140 lbs to lose

I'll start with a little background.

OMG, lets see, I've been at this weight loss thing since I was probably 8 years old. I'm now 28. It wasn't until recently that I finally understood what people meant by long term weight loss being a lifestyle and not a diet. I couldn't grasp that concept for the longest. This past year I have faced many obstacles, some I have been able to overcome, others I have not but I refuse give up. One of my longest and toughest battles has been my weight. I don't recall a point in my past or present where I have been comfortable in my own skin. I have never had confidence and I barely had self esteem until a few years back when I went thru hell in a relationship. I'm not sure if that caused me more harm than good. But being alone is too easy for me to have to deal with any sort of foolishness. But now that I realize that I do want to get married and possibly have a child, I know I must lose weight. I just don't have the confidence or esteem to date. When I look in the mirror, I wouldn't date me so I don't expect any man to. Not that they wouldn't. Guys flirt with me all the time. I'm just not interested in the caliber of man that I'm currently attracting. In order for me to have the life that I desire and become the woman I envision in my dreams, I must conquer my weight before it kills me. Through reading, meditation, prayer and fasting, I have learned to change my mind set. Once I was able to shift my focus, this journey hasn't been as difficult as I once perceived it to be. I've only been at it week but I don't get hungry nearly as much as I use to and I'm enjoying the exercise even the soreness. I thank God constantly, I've failed the past 20 years trying to do this on my own. This time I know will be permanent.

I know I can be long winded, I just really need to vent. Not everyone understands the struggles of being fat or having a poor relationship with food. Thank you to whomever reads this. I definitely need motivation and encouragement and would love to reciprocate as it isn't all about me. This is a serious epidemic.

Thanks everyone.


  • ewennmacher
    This site has helpped me so much! I hope it does the same for you. I have learned that the more I lose, the more it motivates me to keep going. I also have recently taken up running (well, jogging really at this point!) Im 5' 4" and weigh 213 and am doing 3 miles in 43 minutes!! and i love it!! Find some physical activity that you can fall in love with and it will become a lifetime thing, which will help you not only lose weight but become healthier and happier and proud of yourself and for the rest of your life. At first i set monthly goals that were focused on how much weight i want to lose, but now im trying to focus more on fitness goals and just general healthier me goals. (for example, i like to drink beer, so my goal next month is to drink fewer days than i dont drink, and to run a total of 30 miles, a mile for every day of the month!) if you set attainable goals, and focus on being healthier as a whole, and not just the numbers on the scale, you will have more success long term, which is the goal, right?!!!! good luck, and feel free to add me as your freind if you think we could motivate each other!
  • GBrady43068
    GBrady43068 Posts: 1,256 Member
    There are lots of folks here ready to try to encourage you and offer great tips to get you there.

    Since you mentioned God in your quest, there are several specifically Christian-focused groups...you may want to join on or more of those. There are also groups for folks with excess of 100 pounds to lose that may be helpful.

    If you don't have anything that prevents you from running medically, you should probably stop by http://www.runforgod.com and see if there are any local groups meeting in your area. Essentially, it's very similar to the Couch to 5K program designed for non-runners to get into running shape with a 5K as the end goal but it also includes a Bible study component.

    I don't have quite that amount to lose but still need to drop about 80 pounds to go. Add me if you'd like.
  • nachelavery
    Thanks for advice. I really appreciate it. You're doing exactly what I want to do and that's become a runner. I have an app on my phone that trains me to run a 10 min mile in 4 weeks. You're running 3 miles in 43 minutes which is excellent. I'M JEALOUS!!! LOL. That's really awesome though. I'm good if I can run for 45 seconds non stop. I'm getting there. Thanks for the tips.
  • Currahee3
    Currahee3 Posts: 8 Member
    Here's something that motivates and encourages me, and it might help you too! When I'm doing my cardio (elliptical or treadmill) I put my iPod on and listen to uplifting music from people like Chris Tomlin, TobyMac, Matthew West, etc. It really really helps! Not just phyically, but mentally as well. :)
  • JTick
    JTick Posts: 2,131 Member
    When I started, it was really overwhelming when I looked at how much weight I needed to lose. I started chipping away at it one pound at a time, and before I knew it I'd lost 40, 50, even 60 pounds. Now, I look at it and go "Wow! I only need to lose 40 pounds!" and that thought is really exciting to me.

