Experience with Medifast?

I'm curious if anyone has experience with Medifast? It was suggested to me by a nurse for my personal situation.

I am unable to do much physical exercise. I was born with hip and back problems, and have sustained injuries over the years that have further stopped me from exercising. It's difficult enough to even walk around the grocery store or stand in the kitchen to prepare food. I have severe asthma, as well. Furthermore, I've had digestive problems since birth, possibly due to being born early?
I am unable to eat meat, as it makes me very ill, and have food allergies that are a further hinderance. Broccoli, cabbage, coconut, grapes, goats milk/cheese, shellfish, red meat.
Most of my protein comes from dairy and some soy, though the soy upsets my stomach.

I understand Medifast is a low calorie diet, but to be honest it's more calories than I eat some days. Other days, I'm sure i eat excessive amounts? They have gluten free options, which would be good for me.
I am unable to feel when I am hungry, so hunger isn't a big issue for me. Also, I don't particularly care about the taste of foods. I see people have complained in the past about the flavour of Medifast foods, but I don't feel this would be an issue for me.

I'm currently 5'5" and 197lbs. Ideally, I'd like to get down to 145. I feel like losing the weight could possibly help with some of my health conditions. And maybe losing the extra weight could take some of the strain out of walking?

As for the post-Medifast transition, I'll have someone to assist me with food preparation etc. They are currently unable to be of assistance for a couple more months, but I'm hoping perhaps Medifast could help jumpstart things?
I will also be going to a physiotherapist in hopes that it will help with my mobility issues.

Any experience stories or opinions are welcome. I hope to hear back from some of you soon.


  • misty1040
    misty1040 Posts: 5 Member
    I have been on Medifast since January and have been very pleased with my results.
    If you choose to do the program, I would recommend one of their health coaches to help you on your journey. They are very informative and will be especially helpful as you transition from the weight loss phase to the maintenance phase.
    With Medifast, you HAVE to eat your meals every 2.5-3 hours. This will keep your metabolism going and keep you in fat burning mode. It helped me in the beginning to set a timer on my phone throughout the day to remind myself that it was a meal time. I have been on the program long enough that my body knows when it is time to eat and has created it's own internal clock.
    Drinking water is also key- not only for the program, but for everyday life. A minimum of 64 oz. (or half your body weight) is ideal to keep your body hydrated, to help flush toxins out and to help with digestion (there are MANY more benefits of water).
    The great thing about the program is that almost anyone with dietary needs can be on the program. If you can't eat meat, there are other ways to obtain your daily protein.

    I would recommend checking out Medifast's Frequently Asked Question page. There's a lot of great info to review.

    Slowly easing yourself exercise would be good, as well (make sure to check with your doctor). Anything in the water (walking, water weights, aqua jogging, swimming, etc...) is a great low-impact way that is easy for most people. It's easy on the joints, but burns calories.

    Best wishes on your weight loss journey!!!
  • ranefyre
    ranefyre Posts: 2
    I have already lost 7.5 lbs in a week and a half, and it is noticeably easier on my joints to go up and down the stairs. I would suggest eating your meals with gasx (simethicone) if you already have digestive issues. My DH takes it now for his digestive issues that are similar to yours (he is not on medifast) and suggested it to me after a glorious night of foul gas. I took it once with all my meals yesterday, and today, far less gassy!
  • varnerific
    varnerific Posts: 48 Member
    I recommend Medifast. In 2011 I lost quite a bit of weight on it. Started 2011 at 200 pounds, and by Christmas I was 136, mostly thanks to Medifast, although I started that year out on the dreadful HCG so I lost some that way. Over the last 2 years I have slowly put back on about 15 pounds (from careless eating) and I weighed in today at 150. I just restarted Medifast this week and am looking forward to getting back to my goal. If you need support, there is a group here: http://www.myfitnesspal.com/forums/show/723-medifast-losers-