strength training problem

hi all,

So here is my problem I have issues with my neck, arms, shoulders and upper back in general. My specialist has advised me that light lifting of weights would be beneficial but and here is the big but, I can lift no more than 5kg.
Has anyone got any ideas on how I can build arm muscle without lifting over my limit? Any help will be appreciated.



  • LKArgh
    LKArgh Posts: 5,179 Member
    When there are health issues, you need to see this as physical therapy and see a specialist. I doubt this is something you can start on your own. If you get to see what you can do and get into a routine, then you can experiment, but if the dr told you "google this and make sure you stay under 5 kilos", it is time to see a new dr!
  • Charalena1982
    I can assure you that my specialist didn't advise me to google it was something I came up with all on my own lol..
    I understand that this would be seen as physical therapy and due to the nature of my problem this is something, as you said, that I need to experiment with myself.
    It was advised that I lift no more than 5 kg due to muscle wastage from little to no use in the last 5 years. I need to build up to that 5kg and was just looking for a little something from someone to help get me started. The personal trainers in my area don't seem to understand this and insist that I lift more. No thanks...

    Thanks for your reply anyway...:smile:
  • Leadfoot_Lewis
    Leadfoot_Lewis Posts: 1,623 Member
    Most likely your doctor wants you to start light so that your ligaments, tendons, and joints will get used to the load (weight) before you go heavier.

    That said - if you have "muscle wastage" then your arms are the least of your worries. You need to be focusing on doing compound lifts that get everything moving in sync and use the most muscles. Basically, you need to strengthen the biggest muscles in your body now and worry about isolating your "arm" muscles later down the road.

    Start with the compounds (Bench, Squats, Deadlifts, Overhead Press, Rows) with the prescribed 5 kg. After a couple weeks your muscles, ligaments, etc. will be adapted and you then will need to increase the weight.
  • tzfitness2
    I joined a spa-type club that offers a fitness trainer program. The fitness trainers are the experts that will train you... I went today and did strengthening exercises and used no more than 4 lbs. Definitely happy I joined!! Don't go to a goodlife program... suggest a place that caters to 40+ yrs