Concerned about Calories in/Calories out only

Is anyone else just worrying about their calories in vs calories out? I seem to read so many places where people are trying to cut their carbs, or their sugars or their whatever. Is anybody just trying to keep their calories under control? I just kind of feel like the only one.


  • Jbwilson0708
    :happy: my main worry is calories but not that i have kinda gotten used to portion control i started paying attention to other things such as sodium and sugars but i think do what works for you and after a while the rest kind of falls into place
  • Alisha28
    Alisha28 Posts: 406 Member
    Calories is important but watching sugar is super important for women and their tummys. Hope that sort a helps:)

  • mem50
    mem50 Posts: 1,384 Member
    You're not the only one, believe me! I just do my best to keep my calories under control. I like my carbs. Being hypoglycemic I need a certain amount of those plus sugars and protein. I've been losing steady and for me that's what counts!:bigsmile:
  • wiggleroom
    wiggleroom Posts: 322 Member
    I am mainly concerned with calories in/calories out, but here's what I've found: if you pay attention to the type of foods you're eating as well, you wind up much more satisfied and it's easier to stay within your budgeted calories.

    For example, I could easily eat two or three 100 calorie packs of tasty but not filling Oreo bites. Or I could eat an apple (80 cal), a half cup of edamame (120 calories), and a serving of baby carrots (35 calories) for a grand total of 235 -- and I've given my body protein, lots of fiber, vitamins, varied flavors and textures, and my tummy is much more satisfied. AND I haven't activated my sweet tooth!

    So ... it's mostly about calories, but the quality of calories can help you keep those calories low. =)
  • Buckeyt
    Buckeyt Posts: 473 Member
    That's really what it comes down to, Calories. I lost a ton of weight watching my carbs but that really just helped me reduce my overall caloric intake. Problem was that once I didn't watch them I gained weight back. I tried to do it with just diet alone and a little cardio. Didn't work. Now I really focus on total calories and exercise is so much more involved. I'm addicted to P90X. I really don't worry about other things like Cholesterol and Fat, I eat relatively low fat anyway, but am concerned about my salt intake.


    It does come down to calories but as other have stated, why would you eat fake low calorie foods and not nutrient rich fruits and veggies and whole grains for the same amount of caloreis and feel fuller and so much better for you.
  • lindalee0315
    lindalee0315 Posts: 527 Member
    Calories in/out is all I worry about. I've lost all the baby weight I gained doing that, plus regular workouts. Now I'm just trying to get down to the weight I was in law school. I only have about 7 lbs to go to make that goal. I have never worried about carbs/protein/whatever. I think that, for me at least, that mentality sets you up for failure. No one can completely cut out an entire group of foods for any length of time, in my opinion. Plus, your body needs those things.
  • bskb
    bskb Posts: 8
    Yep watch the sugar and sodium, they are not kind to we females Welcome to MFP :happy:
  • chazsucks
    Im just focusing on calories for now as i'm only starting out... maybe in the future i will care more about the other things but for now calories is literally all i look at! When I keep under my cals all my other things tend to stay under the limits as well so that's good enough for me at the mo! xxx
  • MzBug
    MzBug Posts: 2,173 Member
    MFP is a multi purpose tool. Not everyone is here to lose weight, some are here to gain weight, some to gain muscle, some for assorted health issues. Each person has their reason, and use MFP to help them document their journey. Some are tracking macronutrients, some like you are just using the calorie in and out function. MFP can be many things to different people.
  • Healthyby30
    Healthyby30 Posts: 1,349 Member
    I think most people here are conscious about their calories as well as what we eat. I keep my calories under control while eating the best quality of food I can - most of the time anyway.
  • MartiWillett
    MartiWillett Posts: 103 Member
    Yea I am too! I try and eat healthier but I'm not cutting anything out except for I'm eating less sodium. I want to enjoy food still just not let it take over my life lol!
  • StPattysGrl
    I've found that in watching my calories and making more healthy food choices, it, in turn, results in lower sugar, carb, and sodium intake as well.
  • StPattysGrl
    And I also wanted to add that sodium has a dramatic affect on my weight... luckily that water weight from the sodium quickly goes away. But I hate the dramatic spike.
  • clioandboy
    clioandboy Posts: 963 Member
    I count every calorie in and every calorie out! I dont do un_naturally low fat anything, slim people dont eat crappy processed reduced cal, reduced fat unsatisfying food.............. I want to be slim and I want to eat well so I eat a little of good stuff and lots of naturally low cal fruits and vegetables to make sure I dont go hungry!

    i occasionally lose the plot and drink plenty of alcohol eat peanuts n crisps and chocolate............................and i often feel really crappy after.............and then I just have to get back to sensible eating etc, I am not so scared anymore that a blitz equals losing it all forever, it doesnt it just means I gotta continue on, i reckon i always will! keep on counting!
  • TateFTW
    TateFTW Posts: 658 Member
    Is anyone else just worrying about their calories in vs calories out? I seem to read so many places where people are trying to cut their carbs, or their sugars or their whatever. Is anybody just trying to keep their calories under control? I just kind of feel like the only one.

    Macronutrients do matter, to a certain point, but if you're getting a fairly balanced diet then you should be fine with calories in vs calories out.

    The ideas about focussing on certain macronutrient ratios is for those who are trying to optimize their diet for a specific goal, such as fat loss while retaining muscle, which becomes very important as people get lower bodyfat %'s. I'm part of this group, and I try to get lots of carbs around my weightlifting sessions while not getting as many carbs on non-training days.
  • TheOneQuestionIs
    Calories in/out is really important, but if you're eating all of those calories via carbs./sugars a couple of things happen that aren't so good.

    Pasta, bread, potatoes etc. if not burned up will more-or-less be directly converted to sugar inside your body and stored as fat. Also, a lot of sugar makes your body produce more insulin. What is really happening during that process, in addition to some other things, is insulin is used to move sugar from your blood into storage for energy. You want your body to use the sugar/fat stores that are already there to help in weight loss, so if you are consistently storing a lot of sugar, it's a lot harder to lose weight unless you are exercising a lot. Proteins and complex carbs. (fruits, whole wheat breads and pastas etc.) are a much better route to go.

    Additionally, in my experience, if I eat more sugar and empty carbs. and stick to my calorie limits, I feel as though I have eaten a lot less and I tend to be hungry by the end of the day.

    I hope this helps...good luck!
  • Evermyre
    I guess I've just struggled with weight my whole life and have been on diets all the time it feels like. I'm trying to make a lifestyle change for once, but I know for me that means very slow small changes at a time. So I'm hoping once I've got the calories in calories out things down maybe I can start worrying about some of those other things.
  • TateFTW
    TateFTW Posts: 658 Member
    I guess I've just struggled with weight my whole life and have been on diets all the time it feels like. I'm trying to make a lifestyle change for once, but I know for me that means very slow small changes at a time. So I'm hoping once I've got the calories in calories out things down maybe I can start worrying about some of those other things.

    I think that's a VERY good idea.