg joints.

    My knees have been doing that since I started doing squats. It doesn't hurt, but it sounds really odd. Not really clicking or cracking, almost like the sound plastic grocery bags make when you bunch them up. Glad to hear it went away for you, hopefully mine will do the same.
  • ValGogo
    ValGogo Posts: 2,168 Member
    MIne have been clicking for years. I've fallen on them over the years from roller blading, cycling, slam dancing (haha), exercise. Just remember to try to work out the muscles that hold the knees together, keep them strong, since it "sounds" like you're wearing down the cushion in your knees. In a few years, a doctor may tempt you with knee surgery. Don't do it unless there is nothing else in the universe you can do BUT that. Knee surgery should be the last, very last thing done. I'm not letting anyone operate on my knees unless they actually break.

    OK, I kind of went overboard. So, don't worry too much but try to find those "leg muscle strenthening exercises" so that they support your knee better and get a soft knee brace.

    OH and Chondroitin Glucosamine is very good.
  • tabbyblack13
    tabbyblack13 Posts: 299 Member
    MIne have been clicking for years. I've fallen on them over the years from roller blading, cycling, slam dancing (haha), exercise. Just remember to try to work out the muscles that hold the knees together, keep them strong, since it "sounds" like you're wearing down the cushion in your knees. In a few years, a doctor may tempt you with knee surgery. Don't do it unless there is nothing else in the universe you can do BUT that. Knee surgery should be the last, very last thing done. I'm not letting anyone operate on my knees unless they actually break.

    OK, I kind of went overboard. So, don't worry too much but try to find those "leg muscle strenthening exercises" so that they support your knee better and get a soft knee brace.

    OH and Chondroitin Glucosamine is very good.

    I just started taking the glucomamine with msm for my joints since bad joints and joint condtions run in my family. I also do not want surgery. It scares the cr*p out of me,
  • Newfiedan
    Newfiedan Posts: 1,517 Member
    It can also be caused by muscle imbalance around the knee joint. It can also be corrected via massage therapy for most people. In my case squats helped it by just changing my foot alignment and focusing on strengthening my inner quad.
  • hannaawh
    hannaawh Posts: 51
    Yes mine click A LOT too. Google some exercises that will strengthen the muscles around your knees so there's less pressure on them. :)
  • tammcclure
    Mine do this too especially when walking down stairs, not so much when I walk up or on a flat grade but up mine click. I told my husband it sounds like I have rice krispies in my knees! I haven't found anything saying it's anything to worry about really. I was told snapping and clicking or pops are air bubbles. Not sure that's true but that's what someone told me. My wrist (right) clicks if I rotate it, my physical therapist noticed this when she was working on me after a car accident last year. She didn't say it was bad but it did make her look at me funny.