Today I learned that I weigh nearly 400lb



  • Still_Fluffy
    Still_Fluffy Posts: 341 Member
    I was 392 at my heaviest. Keep up the good work. It took me years before I was happy with were I was. I still need to lose weight, but now I'm happy in my own skin. I lost my weight mostly through exercise. I went from not being able to climb up two flights of stairs without catching my breath. Now I run marathons. You can do it too! Just keep pushing yourself.
  • jennbuck22
    jennbuck22 Posts: 17 Member
    "small, sustainable lifestyle changes one step at a time"

    You've got the right idea!!!!

    Keep it up

    Every day will have some hard moments, but each day moving forward you'll face those hard moments a little better
  • lmjblues
    lmjblues Posts: 117 Member
    Awesome job!! And you have a great attitude!! Keep up the great work. :happy:

  • beezmummy
    Way to go! :) Very inspirational!
  • lauramcconnell7535
    lauramcconnell7535 Posts: 33 Member
    That's amazing! good for you, and one small step at a time is still moving forward! You have a great attitude, keep up the good work!
  • herangel3
    herangel3 Posts: 32
    Way to go! You are truly inspriring. Set mini goals for yourself, and when you reach that goal, set another. Also, don't forget that everyone has a bad day, and will slip up. don't beat yourself up for those times. Just wake up the next day and continue on toward your goal. You can do are already on your way to a new you!
  • SophieA9083
    It sounds like you know what you have to do to build a better stronger you!
    Well done!
    You can do it, keep at it and be confident in yourself!
  • steadk
    steadk Posts: 334 Member
    it's a step in the right direction! just keep your head up~ :)
  • tesha_chandler
    tesha_chandler Posts: 378 Member
    You definitely have an attitude for success!! Very proud of you. Keep up the good work, we all want to see you on the "success stories" thread and SOON!! :)
  • cici1028
    cici1028 Posts: 799 Member
    You're going the right way! Keep it up!
  • Buckersxi
    That's just the kick I needed to keep going! Well done! Good luck! :)
  • Finkerbell
    Finkerbell Posts: 154 Member
    Great Job! Keep up the good work :)
  • _HeartsOnFire_
    _HeartsOnFire_ Posts: 5,304 Member
    You're awesome. Keep at it.
  • edstreiff
    edstreiff Posts: 24 Member
    As others were saying keep strong and make sure you take pictures, I was just like you in June 2013, I had just gone to the doctors because my back was killing me and stepped on the old fashion sliding scale, the kind that goes to 350lbs. When I stepped on the scale it slammed up and the lady was like woooo we're going to have to move the large weight all the way over. She put it to the 300lbs settings and began sliding the little weight to the right...sliding...sliding...stop 50lbs and the scale didn't tip. It was at that moment that I knew I was over 350lbs. She then pulled me over to what looked like a shipping scale and I had me step on that, the digital display lit up and there it was 364lbs at 28 years old.

    The doctor looked at the chart and was like you are morbidly obese and won't make it to 50 if you keep this pace up. I had been fat almost all my life and when I was told how much I weighed I would just brush it off but this time, this time it really bothered me. I went home thinking I need to do something about this. I was 28, married with two young children and I was the only source of income I had to make sure I lived long enough to ensure their survival into adulthood.

    That evening I sat down and created a plan and began researching how to lose weight, everyone was preaching about gastric bypass surgery but I knew that wouldn't solve my problem as I need to eat better and do more. I found this site and began using it that day, I had always thought I was eating like 2,000 calories a day or less and boy was a wrong, after a full day of entering in food I was at 4,600 calories....damn I thought.

    I cut out all bread and high calorie foods like fast food and began making everything myself, all organic, with very little meat (no red meat at all). Today my normal calorie intake is around 1,200 a day, if I try to eat more than that I feel crappy because my stomach can't expand like it once did. The other day I had a meatball my mom mad (they are the best) and it tore my body up for hours and hours, I have lost my ability to process red meat, it just causes so much gas and discomfort now.

    Keep focused on your end goal and you will succeed also as you lose weight be prepared for an emotional roller coaster lots of people will compliment you on how much better you look and others will try to tear you down as you become a similar size to them. Be most careful of former fat people who are now fitness buffs they will make fun of you the most for your size. Its like an ex smoker they are the worst towards current smokers.

    I'm only 4 pounds short of seeing a number on the scale I haven't seen in years...a 2 lol.

    Good luck and make sure you log in every single day

  • LeahNMe
    LeahNMe Posts: 73 Member
    Today I stepped on them in a hope that it would give me a number, instead of the usual "Err" error message. I looked down and it said 180.9 KG. That's just shy of 399lb. And you know what, I'm pretty happy about that. Firstly, it means I have definitely succeeded in losing weight. I was over 400, I'm now under 400. That's progress. And now I can directly measure my progress going forward. I'm really happy that I can finally weigh myself regularly and properly measure my progress.
    ^^ this attitude will take you further than anything else! Congratulations on a great job! Keep up the good work!
  • runner475
    runner475 Posts: 1,236 Member
    Trying to do too much in one go is a recipe for failure. I'm making small, sustainable lifestyle changes one step at a time. I'm making progress and I'm absolutely thrilled about that.

    This mantra will get you success. Love it. Keep up the good work.
  • SwimBikeRun27
    Great attitutde, and way to keep going! You may not know this yet, but beyond even inspiring yourself, you're inspiring those around you with your motivation and focus! I look forward to follow you through your journey and can't wait to see the continued success you are already experiencing!
  • HunterKiller_deleted
    Good work mate. Takes a big pair of bollocks to admit you have a problem and decide to sort yourself out. Happy to give to a kick up the *kitten* when you need it to keep you on track. :)
  • calico_cat
    calico_cat Posts: 17 Member
    Thanks for your post. Congratulations on your progress so far, and good luck in your continued efforts.

    I am also taking a very similar approach: making small changes, still eating some processed foods and just doing calorie restriction right now. I am not exercising yet due to back pain issues, but have done it in the past and may start some this week.

    You (and anyone else reading this) might find this post inspirational:
  • bearsgal9
    bearsgal9 Posts: 65
    Such an honest post!! Admitting you need to make changes is the first step then starting with small everyday changes will put you on the right path. No one gains weight overnight so it does take time to get rid of it. Personally I think smaller goals are the best. I decided I wanted to walk 100 miles this month and I am pretty close to that. But I had to work up to that. I have a wedding I am standing up in this September and I have a certain dress I want to wear for that. It is about little goals and little victories. Sometimes it is working out one more minute than yesterday. I couldn't make it through the 80 minute video and now I can. And don't get down if you go over... I used to and I realized I don't want to become obsessive the other way... allow yourself a little treat every once in awhile.

    Something this site opened my eyes too is what is in the things we eat. Especially when we go out. I love a wine/happy hour with my girls but then you look things up and while before what was in something might night have mattered because you didn't care to look but now you do and I have to tell you it disgusts me. 1900 calories in a meal? Why is that necessary? Just gross!! If you still need to go out occasionally then this site is great...

    Feel free to add me!!

    GOOD LUCK!! :)