7 Week weightloss progress

I wanted to do this post to encourage everyone that alot can change in a few weeks so don't give up.

I have been 'trying' to loose weight for like a year now and ended up gaining more than i lost over Christmas (as you do). So in February this year I decided that I was going to stop 'trying' and just get down and do it! I have cleaned up my diet and been exercising 6 days a week every single week for 7 weeks now.

Below are my progress photos. I have a yearly plan for three lots of 12 weeks. This first lot was to get my fitness levels up. Next I am going to do tapoutxt and then i am going to probably do something like insanity.

Right now I am doing Jari love get ripped hardcore and Jari Love get extremely ripped and chiseled which is a weights program on alternating days.

I have one child and ever since I gave birth to him 12 years ago I have been struggling with my weight, going up and down on the scales. I finally decided that I have had enough of those weight games. So I changed my lifestyle in order to be fit for life not just for the summer.

Though progress seems like it's at a snails pace I can see it's working.

What you can't see in the March picture is that my obliques are more defined and my biceps are too its just a crappy camera to me in RL it looks more defined than that. I actually think my arms are larger now but more leaner and i have chicken legs lol so my thighs are actually matching the bottom of my legs now which is great. I still have a long way to go but i'm not going to give up.

I am 175cm tall that's like 5ft 10 and I weighed 72 kgs and I have not weighed in yet but guessing 68 kgs. I was 75 cms waist 97 cms hips now 70cm waist and 90cms hips. Was 88 cms bust and now 84cms bust.


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  • the_summer_belle
    the_summer_belle Posts: 353 Member
  • scrapmum4
    scrapmum4 Posts: 20 Member
    Well Done!!!

    You look great. I have only been totally committed here for a couple of weeks and stories like you keep me motivated.

  • the_summer_belle
    the_summer_belle Posts: 353 Member
    Thanks, recently ive been feeling like i have gotten no where because the scales hate me lol, I reminded myself i am not just doing cardio i am doing alot of weights as well i am building muscle at the same time as loosing fat. Last time i lost alot of weight really fast but i did no weights and i barely did ab exercises today i looked at those old pics and i look the same as i do now after 7 weeks as i did then after 18 months! So i know that what i am doing now i getting me better results. My plan is not to be skinny its to be strong. I noticed my energy levels are higher i am waking up feeling good instead of feeling like a train ran over my face and I barely nap during the day i think ive had one nanna nap in 7 weeks before i was napping every day. I have heaps more energy for my son when we are in the pool i do so much more than i did before i feel like im getting some life back into me.
  • the_summer_belle
    the_summer_belle Posts: 353 Member
  • What a difference a few weeks make! Your pics just confirmed that I need to exercise while my babies are napping instead of taking a nap myself. You look awesome and feel good and showed me that I don't need a huge amount of time to make a huge difference in how I could feel. Keep up the great work and thanks for the inspiration!
  • Kimsoontobe
    Kimsoontobe Posts: 110 Member
    Great job. You look amazing.
  • the_summer_belle
    the_summer_belle Posts: 353 Member
    What a difference a few weeks make! Your pics just confirmed that I need to exercise while my babies are napping instead of taking a nap myself. You look awesome and feel good and showed me that I don't need a huge amount of time to make a huge difference in how I could feel. Keep up the great work and thanks for the inspiration!

    Im glad this has inspired you, and yea if you think about it 7 weeks is really nothing imagine what could be done in 12.

    I was sick of setting goals for myself and never doing it. I made excuses I am a single mum with double major scoliosis and IBS and i have have had knee problems all my life. But this time i resolved within myself im just gonna do it no matter what and I was not going to let those issues get in my way.

    There were times where i was so busy that day i worked out at 8 pm or skipped a day and did double the next day but i made sure i got my workout in no matter what time it was. Other times i was up at 5 am working out at 6am just to make sure i had enough time to get the other things done. It's best to workout when your alone i reckon like you said when your kids are asleep i see it as mummy time my son is not allowed to disturb me whilst im working out, it helps and you feel great afterwards.
  • itzehoe
    itzehoe Posts: 614 Member
    WOW - both pictures look great!
  • elghee123
    elghee123 Posts: 489 Member
    job well done
  • klbecker1
    klbecker1 Posts: 13 Member
    Great job! 7 weeks really is easy after its over. My whole attitude towards eating has changed and healthy choices just taste better! I tried to eat skittles last week as a little reward and I could be eat more than a tiny handful!
  • SexyLovinmeCook
    SexyLovinmeCook Posts: 1,393 Member
    WOW...what a transformation!!! In 7 weeks hunny you rock!
  • Fitfully_me
    Fitfully_me Posts: 647 Member
    Great job! Congrats for sticking with it!
  • kdeaux1959
    kdeaux1959 Posts: 2,675 Member
    great progress; keep it up
  • anissa333
    anissa333 Posts: 175 Member
    thats awesome and you will LOVE tapout!!
  • You look great! My birthday is in 8 weeks and I really want to look noticeably different by then - you're an inspiration! :) Your abs look immense!
  • dloucarter
    dloucarter Posts: 32 Member
    Well Done!!! You look amazing!!! I love your new found attitude to losing the weight, most times all it takes is the different mindset & then it seems that switch flicks and it happens. Your very inspirational, thank you for your post, i'm off to check out your blog ;)
  • MrsKgettingfit
    MrsKgettingfit Posts: 28 Member
    Wow amazing!! Well done you, what a difference in just 7 weeks.
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