Corps Strength.....Best bang for your buck!!

First and foremost, I've been using MFP for over a year and have lost almost 45lbs. This has proven to be a great resource that actually works with a little accountability and hard work. Back in the summer I came across the book listed below by accident. My workouts were getting stale and I had a hard time hitting all of my fitness goals. This book has proven to be, at least to me, one the best fitness investments I have ever made. (Not a statement I'll say much). This book is very simplistic, there's no BS, it covers workouts/nutrition, and the price is more than reasonable. The author is a former Marine Master Gunnery Sergeant and has tested his system for numerous years on countless numbers of "volunteers". My level of fitness has improved to new heights because I follow the general design of the program. Like anything else, all the workouts can be easily scaled back. If you don't believe me, just look at the reviews on Amazon.
