Clean protein bars/powders, Vega!?!?

It's really hard to find good protein powders without sucralose and fake fillers, that also taste good. Out of the brands I have tried, it's been the best tasting so far. Vega has a lot of different clean (and vegan) protein powder supplements and protein bars, of which I have tried some of (and loved) but curious if anyone else has? And your opinions? I still haven't like tried some of their flavored smoothie flavors and chocolate almond bars.

Thanks :)


  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    The word 'clean' does not compute when it comes to food, except (of course) washing your fruits and veggies before eating.

    NutraForce has a protein powder called NutraWhey that uses just sugar (sucrose) as a sweetener. I think it's my fave.
  • liftsforchocolate
    Thanks! I haven't heard of that brand!

    You're right, I just meant without all the crazy additives and fake proteins. It just seems more reliable, than having to check what percent of a non-vegan(soy-free) protein is soy concentrate, whey concentrate, vs. isolate vs. the glycerin. It's crazy
  • QuietBloom
    QuietBloom Posts: 5,413 Member
    Thanks! I haven't heard of that brand!

    You're right, I just meant without all the crazy additives and fake proteins. It just seems more reliable, than having to check what percent of a non-vegan(soy-free) protein is soy concentrate, whey concentrate, vs. isolate vs. the glycerin. It's crazy

    A fake protein? :smile:

    You're right that there are a lot of options out there in terms of protein powder, and it can be hard to know what is best for your needs. This seems like a semi decent guide to protein powders:
  • liftsforchocolate
    Yup thank you!

    There was also an episode of Dr.Oz (I know I know, but this one was actually good)
    where he did a study and I think 8/10 protein powders (common brands like optimum nutrition, etc) had 30% less protein than they claimed. There were a couple of brands that had lead in them too (shakeology for sure).
  • girlnamedanne
    girlnamedanne Posts: 22 Member
    I am extremely sensitive to protein powder and can't do dairy or soy (or their various isolates, even if they put the enzymes in for digestion). PlantFusion and Vega are my two go-tos. I get tired of the taste of one after a while and only use half a scoop, but it's an amazing and truly clean option.
  • liftsforchocolate
    I am extremely sensitive to protein powder and can't do dairy or soy (or their various isolates, even if they put the enzymes in for digestion). PlantFusion and Vega are my two go-tos. I get tired of the taste of one after a while and only use half a scoop, but it's an amazing and truly clean option.

    Yes!!! Finally :) what flavor do you prefer?

    I'm the same way, I used to use a lot of the common whey brands and felt like they seriously irritated my system...esp the sucralose! Also, the plant ones like vega and the brand you mentioned usually have natural sweeteners as well as added fiber!
  • pettychia
    pettychia Posts: 109 Member
    I am extremely sensitive to protein powder and can't do dairy or soy (or their various isolates, even if they put the enzymes in for digestion). PlantFusion and Vega are my two go-tos. I get tired of the taste of one after a while and only use half a scoop, but it's an amazing and truly clean option.
    I like PlantFusion and the Vega after-work recovery protein. But SunWarrior Blend is probably my favorite.
  • liftsforchocolate
    ^ Nice! I tried the sun warrior brand too initially (in chocolate) but got a weird aftertaste. It's hard to describe but it tasted little ground up bean flour.

    I don't know why the vega ones I tried didn't have it, but nonetheless thanks for sharing guys! Do you also mix it in greek yogurt or drink it straight up with water/almond milk?

  • rejectuf
    rejectuf Posts: 487 Member
    You could always get an unflavored protein, then mix in sweetener and flavorings to your liking.

    Dextrose is a pretty popular sugar option among lifters. It's claimed that it doesn't convert to fat or get stored in the liver as readily as other types of sugar.
  • eldamiano
    eldamiano Posts: 2,667 Member
    I dont think that protein bars were ever meant to taste good.

    I have one before a race everytime and they just taste like cheap Mars bars or cereal bars, but then you arent buying them for the taste as a priority....

    Protein milkshake - i like the For Goodness Shakes. Never bought the big powder tubs before.
  • liftsforchocolate
    ^^ But this protein powder actually tastes really good! Especially with yogurt. You can bake cheesecakes and muffins etc as well to make things with added protein and fiber :)
  • pettychia
    pettychia Posts: 109 Member
    ^ Nice! I tried the sun warrior brand too initially (in chocolate) but got a weird aftertaste. It's hard to describe but it tasted little ground up bean flour.

    I don't know why the vega ones I tried didn't have it, but nonetheless thanks for sharing guys! Do you also mix it in greek yogurt or drink it straight up with water/almond milk?
    The Sunwarrior is a bit hard to take on its own. I agree it has a bit of a flavor. But I mix it with almond milk and dump in a bunch of cinnamon if I'm going straight-up. Otherwise, I like to blend it into a smoothie with frozen berries and bananas. It has the highest protein content for the calories that I've found in vegan mixes.
  • WVprankster
    WVprankster Posts: 430 Member
    All of your bars should be clean- unless you're buying from some back-alley black market, almost all the brands I've seen come individually wrapped in plastic.
  • girlnamedanne
    girlnamedanne Posts: 22 Member
    I think vega has been my favorite. Chocolate plus I add a drop of essential peppermint oil by doterra - helps with stomach just in case and it makes it taste like a thin mint (but without the calories!) :) I use almond milk and ice in mine...that's it!
  • tycho_mx
    tycho_mx Posts: 426 Member
    I can't do whey in large amounts. Some small portions are ok, but part of my dairy sensitivity doesn't sit well with 25+ g of whey protein. I also haven't found a single flavoured powder to my liking.

    Vega is ok for me. During a bike race I "won" a choice of supplements from a local health store. I got a container of NutribiOtic rice protein. The taste is ok (unflavoured), but the consistency is very chalky in smoothies. So now I use it only in things like pancake batter, homemade bars, etc.

    With regard to clean - just don't drop them on the floor :P Unless you mean you're subject to ant-doping tests, in which case you probably want to stick to something independently tested by Informed Sport or a similar entity.
  • pitterpatti
    pitterpatti Posts: 33 Member
    For clean protein, I like Garden of Life Raw Protein. It comes in Chocolate, Vanilla, Vanilla Chai, and Unflavored. It is plant-based and dairy free. It is stevia sweetened. I like the vanilla chai. I like that it has enzymes and probiotics as well.
  • 6ftamazon
    6ftamazon Posts: 340 Member
    Vega and bodylogix is what I use. Neither brand is made with any fillers
  • bellevie86
    bellevie86 Posts: 301 Member
    LOVE LOVE LOVE VEGA!!! I've used it every morning in a smoothie with almond milk, spinach and one banana. Tastes great and has 15 grams of protein, not bad for a plant based powder. I've strayed a few times looking to switch it up but always regret doing it. Tried a chocolate hemp one once, nasty. I stick to what I know!!!!