Eat Stop Eat?



  • Sporty98
    Sporty98 Posts: 321 Member
    Okay.....Here's the "play-by-play" for the day:

    It's 1 o'clock pm. I've been fasting since 5 pm yesterday (20 hours). The only real issue that I'm having is that I'm cold. My body is shivery.....Not cold like I should put on a sweatshirt (which I've already done)....But cold like I can't get warmed up. We burn wood, and the house is 76 degrees...and I'm cold.

    The only thing I can figure is that this is my metabolism giving me a boost.....

    I did find one article that explains how fasting increases the use of fat as a fuel source. BUT, the article was in relation to "infused adrenaline".....I think it does relate here, just without the added adrenaline part! (So, here's the link:
  • Sporty98
    Sporty98 Posts: 321 Member
    Here's a link on Intermittent Fasting......I've been researching this afternoon/evening, and I'm loving the sounds of it! My husband now wants to do a fast with me this weekend! :)
  • SkierElle
    Hmm I couldnt get the link about adrenaline to work!! Whenever I'm cold I usually drink some hot tea or hot water and it helps a little! But I haven't noticed getting cold during fasting. Interesting.

    I'm glad your husband is doing it with you!! that's so cool! then you two can especially enjoy the meal afterwards together.

    I think I'm going to fast Wednesday, Saturday, and go for a 30 hour one on Monday-Tues. Then I'm going to go to California for Christmas (for a little over a week) and take a little break from it, but I'll still be logging on MFP of course!
  • Sporty98
    Sporty98 Posts: 321 Member
    Well.....I am the same weight as yesterday. I was so hoping that the scale would have moved a bit for this morning.....UGH!
    So, I know that I have very little patience.....BUT, how soon am I supposed to see the scale start moving?
  • SkierElle
    I would wait a week until you weigh yourself. When I first started ESE I wasn't being diligent about tracking my food on the eating days, but once I started getting diligent after a week or so I lost 2 lbs then 3 the next week. I don't really know how long it takes for a calorie deficit to have an affect, but I'm guessing it is several days!
  • TateFTW
    TateFTW Posts: 658 Member
    I LOVE intermittent fasting. I'm a week into a daily fasting regumine and there are very few downsides. Last night I did a 1 hr fasted cardio session of 30 minutes of sprint training and 20 minuts of full speed racquetball after 18 hrs of fasting. I felt amazing and as fast as ever.

    The only downside is that, since when I do eat I eat as much healthy food as I want, when I did non-fasting days this weekend I had trouble controlling myself. I've also found that toward the end of a fast I start craving foods I haven't wanted in a while, like big macs and arby's. I just start craving the fattiest, worst foods I can think of. The cravings are subtle, but I haven't craved this stuff in years.

    I've also found that I have trouble eating a lot of food after the fast. I'm just not that hungry, but mentally I'm REALLY hungry. I want to eat a horse, but I can barely finish a normal meal. Is this how "normal" people feel when they are full? Must be nice.
  • SkierElle
    I haven't noticed any strange cravings other than the normal ones, which have substantially decreased since I started fasting. I have more trouble on the eating days with cravings. But on the eating days I do get full a lot quicker and sometimes will leave some food on my plate... which hasn't happened since I was like 15!!

    Well I wasn't planning on it, but I'm fasting today at least till 7pm. My stomach feels a little funky. I was planning on doing the fast tomorrow but since I don't feel like eating today, and haven't had anything since yesterday at 7 - it's the perfect opportunity for a fast! Then I can focus all my energy on studying - sounds like a blast, right?!
  • TateFTW
    TateFTW Posts: 658 Member
    I haven't noticed any strange cravings other than the normal ones, which have substantially decreased since I started fasting. I have more trouble on the eating days with cravings. But on the eating days I do get full a lot quicker and sometimes will leave some food on my plate... which hasn't happened since I was like 15!!

    That's what I mean! I've also never left a plate with food on it, and that includes the plates of those around me. Last night after my break-fast I needed a little more food (needed. . .wasn't really hungry, but I still want to get my nutrition) so I ate a protein bar and an apple. Half way through the apple I had to put it down for a few minutes before finishing. I've NEVER met a piece of food I couldn't eat right then.

    I've decided that Monday and Tuesday will be my hardcore fasting days, fasting until 4-5, then only eating a couple normal meals. Yesterday I only ate 1,175 calories and burned 586, and today I plan to stay under 1200 again. Remember, I'm a 210 lb man, so that's less than half of my daily goal. These will be the only 2 days during the week I consume less than 2,000 calories, but I will be fasting until 4 on all weekdays, consuming all of my calories on Wednesday and Thursday just before and after my weightlifting session at 4:30.

    I'm excited to see how this will work. These abs are bursting to get out and be seen!
  • SkierElle
    Oh I know!! I get so full with just an apple. Especially after a fast! It's great!

    That is a great idea with Monday -Tues being hardcore fasting days. I bet with your plan that your abs come out soon!

    I'm 27 hours into my first 36 hour fast. feeling very content and energized. I took my second final a couple hours ago and was really focused and alert. I think I did really well. But i have to go to bed now - will be able to eat and study more in the morning. I will probably save my workout for afternoon, after my finals. But I did get a run in this evening. It wasn't resistance training.. oh well. At least it was something.

