Just can't seem to get started

Am I the only person starting up ----yet not starting up and gaining weight?

I start off with a healthy breakfast, then it all goes downhill. There is candy and bakery ALL the time at work. I Can't seem to resist!!! Once I start, then I eat terrible the rest of the day. It is a busy time at work...so working a lot of hours, very little time to exercise!!!

Yikes!! I am really depressed. Spring is here and I have gained 15 pounds since the start of the year!!!!

How to get motivated to even make it through a day of healthful eating and some sort of regular activity level??? I am bummed out by mid-day every day because I have "fallen off the wagon" already. How to avoid temptation?


  • knra_grl
    knra_grl Posts: 1,568 Member
    Rather than resist it why not try to find a way to fit it in once or twice per week. That's sustainable in the long term. Fit some activity into your workday somehow, go for a walk at lunch, take the stairs, park farther away from your workplace, if you live close enough to work walk or bike to work, if you use public transit get off a couple blocks away and walk part way.
  • Jestinia
    Jestinia Posts: 1,153 Member
    Have a huge steak for breakfast if you're an iron-belly like me.

    Then see how bad you want that candy.

    If the steak wears off before the office candy is gone, have boiled eggs with you for mid-morning snack and lunch. I swear, if you can stomach it, that will help lots. Then you can get your fruits/veggies/whatever carbs in at night.

    Edit: If you can swing it, making hot tea at work helps, too. No sugar, no milk.
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    Eat "healthy" (whatever that means to you) 80% of the time. Fit yummy, portion-controlled treats into your calorie goal. Deprivation can lead to bingeing.

    Read this: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/topics/show/1080242-a-guide-to-get-you-started-on-your-path-to-sexypants
  • Warrior_Butterfly
    Excuses are for people that don't want it bad enough. Stop saying I can't, I won't, I might, I'll try, maybe later, maybe tomorrow...... Start saying "I will" TODAY.
  • livelaughloveandfitness
    Just take it day by day. If you rush in to things in my experience you will fail. I have been trying to loose weight for at least 3 or 4 years. I always just tried to jump into eating healthy and after about a week i would have a bad day and quit. Well at the beginning of this year I was tired of feeling how i did. So i went at it again but this time i didnt jump in head first i took my time i said to my self ok lets try and eat 2 or 3 healthy meal this week and go for a walk 2 or 3 times a week. And I did that and each week i would slowly add a little bit to it. And not about 2 or 3 months later im about 70% of my meals are healthy and I walk about 4 to 5 times a week. So just take it day by day! You will get there! And dont let bad days get you down! Dont cut stuff out either it makes your crave it more. Just have little bit of whatever you want! Feel free to add me!
  • mbmom413
    mbmom413 Posts: 7 Member
    Thanks for the posts. I won't dwell on another "bad" day yesterday.

    Today is a new day!!!
  • itisgoodtobetheking
    Try thinking of the start of your 'day' as the beginning of any 24 hour period that suits you. I start mine at lunchtime, so I'll have maybe 300 calories for lunch, then an afternoon snack of ~100 calories. Supper will be ~500 calories, which leaves me another 300 calories for breakfast the next day. If I go overboard on my snack, or eat a bigger supper than usual, I'll just cut out breakfast the next day - coffee usually does the trick anyway!

    Choose to end your 'day' with whichever meal you'd find easiest to cut down on. And don't feel bad for falling of the 'bandwagon' - try not to think of 'Wednesday' as a single unit in which you're allowed to eat X number of calories, but as part of a spectrum. If you eat more on Wednesday, eat less on Thursday to even things out :)
  • TavistockToad
    TavistockToad Posts: 35,719 Member
    what do you want more? loads of cake or to be thin?
  • eldamiano
    eldamiano Posts: 2,667 Member
    Am I the only person starting up ----yet not starting up and gaining weight?

    I start off with a healthy breakfast, then it all goes downhill. There is candy and bakery ALL the time at work. I Can't seem to resist!!! Once I start, then I eat terrible the rest of the day. It is a busy time at work...so working a lot of hours, very little time to exercise!!!

    Yikes!! I am really depressed. Spring is here and I have gained 15 pounds since the start of the year!!!!

    How to get motivated to even make it through a day of healthful eating and some sort of regular activity level??? I am bummed out by mid-day every day because I have "fallen off the wagon" already. How to avoid temptation?

    How to get motivated? The fact that obesity deteriorates health. What other motivation do you need.

    Temptation? You shouldnt need some special measure to avoid temptation. Say no. Willpower is surely what it's all about....

    Your whole post is full of 'third party' excuses to why you cant lose weight buy ultimately, it is down to you. Not everybody who has cakes and sweets next to them at work is overweight....