    Have patience. That's my biggest piece of advice. It's taken me 18 months to get where I am...slower than most, but I've taken maintenance breaks along the way.

    I am also a runner, and it's a good goal to aspire to. I think anyone that wants to be a runner, can be a runner. It's a very achievable goal. My very first run, I didn't make it the 300 feet to our mailbox before I had to stop. I cried...a lot. But then I went out the next day and did it again. And now I'm going to run a half marathon...for fun! Zombies aren't even chasing me and I'm still doing it!

    Use the site, and the forums. Don't let people upset you here when you ask for advice...take the advice of people with thousands of posts or who have lost a lot of weight. Even if they come off "mean" sometimes, they know what they're doing and have (for the most part) been successful losing and maintaining weight loss. They have been my most valuable source in this endeavor.
  • Maddalen101
    Maddalen101 Posts: 307 Member
    This is a great site. Yes, losing weight is hard ... it took me more than a year and a half on this site to really get going. I started with 140 lbs to lose as well.
    Some suggestions:
    1. use the support - friend people and accept friend requests! it's a great feeling when everyone is supporting each other toward the same goal.
    2. Use the site's tools to figure out a humane weight loss plan. Entering in your metrics, and being honest about your exercise level (there is a "very sedentary" choice), the site will give you a daily calorie count that will enable you to lose weight, at your pace.
    3. Use the site's food-tracking tools. Do your best to stay within your calorie count. You will find yourself figuring out more "efficient" ways of eating (that is, the most nutrition for the least amount of calories), and choices that will satisfy a sweet tooth and a fat tooth. (I have both, so it's important for me to be conscious!)

    Hope all this advice helps - please feel free to friend me.
  • ewennmacher
    couch 2 5K helpped me a lot! i swear, the moment i start jogging, i tell myself "there is no way im jogging 3 miles. ill stop after one" then i get to one and think "yeah, i got this!" im slow but i dont care. the point is to get the 3 miles in and ill work on time later. i felt so proud of myself when i did the 3 miles. im proud of myslef if i just do one! ive been doing 3 miles for only a week (3-4 days) and my legs have really gotten used to it already! im keeping it 3 miles for the rest of march, because i dont want to push myself too hard and make it a "chore" next month, ill work on another mile :)
  • ewennmacher
    also, i just got this app on my phone, MapMyWalk. it calculates distance, time, pace, and calories. i have an HRM and the calorie counter on this app is generaly the same as my HRM. and its a free app!!
  • JTick
    JTick Posts: 2,131 Member
    I also want to add that a lot of people recommend C25K, and it's a great program, but you don't need to use it if you don't want to...I didn't. I just ran as much as I could, and then walked, and repeated. Eventually I built that up to what I do now. In the beginning, I wasn't even fit enough for the C25K. It would have been way too taxing. Start where you can, work up as you're able to, and don't feel bad if you can't keep up with whatever program you decide to use.

    PS I've been running over a year now, and still can't run a sub 10 min mile. :wink:
  • Chance535
    Chance535 Posts: 64 Member
    I also have struggled with being obese my entire life. This site has helped me find support therefore feel free to add me also.
    Good luck!
  • Shanel0916
    Shanel0916 Posts: 586 Member
    I can identify with so much of what you said. I have self esteem issues and lack confidence. I have never been satisfied with my body. I constantly compare myself to other women and at times wish I had their body instead of mine. I'm currently lacking motivation though I want it so bad but just can't seem to get my head in the game.
  • nachelavery
    Thanks to all of you. You've been a tremendous help to me and a boost to my confidence.