Stuck or doing something wrong?

So, my calories is set for 1490. I am constantly hungry and feel like I need to eat constantly or Im going to pass out! I know when I exercise I can eat those calories back, but that just doesnt seem to satisfy my hunger.

I do weights MWF with cardio beforehand (1.5-2 mile run on treadmill or 25 min elliptical) T and Thu I do my long runs (3-4 miles) then on Saturdays I do my longest run (8 miles this Saturday). I have a 10 mile run coming up so thats why I have been running so much.

Anywho, is anyone else having this issue...I feel like im not losing anything. I dont know if the constant running is doing something or what. Please help!


  • Kevvboy
    Kevvboy Posts: 81 Member
    If you're that hungry, I think you need to eat a little more. Your body may be in starvation mode. Try upping your daily cals by 200 or 300, give it a couple of weeks and see if the hunger abates. Chances are you'll lose more weight too. But dont sweat plateaus - you're definitely on the right track. Good lucK!
  • 1princesswarrior
    1princesswarrior Posts: 1,242 Member
    My best guess without being able to see your diary or knowing your stats is that you are not fueling your body for your workouts. I'd recommend going to to figure your TDEE with exercise and maybe adjust your calories to your TDEE - 10% to TDEE - 15% and see if that helps. Then you eat the same amount every day and do not eat your exercise calories back because they are already included.

    Also, make sure you are logging your food and exercise correctly.

    Have you had your blood sugar tested? That might be necessary as well just to rule out any issues.

    ETA: Since you are so close to your goal you should only aim for 0.5-1lb loss per week. So TDEE - 15% is probably too aggressive at this point.
  • DrJenO
    DrJenO Posts: 404 Member
    Yeah, with only 6 pounds to go, you may have better results with body conditioning.

    Would you mind posting your stats?

    Age, gender, height, current weight, goal weight, activity level
  • Aprill42
    Aprill42 Posts: 170 Member
    well, Im 28 female 150 5'4 I have a desk job,but exercise everday. I'm thinking like someone said, I am not fueling my body enough..which could be it, but then I dont want to over eat...
  • DrJenO
    DrJenO Posts: 404 Member
    Yeah, I'd dial down the calorie deficit - go to your settings and put it at 0.5lb/week - and see what that gives you. Also, start tracking your measurements (waist/hips/arms/thighs, etc) and look less at the scale.
  • PibbleLover88
    PibbleLover88 Posts: 40 Member
    I agree with all of the above about increasing the amount you are eating, and going for a smaller weekly loss.

    A few years ago, I was counting calories. It had been maybe 2 or 3 weeks in a row that I didn't have a loss, when I thought I should. I got mad, and went and ate a Big Mac and Blizzard!! Three days later, once all water I had retained had finally left my body, I stepped on the scale and was down 4 pounds!

    For me and my body, I found that dramatically spiking my calories periodically will help a lot with getting me unstuck. Maybe something to try if increasing your calories doesn't do the trick.
  • Aprill42
    Aprill42 Posts: 170 Member
    So with the TDEE I will not eat back the calories I burned? I can just customize my goal settings to resemble my TDEE (which is more than what I had!) on fitness pal instead of using the guided one. I put .5 lbs and it was still lower than what the website said I should be eating
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    Yeah, I'd dial down the calorie deficit - go to your settings and put it at 0.5lb/week - and see what that gives you. Also, start tracking your measurements (waist/hips/arms/thighs, etc) and look less at the scale.

    This. So much this.
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    So with the TDEE I will not eat back the calories I burned? I can just customize my goal settings to resemble my TDEE (which is more than what I had!) on fitness pal instead of using the guided one. I put .5 lbs and it was still lower than what the website said I should be eating

    Correct, with TDEE you do not eat back your exercise calories.
  • nikkihk
    nikkihk Posts: 487 Member
    If you're that hungry, I think you need to eat a little more. Your body may be in starvation mode. Try upping your daily cals by 200 or 300, give it a couple of weeks and see if the hunger abates. Chances are you'll lose more weight too. But dont sweat plateaus - you're definitely on the right track. Good lucK!

    There is no such thing as "starvation mode". But yes, if you are hungry, eat more. Tummy grumbling is a sure sign of needing more energy. =D
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    With so little left to lose, set your goal to lose 0.5 lbs/week and eat back cals burned from exercise, otherwise you risk a large % of your loss coming from lean muscle, not fat
  • Hellbent_Heidi
    Hellbent_Heidi Posts: 3,669 Member
    Its also possible that WHAT you're eating is the problem, not the number of calories alone. If you aren't eating the right things (like not enough protein), you are always going to feel hungry and weak. Be sure you aren't wasting it on 'empty calories'
  • Lcruz2014
    Lcruz2014 Posts: 20 Member
    I agree with hellbent, it might not always the calories but what your eating that make the difference
  • Aprill42
    Aprill42 Posts: 170 Member
    I can eat more carbs because I am running more, but protein. Def, good on this!! But yes, I will continue to watch what I eat and just eat more of it!
  • Aprill42
    Aprill42 Posts: 170 Member
    With so little left to lose, set your goal to lose 0.5 lbs/week and eat back cals burned from exercise, otherwise you risk a large % of your loss coming from lean muscle, not fat

    So, this is confusing me. Sorry people! Should I set my goal to .5 lbs a week and eat calories burned or use my TDEE and not eat back calories (just put it as my goal and not calculate exercise just log in what I eat). Or should it be the same??
  • kmglennie
    kmglennie Posts: 40
    I'd keep in mind as well that if you're at a calorie deficit, cardio is straight up going to make you hungrier. I found this article helpful:
  • Kevvboy
    Kevvboy Posts: 81 Member
    To the person above who said there's no such thing as starvation mode, go look up the word "starvation" in any dictionary.
  • djwife03
    djwife03 Posts: 333 Member
    I've been struggling with this very thing since i started on MFP! i have actually gained 2-3lbs since my starting weight. I just can't seem to find that magic number i need to lose weight. I find that I get hungry too, but then you get told to "just drink some water". Well, I do that, and i'm still hungry. I started this journey at 168lbs, and wanted to lose 10lbs, but I now weigh 171 on a good day.(I'm 5'11) I run 3-4 days a week, 3-4 miles, and then I do some weights, lunges, squast, that kind of thing. Other days, I do a Jillian Michael's DVD. I don't work out EVERY day, but aim for 4 days a week. My legs feel tighter, and my butt, and I have lose a couple inches, which i'm proud of, but.....I've went back up a size! I have a desk job also.
    I eat lots of raw fruit and veggies, so I do try to eat healthy. Today is my first day back logging my calorie intake in a while. I got to be pretty inconsistent at logging, but still tried to eat healthy.
    So, i'm just as frustrated as you are! I drink my water all day, and even some green tea. I just turned 40 and I know that metabolism tends to slow, but yet I'm hungry! I'm hungry right now, as I type this. I had a fat free light greek yogurt with some fresh frozen mango chunks mixed into it at about 2:15, and I'm starting to feel hungry again already. By the time i get home, my stomach will be hurting.

    Feel free to add me, if you like! You'll find lots of support here!
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    Are you eating back exercise calories? If not, you should eat back at least some of them. Or use to get your goal.

    And make sure you use your calories in lower calorie, filling foods, typically good fats, protein and fiber.