Goal weight and BMI question


I'm sure this has been brought up before, but I was wondering if I should change my goal weight. See, I am shooting for 130 (I'm 5'1.5" tall --but I rounded up to 5'2") since according to BMI, a "healthy" weight range for me is 101-136.7. I have ZERO interest in being 101 (I'm Latina....I have curves!).

I was aiming for 130 since there always seems to be a 3-5 lbs discrepancy with my scale at home (yes, I know, time of day fluctuations, weighing myself first thing in the AM, after a morning tinkle, in my birthday suit ) VS. getting weighed mid morning or late afternoon with clothes on at the doctor's office. I also thought I wanted to be slightly lower than the high end of the BMI range just to give myself a buffer.

When I weighed myself yesterday morning, I was at 142.4 (265 lbs at my heaviest!). It's been so slow losing these last 20 lbs. I know it's MUCH harder losing the last 5-15 lbs than it was losing the first 50! But should I aim for 135, since I think that's more realistic and attainable? Anything below that would just be icing on the (cup)cake :-)

Thoughts/opinions/suggestions/observations/personal experiences welcomed.



  • Oompa_Loompa
    Oompa_Loompa Posts: 1,099 Member

    I'm sure this has been brought up before, but I was wondering if I should change my goal weight. See, I am shooting for 130 (I'm 5'1.5" tall --but I rounded up to 5'2") since according to BMI, a "healthy" weight range for me is 101-136.7. I have ZERO interest in being 101 (I'm Latina....I have curves!).

    I was aiming for 130 since there always seems to be a 3-5 lbs discrepancy with my scale at home (yes, I know, time of day fluctuations, weighing myself first thing in the AM, after a morning tinkle, in my birthday suit ) VS. getting weighed mid morning or late afternoon with clothes on at the doctor's office. I also thought I wanted to be slightly lower than the high end of the BMI range just to give myself a buffer.
    When I weighed myself yesterday morning, I was at 142.4 (265 lbs at my heaviest!). It's been so slow losing these last 20 lbs. I know it's MUCH harder losing the last 5-15 lbs than it was losing the first 50! But should I aim for 135, since I think that's more realistic and attainable? Anything below that would just be icing on the (cup)cake :-)

    Thoughts/opinions/suggestions/observations/personal experiences welcomed.


    I'm trying to just loose 15-20 pounds and it's a biotch! lol
  • amycal
    amycal Posts: 646 Member
    I am not an expert in this by any means, but wow you have accomplished sooo much! I am sure you are much healthier now. I think as long as you are in a healthy BMI, and are at a good fitness level you shouldn't worry too much about any particular number. It is eating well and being active that will keep you healthy and enjoying life!
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    I plan on adjusting my goal once I get with in 5 lbs of my goal weight that I set when I started. You need to go by how you feel and if you are happy with yourself more then the number on the scale. Also you could check what type of frame you have. I have a small frame so I should be toward the bottom end of the BMI range but my initial goal was at the top end. Someone posted a link to a website once to check what size frame you have. Something to do with measuring your wrist. I am sure if you google it you can find one.
  • Sparksfly
    Sparksfly Posts: 470 Member

    I'm sure this has been brought up before, but I was wondering if I should change my goal weight. See, I am shooting for 130 (I'm 5'1.5" tall --but I rounded up to 5'2") since according to BMI, a "healthy" weight range for me is 101-136.7. I have ZERO interest in being 101 (I'm Latina....I have curves!).

    I was aiming for 130 since there always seems to be a 3-5 lbs discrepancy with my scale at home (yes, I know, time of day fluctuations, weighing myself first thing in the AM, after a morning tinkle, in my birthday suit ) VS. getting weighed mid morning or late afternoon with clothes on at the doctor's office. I also thought I wanted to be slightly lower than the high end of the BMI range just to give myself a buffer.

