Slow weight loss--anyone else in the same boat?

I have been really regularly sticking to my calorie goals for about six weeks now and I have only seen about 3lbs of weight loss. I know that for the amount of weight I need to lose, this is healthy, but I wish I could boost it to a pound! Is anyone else in the same boat?


  • terbusha
    terbusha Posts: 1,483 Member
    What is your calorie goal/day? Are you eating too much? Are you eating too little? How often are you exercising? What are your fitness stats? Some more information would be helpful to get you on track. There is a fine line for losing weight efficiently. It's tough to find it sometimes.

  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    "Slow" is subjective. I lose an average of about a pound a month but for where I'm at in my weight loss and how I'm not too particular about some of of the details (don't weigh my food, do some guesstimating), I really can't expect much better and I'm totally fine with it.

    Also there are factors like water weight from monthly cycle, high sodium intake, increased workouts, etc to factor in. As much as we might think it should be, weight loss is not linear. Make sure you're setting healthy, realistic goals. And try to be patient...I know it's hard sometimes but these things take time.

    Here is a great guideline for setting weekly weight loss goals:
    If you have 75+ lbs to lose 2 lbs/week is ideal,
    If you have 40-75 lbs to lose 1.5 lbs/week is ideal,
    If you have 25-40 lbs to lose 1 lbs/week is ideal,
    If you have 15 -25 lbs to lose 0.5 to 1.0 lbs/week is ideal, and
    If you have less than 15 lbs to lose 0.5 lbs/week is ideal.
  • ravelloitaly
    ravelloitaly Posts: 1 Member
    I am also in that frustrating period where I think I am doing things right but not getting results. Although I have really only been tracking my food the last 3 weeks. My goal this week is to drink more water since I am also lacking in that area. Perhaps that will help. Remember it is a journey and not a sprint. I just have faith that it will start showing some results soon.

  • arabianhorselover
    arabianhorselover Posts: 1,488 Member
    We can't see what you are eating. Open your diary.
  • Giddyduck
    Giddyduck Posts: 212 Member
    Make sure you are taking measurements. If you are gaining muscle and transitioning your body-holding your weight is okay. It is frustrating. It is the boat I am in too...I workout doing HIIT 5 days a week for 45 minutes. I have lost 9 inches but no weight. I do eat over some days and I am okay with it so that I don't binge. Remember it is a journey-a lifestyle change not a diet
  • LozPenguin
    LozPenguin Posts: 139 Member
    "Slow" is subjective. I lose an average of about a pound a month but for where I'm at in my weight loss and how I'm not too particular about some of of the details (don't weigh my food, do some guesstimating), I really can't expect much better and I'm totally fine with it.

    Also there are factors like water weight from monthly cycle, high sodium intake, increased workouts, etc to factor in. As much as we might think it should be, weight loss is not linear. Make sure you're setting healthy, realistic goals. And try to be patient...I know it's hard sometimes but these things take time.

    Here is a great guideline for setting weekly weight loss goals:
    If you have 75+ lbs to lose 2 lbs/week is ideal,
    If you have 40-75 lbs to lose 1.5 lbs/week is ideal,
    If you have 25-40 lbs to lose 1 lbs/week is ideal,
    If you have 15 -25 lbs to lose 0.5 to 1.0 lbs/week is ideal, and
    If you have less than 15 lbs to lose 0.5 lbs/week is ideal.

    Thanks for this! This actually helped me too, I get frustrated with my weight loss when I have a slow week, wondering what I did wrong. But by your scale, I'm actually going just as I should be, with the occasional ups and downs. Patience is really the hardest part of weight loss! :explode:
  • claritabay
    claritabay Posts: 5 Member
    Thanks for the replies! I actually think I'm doing everything right, I eat 1600 a day (calculated using TDEE and BMR), plus a bit more when I do cardio, and I have been doing strength training, so I definitely have a bit of muscle gain. I know that .5-1lb/ week is ideal for my weight loss and I am not looking for any unhealthy shortcuts, I have just been having a hard time on the site finding forums and groups for people working on moderate weight loss. The challenges like "Lose 20 pounds by July" just aren't applicable to me.
  • quiltlady77
    quiltlady77 Posts: 93 Member
    I'm having the same problem but I have only lost 2# in the past year. I have a feeling that I am not eating enough or else I'm not exercising enough. I go to the gym 3 days a week and the other days I use the treadmill or recumbent bike and the days I don't have time at the gym to lift wts. I will do that at home too. Actually my waist has decreased about an inch so that's good. While at the gym I usually swim and do aqualates or occasionally water aerobics and lift weights or use the elliptical, usually burning about 300+ calories per day. I have weighed and measured my food for several years so don't think I am over eating in that way. I'm trying to do 1200 + part of my exercise calories. So by my standards you are doing great!