new mom. loosing the baby weight

Hey everyone I am a new mom of a 5 month old and am trying so hard to loose this last 25 lbs. I am breastfeeding and trying to walk a few times a week but the scale is not budging. would love some support from other moms who have either gone through this or are going through this.


  • tuckerrj
    tuckerrj Posts: 1,453 Member
    Sweetie, loose is something that is barely attached and dangling by a thread. You want to 'lose' baby weight. There's gonna be a lot of people crashin' on you about it.
  • PinkCoconut
    PinkCoconut Posts: 655 Member
    I've got me a 7-week old! Feel free to friend me! :)
  • I have a 14 week old and could really use the help.
  • amiclon
    amiclon Posts: 3 Member
    I am a new momma too! My son, Paxton, just turned 6 month last week! I was in the process of losing some "I'm married now" weight when I found out I was pregnant! So, although I have lost all my baby weight I still have that 30 from before to lose. I am looking for other mom's to offer support and understanding... it's not easy making time for yourself when you have a little family to care for!
  • Congrats on your new baby! You are more than welcome to friend me. I have 2 boys (3 & 11months) I am down 16lbs so far. Hopefully another 10 :)
  • kgeyser
    kgeyser Posts: 22,505 Member
    Hey everyone I am a new mom of a 5 month old and am trying so hard to loose this last 25 lbs. I am breastfeeding and trying to walk a few times a week but the scale is not budging. would love some support from other moms who have either gone through this or are going through this.

    Greetings, new MFPer. The first thing you need to do is start weighing and measuring your food, and logging it accurately. In the food diary, you can search for breastfeeding, and it will add an additional 300-500 calories per day to your daily calorie goal (those calories are for exclusively nursing). You should be eating those calories as you need them to maintain supply. Then it's just a matter of eating well; an 80/20 split is good. 80% of your diet should be healthy, nutritious foods, and 20% whatever you want once your nutrient needs are met. It's an easy way to work treats, wine, and not-so-great-for-you-nutritionally foods into your life without feeling like you are undoing all your hard work.

    After you've logged for awhile, if you are still not seeing the scale move, you need to tweak your calories by figuring out where the issue is. You could be underestimating how much you are eating, or overestimating how much you are burning, but it's usually pretty easy to figure out the issue.

    I'm nursing a 22-month-old and have lost about 24 lbs since I've been here, I'm happy to answer any questions about weight loss and nursing.
  • Kdp2015
    Kdp2015 Posts: 519 Member
    Hey I also have a 5 month old and am walking daily and trying to diet to lose about 16 pounds.
  • arussell414
    arussell414 Posts: 5 Member
    I'm in the same boat. I have a 3 month old boy! Need support don't know where to start. I'm still eating like I was pregnant way too much. I need to lose 40lbs. Please friend me!
  • jlolson6740TK2
    jlolson6740TK2 Posts: 28 Member
    HI! I'm a mo of 2! They are 7 and 3 but I still feel like I am loosing the baby weight!! LOL!!!

    Add my here and if you need daily motivation and support I have a private group on Facebook where I check in daily. I post fun tips during the day, ways to change up your routine, and provide overall support and motivation- if you are interested let me know - I would love to have you!!
  • Congrats on the baby! I myself just had a baby boy 2 months ago and I'm trying to drop around 30lbs. I just joined today so no weight progress has been made but if you'd like a couple of tips on how I lose my first 10lbs feel free to add me! Congrats again!!
  • amberklucas
    amberklucas Posts: 14 Member
    Congratulations on the baby! My baby is now four months old. At first, I was losing weight pretty quickly, but it was only because I was sinking deeper and deeper into postpartum depression (and forgot to eat, seriously. I forgot!). Now that I'm on the road to recovery for my PPD, I am starting to see the scale creep up because I am not eating well (or working out). I definitely need to get back into a routine and could definitely use some motivation!

    Please add me if you would like! Anyone in this thread is free to add me!
  • KrysGettinFit
    KrysGettinFit Posts: 131 Member
    To the OP: You can do it! I'm a new Mom as well of a 4.5 month old, it's not easy but you can do it with a lot of hard work!
  • KrysGettinFit
    KrysGettinFit Posts: 131 Member
    Sweetie, loose is something that is barely attached and dangling by a thread. You want to 'lose' baby weight. There's gonna be a lot of people crashin' on you about it.

    ^^ Rude
  • missyjg99
    missyjg99 Posts: 246 Member
    Hi! I have a 4 y/o and a 9 month old. I also work full time. I lost almost all of the baby weight 2 years ago but then became pregnant again. I gained a lot of weight with my son and am struggling to lose the weight, again. Feel free to add me. It's so hard losing baby weight especially since my baby doesn't sleep well. I'm just starting to get back into the swing of things. Anyone can add me. I try and be as supportive as possible.
  • New mom again to a 4 month old and also BF (my other youngest is 15). I found I lost most of my pregnancy weight except the last 5-7 pounds within the first two months postpartum, but over the last month I have been gaining (almost 10 pounds). Would love to hear what is working for other BF moms so feel free to add me!
  • 3smiii
    3smiii Posts: 67
    I got a 14 week old
  • shelbz123
    shelbz123 Posts: 48 Member
    Hi! I just saw your comment back to my post. I would love to talk to you more and get some tips from you! my son is 6 months I am exclusively bf and still am holding on to the last 15lbs
  • lollipoprincess
    lollipoprincess Posts: 117 Member
    7 month old! Dealing with the same. Feel free to add gotta get off here! Congrats on your new babies! ;)
  • I'm in the same boat! I have a 6 month old and I am trying to lose the last 20 pounds from my pregnancy. I am a waitress and I watch my calories (unfortunately I give in to my cravings sometimes) and do light exercise but the scale isn't really budging. Advice?
  • shelbz123
    shelbz123 Posts: 48 Member
    how do you add breastfeeding to your calories?