    When I weighed myself yesterday morning, I was at 142.4 (265 lbs at my heaviest!). It's been so slow losing these last 20 lbs. I know it's MUCH harder losing the last 5-15 lbs than it was losing the first 50! But should I aim for 135, since I think that's more realistic and attainable? Anything below that would just be icing on the (cup)cake :-)

    Thoughts/opinions/suggestions/observations/personal experiences welcomed.


    Although it is a personal preference for everyone what their goal weight should be, I think you would be fine at 120-130. My best friend is the same height as you and shes in that 120-130 range and looks great! She definately still has her curves. Some people never lose them!

    I will say this, I am about 5'4 and weigh 130. I would like to get down to 120 if possible. For me, at 130 I still have a 34 D/36C bust and some booty. I think you would be fine going to your lower goal and still keeping your curves.

    Take what I said for what it's worth...probably nothing! :-)
  • Lisamarie1226
    Lisamarie1226 Posts: 335 Member
    I plan on adjusting my goal once I get with in 5 lbs of my goal weight that I set when I started. You need to go by how you feel and if you are happy with yourself more then the number on the scale. Also you could check what type of frame you have. I have a small frame so I should be toward the bottom end of the BMI range but my initial goal was at the top end. Someone posted a link to a website once to check what size frame you have. Something to do with measuring your wrist. I am sure if you google it you can find one.

    That's a great idea! I may do that. Just take it 5 lbs at a time and see how I feel/look. Thanks ;-)
  • watkinsc
    watkinsc Posts: 177 Member
    Wow! You have done amazing! Congratulations!

    BMI can be a tricky number. If you are muscled up your BMI may be higher, but your body fat percentage will be lower. I feel this is where it is important to listen to your body. What weight really feels the best for you? This is all about health, right, not some arbitrary number? I personally feel a little bit of curves are what make us women beautiful =)
  • hpsnickers1
    hpsnickers1 Posts: 2,783 Member
    I'm 5'2" and 130 pounds. I have an average frame. I was very happy when I was 122 pounds (but I didn't exercise or eat right so I had a belly on me). I'd agree with another on this post and say 120-130 (maybe even 120). I think a fit 130 will look better than a flabby 120. I'm trying for a fit 120-125.

    And no offense but I can't even imagine 265 on a 5'2" body. Kudos to you for killing that number!
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,381 Member
    I do think you would want to give yourself some cushion whatever goal weight you decide on. Goal weight is where you are happy and healthier. And already with your weight loss you are so much healthier. So now it is where you are happiest.

    BTW - Don't worry about the curves. You could not get rid of them even if you wanted to! :laugh: That may be why it is getting harder for you to lose the rest of your weight.

    Keep up the good work!
  • BernieMBurke
    BernieMBurke Posts: 206 Member
    I set my goal at 170 (I started at 250.8 on March 9, 2010 and I'm 5'10) which was below my healthy BMI max of 174.3. I hit 170 a week and a half ago. Even though I officially weigh-in on Saturday mornings after a 6.5 - 10.5 mile fast walk (4.5 MPH), I stepped on the scale this morning and weighed 166.0.

    Since I reached my goal I have started the toning down the frequency and intensity of my workouts. Also, I'm trying to up the amount of food I'm eating. Nonetheless, I'm still losing weight. I think I have my body at such a high-burn rate that it is just keeping on truckin'.

    The point of all this is I think setting to your goal to 135 is fine. When you make that goal, you can dedide if you want to lose any more or not. Also, you might lose the weight anyway (like I did).
  • fitgirl4life
    fitgirl4life Posts: 111 Member
    It look me almost 3 months to lose the last 10 lbs, it was soooo slow. I'm 5'3". My initial weight (when I started on MFP) was 131 lbs. When I got to 125 lbs, I plateau'ed for WEEKS. At that time, I thought about changing my goal as I didn't think I'd ever get to beyond the plateau, and I was actually happy with how I looked.

    Then, all of a sudden, I broke the plateau, and within a couple of weeks, got to my goal.

    I still have plenty of curves (32E cup) and look healthy. My BMI is 21.5.

