So Sore!

Ok, so I finally got off my butt and started exercising..... but now I am so sore I don't feel like I can go on! How to I stay motivated to exercise when I hurt all over? HELP!


  • Rene3634
    Ok, so I finally got off my butt and started exercising..... but now I am so sore I don't feel like I can go on! How to I stay motivated to exercise when I hurt all over? HELP!
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,786 Member
    Try walking on days that you are sore - or some low impact exercise you enjoy. The soreness will subside.
  • spacie
    spacie Posts: 82
    If you exercised at a gym or swimming centre treat yourself to a jacuzzi afterwards, it has the same effect as a massage.
  • songbyrdsweet
    songbyrdsweet Posts: 5,691 Member
    Try to learn to love and accept your soreness--it means your muscles have been broken down, and now they're building back up! To prevent the soreness, warm up and stretch very well BEFORE and AFTER your workout--I mean, up to 15 minutes before and after. Also, make sure you're eating enough protein, because that's the building block your muscles need to repair themselves--carbohydrates contain some protein, but they're not 'complete', meaning they don't have the entire array of amino acids and can't help very much. Meat, dairy, and eggs all contain complete protein. This site recommends about 15%, which is okay for the average person who doesn't do anything, but if you're performing resistance training you need to increase your protein and decrease your carbohydrates. I eat 40% of each, but you could try something like 25% protein or an even 33% split of your nutrients.
  • deanea
    deanea Posts: 1,437
    stretch baby, stretch, lactic acid builds in the muscles, move those muscles even though you are sore, pilates, yoga.
  • Christy421
    don't get discouraged! really the best way to get the soreness to go away is to WORK OUT AGAIN!!! i know i know, the thought may sound like hell right now, but you have to get that acid build up out of those muscles!! don't do anything heavy, or you'll hurt yourself. but, like someone mentioned above, go for a long walk, or hop on the elliptical and do a slow, easy relaxing routine. if you sit around they will just hurt longer. and, you'll be suprised, but while you're working out you really won't feel the soreness!

    just work through it, but take it easy for the next few days until the soreness goes away. you'll love the feeling later of doing the same exercises that made you sore, and have them NOT make you sore anymore. you'll know you are that much stronger! :smile:
  • rockymtnguy
    My outlook each day is that it is the kinda hurt that let's me know I'm alive. If I'm not hurting, then I'm not trying hard enough in the gym to surpass my previous day's exercise output. And slowly but SURELY it'll get a little less painful each day. Consistent stretching, exercising, eating properly, and HYDRATING, and maybe a muscle gel like tiger balm, or flex all 454 and yes the hot tub at a gym if you belong are all going to help. The main thing is consistency though, 2 days on and then a reprieve and then back it's hard to get into a soreness free state that way.
  • dinosgirl
    dinosgirl Posts: 157 Member
    I love the pain! Does that make me weird? :embarassed:

    My suggestions are the same as the others. Warm-up and stretch before a workout as well as cool-down and stretch afterwards. Add some yoga and/or pilates into your rotation. Be sure not to work out the same muscle groups without a day or "recovery" in between. And finally - don't force yourself to workout through the soreness. Take it easier on the days you are most sore but realize that the more you workout, the less sore you will feel in time. :smile:
  • bschaufus
    When you are sore the worst thing to do is nothing. By keeping your muscles moving it will keep them lose and the circulation going. So, if you're sore than do some stretching, walking, or yoga. Also, make sure you are drinking plenty of water.
  • icandoit
    icandoit Posts: 4,163 Member
    Soreness means it working and you are doing it correctly. It will get easier. Soak in a hot tub and take some ibuprofen.
    I have been told if you workout hard and you are not somewhat sore, you did not work out correctly.
    If you are sore, you have done a great workout.
    Keep focused and keep going.
  • SGFlyinHi
    SGFlyinHi Posts: 469 Member
    I agree with ICan, soak in a hot tub, and yes, stretching does also help.

    The soreness will go away with the more you work out, as your muscles get used to the new routines. I have been working with weights for quite a while now & my legs still got sore a day or two after a good workout, but my upper body rarely gets sore, even though I work it just as hard. It does vary with each person.

    Hang in there, it does get easier.

    SG :glasses: