Feeling a bit bummed :(



  • Katiemarie4488
    Katiemarie4488 Posts: 242 Member
    Oh - and I HIGHLY reccomend purchasing a heart rate monitor with a CHEST STRAP in it... The chest strap is VERY Accurate compared to the heart rate moniors that are in the machine or a watch only. I love the Polar brand. FT4 would be a great one for you to start out with, they are sold in stores like Dlck$ Sporting Goods etc. but I find them cheapest on this site.... TRUST me ..... a chest strap & Watch combo is the way to go.... to get ACCURATE calories burned

  • AsaThorsWoman
    AsaThorsWoman Posts: 2,303 Member
    I'm facing the same problem. Though I'm at 225 consistently. I read on a forum that it's possible that we are undereating, and 1200 is actually too low. I'm not entirely sure what my problem is, but I did wonder if being under my goal was actually more detrimental. I am supposed to be at a 500 deficit from my BMR, which for me totals about 1660 calories per day. I used to think that being under that goal was a success, though now I wonder if it's actually much more important to be on par, so I don't starve. I am also trying to drink more water to see if this will help too.

    I'm basically trying to troubleshoot my body. It does sound like 1200 is too low for you.

    I recently went through the same thing. The hardest of all has been for me to get across and stay across the 200 mark. I sincerely doubt anyone is eating too little.

    I started at 245 in June 2012 and am down to 185, so I know all about long stretches of plateau time.

    First it was hard to stay under 200, then hard to stay under 190, I think I was stuck at 213 forever and a day...

    Just stay on the path.

    Remember, we didn't gain the weight in a day, we won't lose it in a day either.
  • cwkwkw2
    cwkwkw2 Posts: 23 Member
    Hang in there. Consistent work will bring results. :smile:
  • poohbah4
    poohbah4 Posts: 127
    I know there's a lot of controversy about weight "set points" but from experience I think there is something to them. Whenever I lose or gain weight, there seem to be certain weights where I plateau for a period of time. I've found that if I just hang in there, and keep to my exercise routine I will eventually get past that "set point," usually with a drop of 1-2 pounds in a couple of days. It can be really discouraging, but then I go back and look at my weight chart and admire the steady long-term drop, where the plateaus sorta disappear into the background "noise." Hope this helps.
  • AmykinsCatfood
    AmykinsCatfood Posts: 599 Member
    80lbs lost came off really quickly. Now I'm sitting at exactly 200 and haven't moved for three months. It's going to happen and you can't let it discourage you. Just keep up with your deficit and weigh and measure all your food. Sometimes your body goes through a period where it's re-distributing your weight around and that takes time. In the three months I went from a size 17 to a size 14 just from everything shifting around and I'm content with that.
  • jbella99
    jbella99 Posts: 596 Member
    You can try a couple things.

    Drink more water.

    try to cut out refined carbs. Even just for a week and see if it makes a difference. So things like bread, pasta. anything that is not in its natural state. get your carbs from potatoes and rice instead,

    up your calories by 500 for a week. This worked well for me in the past.