    Don't get discouraged if it takes a while to hit your goal of 130 lbs. You will get there eventually. The strength training really helps! :smile:
  • Pril2000
    Pril2000 Posts: 254 Member
    I just watched a Penn & Teller episode of Bullsh*t on obesity last night. Apparently, the BMI scale is really not that great an indicator of health even though it's used as such. It doesn't take into account frame size or muscle mass vs fat. I think that it should be a guideline but whenever you feel comfortable at a weight, you should stay there (within reason). My original goal weight was 160 (heaviest 218). I'm 5'9' and have a medium to large frame.

    I am currently at 165. Once I hit 165 (a healthy BMI) I immediately thought, "hey, I can go for 155. Why not?" My healthy BMI says that I can go as low as 129 and be "healthy". I look pretty dang good right now and I know that 5-10 more pounds would have me looking even better, but I feel really happy at 165 and whether I lose those last pounds or not, I will be comfortable and in a healthy weight range, so I think it's up to you really.

    Don't feel pressured by a scale or a BMI chart that was created by a Belgian scientist in the 1800's.
  • ironmule2042
    I achieved my goals by setting my goals in 10 lbs increments knowing that I would eventually get to where I really wanted to be. It helps keep me motivated and now I'm finally in my last goal set. Every time I hit the smaller goal I though to myself that I hit that one easily enough, there's no way I can't hit the new one too. Kind of like mini-rewards for my ego. :-)
  • a1schwei
    a1schwei Posts: 617 Member
    go with what makes you feel happiest and best about yourself...i am 5' 3.5" with a medium frame and i teeter around 127ish...i look the best i ever have at this weight and i still have some curves but i see a lot of other people same height who have goals way lower than mine and occassionally i ponder trying for 120ish, but every time i think about it i realize that the weight i am at now is a weight that i can maintain reasonably without needing to stress about everything i put into my mouth or if i have worked out long enough for that day for me that is a huge important point!!! :) good luck you look great!!!!
  • 00trayn
    00trayn Posts: 1,849 Member
    I'm at the same point you are. I'm at 152 right now, and I'm initially shooting for being under 140 (healthy BMI for my height). But BMI is such an arbitrary number, especially since I've built up some muscle. I'm gonna take it a few pounds at a time once I get down to that number. Sure I'd love to be 130, but I don't know if it's realistic until I'm closer. So for now, I want these 12 lbs gone to get to 140. Then I'll reassess and see where I want to go from there. If I look good and I'm happy at 140, I'll stop there. Otherwise I'll shoot for somewhere in the 130s.
  • LapBandBobbi
    I'm also 5'1.5" and set my goal at 130 lbs. It's been so long since I've been at 130, I'm not sure how I'll feel. I still have about 40 lbs to go and I'm just going to play it by ear as I get closer. Good luck!
  • LapBandBobbi
    I'm also 5'1.5" and set my goal at 130 lbs. It's been so long since I've been at 130, I'm not sure how I'll feel. I still have about 40 lbs to go and I'm just going to play it by ear as I get closer. Good luck!
  • becky2time
    Just my opion, I'm no doctor, but I think the BMI should have to take into consideration a person frame. Like do they have tiny bones, medium or large. I am trying to get ot 116 which is at the lowest of my bmi for my height, but I will be happy with 125, I just set my goal really high so I'll be more motivated. Looks like you're dong great, and if at 130 you look great, feel great and are in the right range then stay there! Good luck with your journey to health and wearing clothes that fit good!
  • dobergfell
    BMI = crap (unless you are a life insurance agency just looking to manage risk over a large number of clients). Basically it is a formula that generalizes the population but may bear very little resemblance to truth for an individual.

    University of Chicago political science professor Eric Oliver says BMI is a convenient but inaccurate measure of weight, forced onto the populace, and should be revised. ^ Sheldon, Linzi (April 26, 2005). "Oliver blames 'obesity mafia' for American weight scare". The Dartmouth. http://thedartmouth.com/2005/04/26/news/oliver/.

    My body type happens to fit nicely within BMI, but many people won't.
    I suggest you base your goals on body fat % and measurements / appearance.