Weight won't budge!

I am new to this board but so discouraged and frustrated. I am a 41, athletic, 5'1", 22% body fat female looking to lose 5 pounds. I have been working out for 20 weeks now. I have done 4 separated Body for Life challenges (over the years), know that weights training is the way to transform a body and know how important calories are. However, I can't lose weight this round! I started full circuit workouts 3x week and have been switching the workouts every 4 weeks, been tracking calories and what do I get? HEAVIER! (I started the 3x week in November.) I know everyone will say I am just gaining muscle but sorry, I want to lose pounds. Please somebody who knows what is happening help me! Is it possible that its true what they say- when you hit your 40's its harder?


  • diannethegeek
    diannethegeek Posts: 14,776 Member
    It would really be helpful if you could open your diary for us. Settings > Diary Settings > Public > Save Changes

    If you're eating in a calorie deficit then no, you're very unlikely to be gaining muscle.

    Are you using a food scale? Measuring cups? Eyeballing portion sizes?
    Are you eating back any of your earned exercise calories? If so, are you using MFP/gym machine estimates?
    How much weight have you gained and over what period of time?
  • jsjancek
    jsjancek Posts: 7
    I opened my food diary.

    I use a food scale and no I don't eat back any of my exercise calories.

    I have gained 2 pounds over 20 weeks.
  • Branstin
    Branstin Posts: 2,320 Member
    If you are limiting yourself to the 1100 calories then that might be your problem. You are not eating enough to create the calorie deficiency you need in order to lose. When you eat too little, your body sometimes store it instead of burning it.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    wow just wow...

    on the days you do log it's sub 800 calories typically.

    And 2lbs over 20 weeks...???? that could be water weight...

    You are not feeding your body what you need and to be frank I wont comment on what you need to do to lose weight other than to say choose a reasonable calorie deficet (which you haven't) and eat in that goal.
  • Greenrun99
    Greenrun99 Posts: 2,065 Member
    Need to eat to fuel your workouts..

    No way your gaining any muscle eating that little.
  • jsjancek
    jsjancek Posts: 7
    I understand that concept but I can't gain weight if I'm creating a deficit! This just defies all logic. All that will happen is it will take a little longer to lose not gain.
  • samamps88
    samamps88 Posts: 52
    Ok first off at your age and BF (by that I mean that 22% if very very good for your age) weight will come off much less readily than a 20 something chubby girl.

    But I can tell you that eating 1100/1200 per day and not eating back exercise calories will not make you lose weight in the correct way. I would suggest adjust your macros a little add in some extra protein and give it a few weeks.

    I just want to say that you seem like I was a month or so ago and I m slowly changing my mindset. You need to worry less about the scales, and less about your calorie intake being so low. Honestly with high intensity circuits and eating a little more your body will recomposition and you will look more toned.

    If you want to track numbers invest in some body fat calipers and track your lean body mass and fat percentagevyou will certainly see those change in a positive way and it will make you feel better that although the scales may go the wrong direction the fat is coming off.

    Its much better to tell someone you are 110llbs and them say no way you look so much smaller than it is for you to say you are 100 and people just accept it

    Also yes it does get harder the older you get but you still have years in you yet
  • somefitsomefat
    somefitsomefat Posts: 445 Member
    LOL 5lbs? Seriously? LOL
  • Carmenbraun55
    Carmenbraun55 Posts: 50 Member
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    I understand that concept but I can't gain weight if I'm creating a deficit! This just defies all logic. All that will happen is it will take a little longer to lose not gain.

    2lbs in 20 weeks...exercise can (esp new exercise) cause water weight due to glycogen/water stores in the muscles.

    But to be frank you aren't logging accurately...you missed the weekend, you don't weigh your food...etc..

    The goal should be to eat as many calories as you can and still lose weight not starve yourself as punishment for gaining 2lbs in 20 weeks which again is probably water.

    ETA: I gained a lb of overnight...but guess what I was lifting last night...hence the "scale" going up...but I can guarantee that it will be gone tomorrow...and I will be back down to my 159...
  • jsjancek
    jsjancek Posts: 7
    I just checked out my starting weight in November and I'm more depressed. I have actually gained 4 pounds in these 5 months. :(
  • nolanerinbryon
    nolanerinbryon Posts: 80 Member
    Take a look at this link. It may change your mind about how badly you want to drop those 5 pounds. Have you measured yourself along the way to see inches lost (not just pounds)? I have been at a weight loss plateau since early Dec but since I've been lifting, I am seeing inches lost & my clothes fitting looser. Are you noticing any of that? If so, stop killing yourself over the 5 pounds. I'm sure you're beautiful just the way you are.
