What's your biggest way of keeping yourself motivated?

I'm always curious,and there's so many different ideas.
Buy something a size smaller.
Look at the worst photo of yourself.
Book a holiday to give yourself a goal.
But i was wondering what works you guys personally, and if there's anything new i haven't heard of yet,
Just a couple suggestions off you guys would be great.


  • LollyChester
    Okay, probably silly since I'm already 40 something....but I have a sticker chart. For me, it's a huge thing to evaluate my day before bed and realize I "earned" my sticker. For every 10 days of consecutive stickers - I give myself $5 into my insanity jar......which I can use whenever I want. Right now I'm saving up for some new running shoes. I will say it makes sense to sketch out ideas for short, medium and long-term goals. For instance, my sticker/$ arrangement I do for short range goals. For every 20 pounds I lose I buy myself an item of clothing, and long range - I have a vacation planned in October.
  • amylouisechambers
    amylouisechambers Posts: 70 Member
    I find if i keep going to the gym- even when i don't want to i force myself because as soon as i skip one day, it all falls apart!

    Definitely a holiday too! I keep thinking 'I don't want to feel like I did in a bikini last holiday'.
  • Lizzy622
    Lizzy622 Posts: 3,705 Member
    Planning helps. My motivation tends to go up and down all the time but by planning I can stay on track even when the motivation is not that good.
  • pipeweed
    pipeweed Posts: 1
    I surround myself with people who have the same goal as I do. That way you don't feel tempted and you get good support at the same time. I also pre-plan my daily meals so that I know how much I will be getting that day and at the same time I don't feel tempted to eat whatever I see especially when I'm at work.
    With regards to working out, I keep a daily routine and sticking to it even if sometimes I don't feel like it.
  • Amanda_Gx6
    Amanda_Gx6 Posts: 320 Member
    I set up goals and rewards for those goals for myself.

    10 lb loss = either a new handbag or new pair of non-gym sneakers
    15 lbs loss = whichever of these ^^ I didn't buy
    20 lb loss = new swim suit
    25 lb loss = lots of new clothes

    In the gym when I'm losing my motivation I just think of how I want to look and ask if its worth the work and the answer is always yes.
  • DustyMarie506
    My source of motivation is somewhat twofold...

    First, I am temporarily living with my parents, both of whom have a variety of health issues. My dad was diagnosed with diabetes when he was in his late twenties (where I am now). Over the years, he has added high blood pressure to that list and has had numerous hospital visits many due to poor health habits. My mom is an out-of-control emotional eater. This has led to not only obesity but also heart problems and other weight-related complications. Neither of them are interested in diet or exercise in the least. This is a trend seen throughout my family (aunts, uncles, cousins). Since moving back home, my eyes have been opened to the dangerous way they are living. Watching my family pop dozens of pills everyday is motivation enough to know that this legacy has to be broken, and it has to start with me.

    Second, I am a dreamer. I have larger-than-life goals for myself. I never want to get to the point where I have to say "I can't" because of my health. No matter how difficult it may be to maintain a healthy diet (while surrounded by deep-fried everything), no matter how much pain comes from an intense workout, I know that if I want to achieve my best life, these are the tools it will take to get there.

    Those are my ultimate sources of motivation, but in reality, it takes small daily motivations to keep me going. Things such as: running a 5k, seeing pics of someone I admire who is healthy and fit, wanting to see a pic of myself that I don't completely loathe, being able to show the people who say "you can't" that "I can, and I did!"
  • ChantalD75
    ChantalD75 Posts: 680 Member
    I want to get a new tattoo when I hit 100 lost!!! :happy:
  • Jestinia
    Jestinia Posts: 1,153 Member
    I have social anxiety. It is much worse when I'm overweight. So I picture myself in a store or anywhere in public at my current size or smaller versus overweight. That helps keep me on track sometimes. I still don't like people very much, but when I feel fat and awkward, they're unbearable.
  • lyricsmamma6469
    lyricsmamma6469 Posts: 37 Member
    I see my motivation everyday...my son. I want to be healthy for him. He always asks me to take him to Cedar Point in the summer and I have felt like a horrible mom for years because my excuse for not taking him isn't that I can't afford it, it's that I've been afraid that I couldn't fit on the rides that he wanted to ride. This summer, I WILL fit into the rides. I still have another pant size to lose before I'm confident that I can fit all the rides, but I know I'll get there by summer. He used to ask me to go bike riding with him and I couldn't even make it up the street without stopping. We now go on 5 mile bike rides. I still get winded but the point is that I am now able to do it. Obesity runs in my family. My younger brother is over 450 lbs. I'm trying to show my son how to live a healthy lifestyle now, before he ends up struggling like I have.
  • missjones513
    missjones513 Posts: 345 Member
    I want to take a snowboarding lesson when I reach my goal. I also want to be at the halfway mark when we go on vacation in June.
  • jlolson6740TK2
    jlolson6740TK2 Posts: 28 Member
    Personally I stay motivated when I have people to stay accountable to and with. Add my here and if you need daily motivation and support I have a private group on Facebook where I check in daily. I post fun tips during the day, ways to change up your routine, and provide overall support and motivation- if you are interested let me know - I would love to have you!!
  • chad_phillips1123
    chad_phillips1123 Posts: 229 Member
    Setting up small goals, doing (being able to do) new things, and looking at how far I've come already!
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    I refuse to be average.

