what % of your bodyweight do you squat?



  • Dalker
    Dalker Posts: 44 Member
    Started with the bar which was 40% and got up to bodyweight after stronglifts. Then I fell off the wagon for a while. Now on 45 kg which is 90%. So close but it's starting to feel hard! I'm doing 5/3/1 now and the total volume of squats is less so I'm probably nowhere near doing 5x5 for bodyweight. It's nice to make progress and I no longer hate the squat the way I started to after stronglifts.

    so did you start to stall out on squats with stronglifts, is that why you switched programs?

    I have some fractional plates so when 5lbs starts being too much i'm going to increase by 2.5 lbs and see how i do. If i keep stalling anyway then i will likely switch to 5/3/1

    I stopped stronglifts after I started to stall out. I could have probably kept going a little longer but I was starting to get bored of the routine and this was affecting my commitment. I took a break shortly after as I got injured and then just never quite managed to make it back. I think it would have benefited me to return to stronglifts as it does seem to give you a faster progress but I really like 5/3/1 and I figure I'm in it for the long haul.

    Stronglifts is great though and I'd use the fractional plates, they help
  • SelkathNuggets
    SelkathNuggets Posts: 37 Member
    40%. I'm still relatively new to squats, and while I bet I could do a lot more I prefer to incrementally increase it so I don't get injured.
  • Slinky_BraveHeartBunsOfSteel
    61% if my calculations are correct! I'm 143lbs and squat 88lbs (20kg bar+20kgs) :)
  • thinklivebefree
    thinklivebefree Posts: 328 Member
  • zozo_r
    zozo_r Posts: 1
    i started out at like 30kg so 55lbs roughy i weighed 140 , i squat 80kg (175lbs) for reps now and i weigh 135
  • RECowgill
    RECowgill Posts: 881 Member
    Squat is my weakest, but not because I'm not applying myself. I started at maybe 30% of my bodyweight and currently do about 110% as a 1RM (250lbs). I squat with injuries- a herniated disc and shin problems, so I can't go as heavy as I want, yet.
  • tomcornhole
    tomcornhole Posts: 1,084 Member

    My wife did similar...except she through in some New Rules too...

    I love 5/3/1...best intermediate/advanced program every IMHO.

    Would you suggest 5/3/1 after NROL4W? Just thinking ahead :)

    Only if you are stalling. 5/3/1 is a very slow progressing program. I would stay on 5x5 or Starting Strength as long as possible. Then try a weekly program. Stay with that as long as possible, then go to 5/3/1. In 5x5 and SS, you add weight 3x/week. Texas method is a nice weekly variation where you increase weight once a week. 5/3/1 is once a month. I guess it isn't bad to go once a month, but if you are capable of 3x / week (new and/or young) then you should stick with that as long as possible. I think a lot of folks switch to 5/3/1 before they max out on the more frequent programs. I'm old, so 5/3/1 was a fairly quick switch for me.

    A great book on programming is Mark Rippetoe's Practical programing for strength. Great read.


    Oh, if guys are allowed, I'm at 160% for 1RM. 134% for a 5RM.
  • ModernNerd
    ModernNerd Posts: 336 Member
    Started with the bar, 43% of my weight, and just recently reached 104% :bigsmile:
  • EpsilonGamma
    If I am doing 3x5 then I do 1.52x bodyweight.
  • xZITAx
    xZITAx Posts: 32 Member
    I can squat my 65kg body weight.... 6-8 reps then I reduce it in drop sets!! Quite proud of that I am! ????
  • marvybells
    marvybells Posts: 1,984 Member
    Started with the bar, 43% of my weight, and just recently reached 104% :bigsmile:

    awesome! I was excited to hit 100%.

    after my little setback i'm back to about 90%....When i get over 100% i'm gonna do a little happy dance
  • paj315
    paj315 Posts: 335 Member
    I'm currently just below 150% of my body weight. I started lifting heavy in Sept '13.

    I have had some knee issues so when I get over 200lbs I have to wrap my knees.
  • csman49
    csman49 Posts: 1,100 Member
    at 80kg bw i was squatting 110kg for 5sets of 5. No idea what that is %wise, 140% ish?

    Anyhow, at the moment, i'm lucky if i can squat with nothing due to a spinal injury
  • 12amm34
    12amm34 Posts: 4
    I can squat about 142% of my body weight. I weight 130 pounds and can squat 185 pounds. I've been lifting for a year now but only started squatting 6 months ago. When I first started squatting I could squat around 100 pounds. I usually do 3-4 sets of 8.
  • Titanuim
    Titanuim Posts: 337 Member
    I squatted 130% of my body weight today which was 80kg. When I started lifting it was just the oly bar, then I reached 100% bodyweight last year and having been working slowly to the point that I will be able to do 200% someday in the future.
  • Galatea_Stone
    Galatea_Stone Posts: 2,037 Member
    96% for working sets, 110% for 1RM. An illness then lack of gym membership then illness again kept me out of the squat rack from August to January, so I've been squatting again for 2 months. Squats are going up each week, so I should be over 120% by the end of May.

    Goal is 140%.
  • ValGogo
    ValGogo Posts: 2,168 Member
    working weights or 1 RPM??

    Jo, you're my go-to when it comes to questions. When they say "I squatted 110% of my body weight" do they mean that a 150lb person squatted with 265lbs on their shoulders? Is that free-holding the barbells or the "good morning" machine? (Is my math off?)
  • 212019156
    212019156 Posts: 341 Member
    This has varied over the years. My best was 2.55 x bw. Then I took many years off and started again last year. Now I am at 1.66 x BW. I would be high right now I think but I have been inundated with joint issues that keep causing setbacks, plus I am heavier now so I think getting back up to 2.55 x will be much tougher to do unless I cut body weight. I would like to get back up to 2 x BW. That would be pretty good for my age and weight.
  • 212019156
    212019156 Posts: 341 Member
    Also keep in mind that as you get heavier the weight you do does not proportionally go up. So for example there is a big difference I think when you have a 300 lbs guy who lifts double body weight vs a 150 lbs guy lifting double.
  • harphy
    harphy Posts: 290 Member
    I squat 80% of bw. Could do more but I go easy on my knees.