Anyone 5'6 and looking to lose/ has lost 20lbs? :)

Hi I'm Annie, I'm 19 years old 5'6 and 11 stone 6lbs at the moment. I'm a UK size 12/14 in clothes compared to 3 years ago when I weighed 9.7 / 10st and was a clothes size 8/10 UK.

I'm looking to lose 14lbs-20lbs and was wondering if anyone out there is in a similar position? Or was in a similar position and managed to lose the weight :)? Roughly how long did it take you? What did you do etc ? :)

Anything to motivate me, as I'm worried I will give up when I go home from uni for Easter and lose all the work I've put in so far!



  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    I was at 20lbs to lose in September 2013 when I started weight lifting...

    It's been 6 months (mind you over Christmas I logged but didn't care gained 1.5lbs and went on vacation and gained 4lbs and didn't care)

    So all in all it's been about 5 months for me to lose 20lbs...sounds like a long time but I average 0.66 lbs a week which is a good rate that is sustainable and it means I am not losing much of my muscle mass.

    I really just watched my portions, bought a food scale and didn't give up my fun and treats...I lift weights because I love it but it also gives me that burn and helps me keep my muscle and makes me stronger...

    I still drink, go to the pub, eat chocolate every night etc...
  • LTKeegan
    LTKeegan Posts: 354 Member
    I was in that boat when I started, I am 5'6" and I'm down from 21 to 9lbs to go. Its taken me since Jan 13 so far. Slow and steady wins the race :D I'm hoping to hit my goal by summer. 9lbs in 2-3 months.

    I'm also worried about Easter. I'm from a family who has always had something to say about my weight, when I was younger, I was too fat (I was well underweight) and I'm worried I'm going to go home counting calories and my mom is going to drive me straight to a psychologist. So my plan is to go up to maintenance for that week/weekend so I don't have to deal with any push back from my family. It takes a lot to "lose" all of your hard work. Keep mindful, don't eat handfuls of chocolate, eat pieces of chocolate. Don't eat till you're stuffed, eat till you're full and have leftovers :D

    If you want support, I'm happy to have more friends :)
  • louiseoxford
    louiseoxford Posts: 44 Member
    Hi there!

    I started in an almost identical situation as you are, I am 5'6" and was 11 stone 5lbs. I started at the beginning of January and now weight 10 stone 9lbs. My end goal is 9 stone 5lbs.

    My journey is a slow one but for me it's a lifestyle change rather than a quick fix diet so as long as the scales go in the right direction then I don't mind :). I've had days and even weekends where I've gone over my calorie goal by quite a bit but I've found that if I just carry on with eating well the next day then it all evens out and the scales continue to go downwards! I haven't done anything drastic, I just keep within my calorie allowance 80% of the time and go to the gym 3/4 times a week.

    If you get your head and mindset in the right place then you won't give up. I don't expect to lose all my weight until next year and once I accepted that my body isn't going to change overnight then my journey became a lot easier.

    Feel free to add me if you like :).

    Good luck!
  • improweight
    improweight Posts: 7 Member
    Yup similar position with similar height and weight goals :) Only about five pounds and a month in though! It's still a process of learning and being surprised by the calories certain foods have. Conscientious eating is something of a learned skill it seems - so I wouldn't be too hard on yourself to begin with.
  • jchadden42
    jchadden42 Posts: 189
    I am 5'5" and have lost just over 20 pounds. I hit my goal 10 pounds ago, and I seem to be really good at losing weight. I'm currently at about 125 pounds. I'm a runner and swimmer and consume roughly 2300 calories/day.
  • ZombieMom79
    ZombieMom79 Posts: 70 Member
    I am also 5'6 and have about 30 to lose. I started January 5th, 2014 and have already lost 13 pounds by using myfitnesspal and my fitbit. If you really want it, you can do it!
  • MaeHills
    MaeHills Posts: 17 Member
    I'm 19 too, 5ft 6 and weigh 11st 2. Im looking to lose about 15 pounds to get me down to around 10st/140lb. I managed to get there about 18 months ago - if i remember it took me around 6 months (but I'm one of those people that can be very good for a certain period of time and then fall off the wagon for days/weeks/months). I have since put all the weight back on which is super annoying but hope to lose at about a pound a week.
    I have only been doing this seriously again for 2 weeks, and have lost one measley pound so far! I hope it speeds up a bit..
    Good luck and add me if you want! :)
  • katylil
    katylil Posts: 223 Member
    I'm 22, 5'6" and currently 10st 1lb-ish. Aiming for another 10lb loss. UGW is 9st.

    I hit my highest weight of 11st 9lbs at the end of my first year at uni (the dreaded freshers 15!) and then went home for summer and lost about a stone in 3 months just from eating normal home-cooked meals again (no more stodgy canteen food) and doing 30mins on the elliptical before work each day.

    That was in 2009 and since then I've upped and downed from 11st to 10st 5lbs. I've tried Slimming World, WW, 5:2, Cabbage Soup, Intermittent fasting... It's only been since January this year that I've started properly logging on MFP again, getting involved with the forums and learning about nutrition and weightlifting. Since then I've very slowly lost just over half a stone.

    Same as everyone above: it's a lifestyle change. I eat really well a few days a week and really badly a few days of the week (usually when I'm with my boyfriend), but I log EVERYTHING, even if I feel guilty about it and that's really helped me to slowly start making better choices during meals out, spontaneous pub trips, etc. I've started running as well and was lifting weights at the gym until last month when I had to cancel my membership (FYI being broke sucks). So now I just do bodyweight work, squats, lunges, pushups etc as much as I can.

    Slow and steady wins the race my friend :) we'll get there!
  • Dposh67
    Dposh67 Posts: 16 Member
    I'm 5'6 and i have to lose 15-20lbs. Started feb 9th at 170lbs and I've only lost 1lb so far :(
    But I have lost 2 inches on my waist.
    I strength train so i'm hoping that its mostly muscle. I would love to get down to 150 by this summer
  • Gramps251
    Gramps251 Posts: 738 Member
    I wouldn't worry about how long it takes to lose the 20lbs. Looking at it that way you may reach your goal, pat yourself on the back and then go back to doing what caused the extra 20lbs in the first place. (I know for a fact I've done that dozens of times over my lifetime)

    What is working for me now is eating the amount that I think someone who weighs my goal weight would have to eat. I've set my calories to upper 1300s and really worked on portion control. I fugure I can always adjust things over time and I won't have to change my eating habits for maintanance. All the hard work will be done and I'll be healthier. (In the last year my total cholestol dropped 100 points and is now in a healthy range)

    Good luck.
  • rachellleanne
    Hi, I joined MFP at the end of January this year, weighing 10st 4lbs (size 12UK) (5' 6"). I'd already lost a stone in the 3 months prior to that just by eating healthier and doing more exercise. Since then, with the help of MFP I've lost another stone in 8 weeks, so just under 2 pounds a week. I set my goals on MFP to aim for a 2 pound per week weight loss, so following their recommended calories has been pretty accurate for me. I now weigh 9st 4lbs (size 10UK) and have around 10lbs left to go! I imagine I'll lose these last few pounds at a slower rate as I don't want to restrict my calories any lower than 1200. So depending on how fast you want to lose the weight, I'd say it should take you about 2-3 months.
    Good luck & feel free to add me! :)