Women- Lose weight while on period?



  • etaylor29704
    etaylor29704 Posts: 1 Member
    So I tend to gain a few oz everyday with "Aunt Flow" in town. I try to eat the same foods ( not introduce news ones that week) to insure its not the food that actually is making me gain weight.
  • victoria_1024
    victoria_1024 Posts: 915 Member
    Does anyone else lose a significant amount of weight before their period comes?

    Last month, I lost 5 lbs in a week and then 2 days later my period came. The next week I lost 2 lbs, the next week I lost 1 lb, and the next week I lost 1.8, and now this week I lost 4.6 lbs and my period is due in a couple days again! I'm starting to think it's not a coincidence. I don't know why such a significant amount of weight would come off, when it sounds like most women gain before their periods?
  • DoctorMcCoy10
    DoctorMcCoy10 Posts: 101 Member
    I put on 3lb every month, normally it comes straight back off though. I find the massive increase in appetite the hardest thing :( Got to try really hard.

    Yes this is me too! Eating right for me during TOM is really difficult. It takes a lot of telling myself no, no, no don't put that in your mouth :laugh:
  • I was so worried that I didn't even see the slightest movement on my scale, even though I'm still dieting and working out everyday of my period. I hope that once it ends I'll see a wonderful number pop up!
  • paomiamifl
    paomiamifl Posts: 61 Member
    Hi ever one!
    Today for the first time in years, I LOST 1/4 of a pound and my TOM is still days away.
    I have been consistently losing, but it seemed that on TOM, I gained, then lost. Except this month! Could it have something to do with a faster metabolism?
  • paomiamifl
    paomiamifl Posts: 61 Member
    On my TOM week...and have LOST 1.8 lbs in FIVE DAYS! I'm staring at the number in disbelief.
  • bellasmommy99
    bellasmommy99 Posts: 1 Member
    This drives me crazy. Every month for about 6 months, I have been losing 3-4 pounds during my period and get all excited and then even if I am working out and eating right, it all creeps back on in a few days and I can't get off this horrible plateau. I am thinking of talking to my dr. about trying to balance my hormones with medication and help with my PMS which is terrible during my TOM. Has anyone tried medication to balance hormones? I have lost about 60 lbs in 15 months, slow but effective, I just don't want to gain it back.
  • tracylbrown839
    tracylbrown839 Posts: 84 Member
    This drives me crazy. Every month for about 6 months, I have been losing 3-4 pounds during my period and get all excited and then even if I am working out and eating right, it all creeps back on in a few days and I can't get off this horrible plateau. I am thinking of talking to my dr. about trying to balance my hormones with medication and help with my PMS which is terrible during my TOM. Has anyone tried medication to balance hormones? I have lost about 60 lbs in 15 months, slow but effective, I just don't want to gain it back.

    This is quite normal. Your body is, in fact, comprised of about 60% water. So, 3-4 pound monthly weight fluctuation due to monthly cycles is completely normal, and actually expected.

    So, truth be told, in a monthly way, if your weight keeps going up and down about 3-4 pounds over the course of a month, this is just changes in water. (Weight actually fluctuates over the course of one day, normally).

    This just means that your weight is stable and you're not actually gaining or losing.

    It also sounds like you've lost a good deal of weight already. Sometimes, this is just generally a sign to take a break from trying to lose any more weight for awhile... Maybe a few weeks or a month, and then go again. (Just my 2 cents) :)
  • While on the my periods I gain weight but if I continue to count calories and exercise and don't give into cravings I lose the weight I gained plus extra weight