Losing at higher calorie counts!

Looking for friends who eat a higher counts and have been successful!
Been looking into BMR and apparently it is around 1,550 and I have been striving to eat around 1,200-1,500. I aim for 40 minutes of low impact aerobics 5 days a week and 1 day of full body strength training. Would love to have friends to share food diaries with to keep me motivated to eat more. I have a mentality that if I eat less I will lose faster, but I don't want to screw up my body, metabolism or feel weak.


  • spikrgrl503
    spikrgrl503 Posts: 247 Member
    I eat between 1650-2000 and lose about 1 lb a week.
    6' female 178 lbs goal weight 160.
  • chasetwins
    chasetwins Posts: 702 Member
    I am 5'5 started at 218 now down to 160 (with a pound of TOM weight this second lol) I lost most of my weight eating 1550 cals per day. I do believe I was a bit higher when I was 190's. I started here on MFP using the standard 1200 and that just did not work for me..I was starving and stressing over what I could eat. Learned a lot here and moved those calories up.

    I work out 5 days a week - next week will be a break (going on vaca and taking a break from MFP / Dieting as well)

    Increasing calories while dieting is scary!! Getting closer to goal I had to do it again and just like going from 1200 - 1550..I am nervous but did it!!

    My weight loss now will be slower than months ago since I have just about 10 pounds to goal - however feel free to add me.. and / or check out my diary any time you would like :)
  • Tanya949
    Tanya949 Posts: 606 Member
    My BMR is 1665, I eat 2185 cals per day and about 2 lbs per week just melt off.
  • tammcclure
    I use the 1800 calorie guide on MFP but because of exercise and so on I can sometimes eat even more than that. I am of course on a long haul plan, 87 pounds lost of 238 I need to lose. So I've been at this a while. As long as you work off what you eat you can eat higher calorie amounts and FEEL good.

    I can't believe how energetic I've become despite my medical problems (Psoriatic Arthritis and Fibromyalgia). With 87 less pounds on my frame my joints are hurting less. That makes me want to exercise and stick to my meal plan. I'm able to have a treat once in a while without messing things up completely. No more super low cal diets for me. I'm going to continue to adjust as needed but starving myself is just not the right way to do it. After 25 years of yo-yo diets I finally figured it out. :)
  • eleanacarmona
    Okay I just started this yesterday aiming at eating 1200 calories a day and man is this hard! I wish I had the motivation to exercise 40 minutes even doing aerobics but I just can't find myself to work out that long. You girls are amazing for losing so much weight! I have a 5 month old, 4 year old, and 7 year old. I live out in the country and am a stay at home mom with junk food all around because of my kids and husband who eats like the kids. I loved eating the junk too and let me tell you I cant believe I am at 190 lbs. The biggest I have ever been! I to need some support on staying in check so that I can better myself. Any tips from anyone on whats healthy to snack on that will keep me feeling full and satisfied?
  • EHisCDN
    EHisCDN Posts: 480 Member

    You can eat more and still lose. I'm really petite (5'1) and 141lbs and I still manage to lose while eating 1650 [gross]. I strength train 3x a week (I'm doing Stronglifts) and try to get about 30km on the stationary bike as well.
  • ideang
    ideang Posts: 95
    I gross between 1500 and 2000 a day. I walk every day for an hour to two depending on how much time I have. I find I stay on track better when I eat a bit more, I could never do the 1200 a day thing I would be a bear.
  • chasetwins
    chasetwins Posts: 702 Member
    Okay I just started this yesterday aiming at eating 1200 calories a day and man is this hard! I wish I had the motivation to exercise 40 minutes even doing aerobics but I just can't find myself to work out that long. You girls are amazing for losing so much weight! I have a 5 month old, 4 year old, and 7 year old. I live out in the country and am a stay at home mom with junk food all around because of my kids and husband who eats like the kids. I loved eating the junk too and let me tell you I cant believe I am at 190 lbs. The biggest I have ever been! I to need some support on staying in check so that I can better myself. Any tips from anyone on whats healthy to snack on that will keep me feeling full and satisfied?

    Ohh I hear you on the junk food household!!! I am a Mom to 3, wife and run an in home daycare...snacks everywhere :/ My husband joined me in April of last year so it got a bit better. However the kids still need their treats.

    Word of advice - put your snacks in a different cabinet. Out of sight sometimes out of mind. My kids have their shelf - we have ours. Keep lots of fresh fruit for sugar cravings - for salty Townhouse makes a low fat cracker that is only 60 calories for 6. Snyders makes a fairly low cal tortilla chip with salsa makes a great snack :) I tend to eat the same things over and over however feel free to peak at my diary. The snacks I have keep me full in between meals. I have a snack about 2:30 PM then my other is at 8 PM. You can usually tell what I ate together since PB and tortilla chips do not mesh LMAO
  • khoshgeleh16
    khoshgeleh16 Posts: 150 Member
    I generally eat about 2200-2500 calories a day (netting 1600 at the 1.5lb/week level) and have been consistently losing since I joined MFP at the end of October. Admittedly I walk for transportation and do a lot of exercise besides, so I'm able to achieve pretty large burns on a regular basis...

    You could even probably stand to eat a bit more if your BMR is 1550 - you shouldn't eat fewer calories than that no matter what! (It's fine if your *net* intake is under your BMR, though - my BMR is around 1890.)
  • khoshgeleh16
    khoshgeleh16 Posts: 150 Member
    I have a mentality that if I eat less I will lose faster, but I don't want to screw up my body, metabolism or feel weak.

    It's good that you're aware of this and trying to avoid it, because that line of thinking leads straight to eating disorders and an effed-up metabolism - speaking from experience. Slow and sustainable is a much, much nicer route even though it takes a long time. The scenic route, if you will.