    Off to burn some fat in my comfy bed. lol.
  • glennora
    Hi, everyone, I have a question about ESE, hope someone can answer it. I just started back on a weight loss program which I abandond a few months ago because it was progressing so slowly that I felt discouraged. I need to lose about 50 lbs. I restrict and track my calories and walk/run on the treadmill. Is it absolutely necessary for me to lift weights when I do ESE? SInce I have so much weight to lose, I think it would be a good way to jump start and maybe I don't need the weights. I do have free weights and a bench, so if you think it's required, how much is enough? Thanks.
  • TateFTW
    TateFTW Posts: 658 Member
    Hi, everyone, I have a question about ESE, hope someone can answer it. I just started back on a weight loss program which I abandond a few months ago because it was progressing so slowly that I felt discouraged. I need to lose about 50 lbs. I restrict and track my calories and walk/run on the treadmill. Is it absolutely necessary for me to lift weights when I do ESE? SInce I have so much weight to lose, I think it would be a good way to jump start and maybe I don't need the weights. I do have free weights and a bench, so if you think it's required, how much is enough? Thanks.

    Evidently resistance training is considered very important on the ESE program, but the benefits of intermittent fasting are there with or without weight lifting. I think EVERYONE should do resistance training because there are so many benefits, but you'll still benefit from IF without it.

    I mostly look at IF as a way of creating a deficit without being hungry all the time, which was the case when I ate throughout the day.
  • glennora
    Thanks for the quick reply! I think I'm going to do little bit of weights, today, just to see. I haven't really looked into weight training, so I have some research to do, but I can do a few exercises to work my arms and legs.
    Thanks again!
  • TateFTW
    TateFTW Posts: 658 Member
    Thanks for the quick reply! I think I'm going to do little bit of weights, today, just to see. I haven't really looked into weight training, so I have some research to do, but I can do a few exercises to work my arms and legs.
    Thanks again!

    Squats and lunges for legs.
    Bench press and chair dips for triceps and chest.
    overhead press and upright rows for shoulders.
    bent over rows for back.

    If you are new to lifting, these are ALL of the exercises you need. Choose one from each group and do 5 sets of 10 reps, starting easy and working up to a weight that is fairly hard. Do this 3 times a week, and try to add weight every new week. As you become more experienced, do some research and start adding in new movements. People over-complicate weight training.
  • glennora
    Thanks again, this helps alot and does not overwhelm! I appreciate it, I wasn't sure where to start.
  • TateFTW
    TateFTW Posts: 658 Member
    Any time. Like I said, people think too much about lifting. It's because of those darn fitness mags. They keep coming out with workout after workout every month, always telling you why this workout will "shred that gut" or "lift that butt". They only do it because it makes people read.
  • Sporty98
    Sporty98 Posts: 321 Member
    Well, my second fast for the week went well! Yay!

    My daughter had a doctor's appt. today, so we were away at the 24 hour mark.....That was cool! So, I wasn't watching the clock waiting for the minute that I could eat. I ate very clean and healthy, and slowly! BUT then I made some Orea truffles for Christmas gifts.....and I did nibble on them the whole time I was cooking! Grrrrr!

    Well, my husband wants to start the intermittent fasting diet with me.....tomorrow! So, I'm going to do my 3rd fast for the week starting tomorrow afternoon. That will give me a chance to redeem myself! NO TRUFFLES TOMORROW! =)

    [Lesson?......No baking or cooking goodies immediately following a fast!]
  • SkierElle
    Good job on the 2nd fast!!

    I just started mine today. 1 hour in! lol. I'm not usually one for watching the clock unless i have nothing to do.
    Ive baked while fasting and somehow it's easier for me to not try any of what I'm making at all than just have a taste. I'll have my friends taste it to see if it's good. Haha!

    It will be great doing it with your husband... more support! good luck to ya.

    Fasting today and Monday, then I'm taking a little break when I'm in California. I'll just stick to Paleo eating for the most part... and plan for success!
  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    I have just done a quick google search regarding this. Couldn't find one negative comment (some of the results said Eat Stop Eat Scam Exposed but when I looked it was a good review).

    I am definitely going to try this.
  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    Hi, everyone, I have a question about ESE, hope someone can answer it. I just started back on a weight loss program which I abandond a few months ago because it was progressing so slowly that I felt discouraged. I need to lose about 50 lbs. I restrict and track my calories and walk/run on the treadmill. Is it absolutely necessary for me to lift weights when I do ESE? SInce I have so much weight to lose, I think it would be a good way to jump start and maybe I don't need the weights. I do have free weights and a bench, so if you think it's required, how much is enough? Thanks.

    The more lean muscle mass you have to more calories your body burns.
  • sara_xo
    sara_xo Posts: 195 Member
    Eat stop eat isn't intended to be a fast for longer than 24 hours..

    If you haven't read these;

    the fasting period is for 18 -20 hours with 6 - 4 hours of feeding time..

    it's hard if you're a binger.. it can trigger one..

    I found the best one that worked for me would be fasting from 9pm - 5pm and then feeding from 5pm - 9pm.

    Works wonders if you stick to it.