Feeling "fat"?

This may be a weird question but do you find yourself feeling "fat" even though the scale/inches/whatever are clearly down?


  • Sarah0866
    Sarah0866 Posts: 291 Member
    Yes, typically if I've eaten too much at once, eaten too fast, or had more sodium that I should. I also feel that way when I'm bloated due to "that time of the month." Sorry for the TMI lol :)
  • bellevie86
    bellevie86 Posts: 301 Member
    Yes. I have those days, but I also have days where I feel f*ckin sexy while getting ready to jump in the shower :) Just depends, the things that really cause those days for me is when my red friend is in town, high sodium days, and general guilt over food choices.....I always get over it and remember ultimately that I'm headed in the right direction and that I'm a lot better off than when I started this journey :)
  • disneygirl626
    disneygirl626 Posts: 132 Member
    Well I am still fat lol.

    I do know what you mean though and yes, I think I have felt that way a couple times. It's an emotional response I have sometimes when I'm struggling with other things and stressed. I'll just feel really down on myself sometimes without even there being a real trigger. I find it passes and once it does I'm more motivated because I hate feeling that way.
  • Eve_e
    Eve_e Posts: 57
    Absolutely. I think that once I chose to focus on my fitness and nutrition, I became a much greater critic of my body. Flaws that I may not have noticed in the past are beyond obvious now. I think it comes with the territory of committing to getting in shape. I just remind myself that even if I don't feel my best, I'm headed in the right direction.
  • KhatLady
    KhatLady Posts: 51 Member
    Excessive "bad" foods usually do it to me now that I'm not as used to them. Don't get me wrong, I don't eat clean by any means {beyond being vegetarian, but I've been vegetarian since I was 13} but I feel it when I go overboard with heavy foods, salt or sugar. {Too much} Heavy food makes me feel tired and sluggish, too much salt makes me feel bloated and too much sugar makes me feel hungover. I can still easily be under my calories for the day but if half of them were cookies or pasta in some sort of cream sauce, I know I'm going to feel like garbage. In the case of too much sugar, that hangover feeling also insures that my next workout is going to be torturous. Not getting enough water on top of any of that only makes it more pronounced.

    I've found it to be a pretty good deterrent to keep me from going overboard all the time. It kind of reminds me of when I quit smoking. I wanted a cigarette and wanted and wanted until I finally gave in and had one. It made me feel like hell and reminded me of how awful I felt aaaaallllll the time when I was smoking. It highlighted all the things that improved when I quit, like my head was clearer, no more daily headaches, no more daily heartburn, easier to breathe, easier to sleep, etc. When I added that to how hard it was to quit, how expensive it was and the fact that it was probably going to kill me it made it a lot easier to tell myself it wasn't worth backsliding.
  • beautifulwarrior18
    beautifulwarrior18 Posts: 914 Member
    I always feel fat lol. Especially on bad days, but yes even though my scale is moving down. I still look at my double chin and my big belly and feel fat.
  • Mr_AH
    Mr_AH Posts: 32
    Yeah, I've been logging my food for two weeks now and I'm not sure if I've seen any difference. I've worked out every day but I'm not sure i'm on the right track.

    Today I really feel like i can feel fat on the back on my arms.
  • jennifries227
    jennifries227 Posts: 113 Member
    Yeah, I've been logging my food for two weeks now and I'm not sure if I've seen any difference. I've worked out every day but I'm not sure i'm on the right track.

    Today I really feel like i can feel fat on the back on my arms.

    You're moving, you're logging, you're on the right track. It takes more than a couple of weeks to get skinny. Or even to notice the difference.

    I feel fat fairly often. Usually I try to remember how far I've come and remind myself that I am NOT on an impossible journey.
    And if I slip up and eat that cupcake.. Well, that's what tomorrow is for.
    I also measure my waist and look back at past measurement logs. A quarter inch is so little, but it's still a big step.
  • queen_ana
    queen_ana Posts: 35
    Thank you everyone!! This helped me very much because I honestly didn't know if it was me or what lol
  • katro111
    katro111 Posts: 632 Member
    Yup. It usually happens when I wait too long to eat something and/or eat really fast. Also happens if I eat too late at night - I wake up feeling like my food's a rock just sitting in my stomach. lol.
  • cricket_77
    cricket_77 Posts: 165 Member
    Yes, certain jeans make me feel fat! Also too much take out food will do it for me too.

    I also like my view from the front much more than the view from the back. So i guess viewing my backside makes me feel fat too!