    average "just" wants to go work out
    average "just" wants to lose weight.
    average "just" needs a little motivation.

    I want to be fabulous. harder stronger and faster.

    that's my motivation.

    it's hard to explain- and in all honesty- it has NOTHING to do with anyone's journey- or putting someone else down- i know it doesn't read like that- but in my mind- push hard because I refuse to be average. Average takes the path of minimal resistance so I push to the hardest path- to be better than I was yesterday.

    I do not want to die- and someone stands up over my body and and says "she was an average girl who did average things"

    that's how I am better than I was yesterday and why I refuse to quit or just do the bare minimum.
  • JulieE1002
    JulieE1002 Posts: 162 Member
    Reward system. I reward myself for every 10 pounds lost.

    10 lbs: New cute boots!
    20 lbs: New hair do!
    30 lbs: New clothes! I was using binder clips to keep my pants up until it didn't work anymore. I did wear a size 20 - on Friday night I bought myself size 14 pants. I am so proud! :)

    Reward yourself with anything other than food. Food is only meant to fuel your body.
  • BritFat2Fit
    BritFat2Fit Posts: 1 Member
    Seeing results and seeing pictures of myself.
  • ericzanetti
    ericzanetti Posts: 41 Member
    Thinking about yesterday's workout. If I don't workout today then yesterday's was for nothing.
  • grumpyldo
    grumpyldo Posts: 21
    Knowing the belt I use has holes being used that never were and fitting into clothes I kept hoping to fit into them one day and that one day is NOW!!
  • JulieGirl58
    JulieGirl58 Posts: 158 Member
    I'm much older than you but I want to keep my mind sharp and active. Everything I have read about dementia, which my mother has, says that being overweight contributes to the condition. As does eating too much sugar. As does lack of exercise. So when I think it is too hard, or I just want to give up, I remember that it isn't just my body that will pay for it, but my brain also.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    My two biggest motivations are the mirror and fear. I'm happy when I like what I see in the mirror. I fear getting old and feeble. I can’t stop myself from getting old, but I can do my best to prevent being feeble.
  • BeautifulChaos27
    - I have a goal in mind. Currently to get back in the 100's by my 21st birthday. After that, I'll need to reevaluate, but my overall goal is to be about 130. Subject to change though, because for all I know I'll be happy at 150, or maybe 130 won't be enough and I'll need to lose more. Who knows. *shrug*

    - I have a paper hung up on my bedroom door (that I see MANY, MANY times a day) with lists of "week 1 - I was this weight" "week 2 - I was this weight" and so on, so I visibly SEE the number dropping.

    - I have two cups of marbles next to my bedside, one with pounds I have to lose, one with pounds I have lost (and a 3rd cup with my fund for new clothes once I reach my goal weight). It's nice seeing the pounds I've lost cup catching up to the pounds I need to lose cup.

    - I have that list thing on my profile where it says oh 1 lb = this random thing, 5 lbs = this random thing and I check them off as a pass them.

    - I take pictures because it's not always obvious when you've lost 20 pounds because you see yourself everyday. Then you look at a before/after picture side by side and it's like WHAT HAPPENED lol

    - I look up random motivational images online and add them to my pictures on my profile here (did you know there is a picture limit? I didn't)

    - Motivational stories. Or rather, pictures. It makes me think, if they can do it, so can I!

    - Thinking about that high school reunion I'll have and getting to flaunt my amazing new body in everybody's face who was a jerk to me simply because I was fat. Which was like everyone. Ohhh how jealous they will be that I got hot and well, they're not. (kind of petty I know)

    - My future kids. I want so desperately to not pass on my family problems to them. And to be able to play with them, I don't want to be the parent on the sidelines!!

    - Fear of diabetes, runs in the family.

    - Wanting to be able to run just for the sake of running. Oh I need something at the corner store down the street? I'll get it! ... without the car!!

    - Hopefully fixing my knee problems. Doctors say it might be because of my weight, so we'll see if it keeps happening or not once I get to my goals. -hopefully not-

    .... I think I've listed enough things now. *shuffles off*