really trying hard.-new to it

Hi! my name is Lyndsey and im 27 years old. I never thought i would write one of these things but i figured why not it seems like everyone is on here for the same reason, may it be to loose 20 lbs or 200 lbs everyone is on the same journey.

I don't remember when i really started letting food run my life. As the years went on my weight came on as well.I don't remember my relationship with food changing but oh boy did it change! I always had friends and i was never really picked on, but i have never ever really felt comfortable in my own skin . I have been lucky enough through the struggles to find the man Im going to spend the rest of my life with and he accepts me for who i am but i know i need to accept and work on myself. I also have suffered from extreme anxiety for the past couple of years and i know that it is because i feel trapped in my own body. I have really let myself go. I weigh about 285lbs (just typing that number is giving me anxiety and nerves.) I have tried every diet and read every book under the sun to loose weight and i am not giving up yet so i only can hope there are other people on this journey that can relate to me.By the grace of God and everything in my being im gonna beat this monster, I just want to be happy , healthy and anxiety free. I know I have a significant amount of weight to loose and i have never really been so open and honest about it but here it is. Anyone who want to "friend" me i would love it. :)


  • Binxette
    Binxette Posts: 7
    Hello Lyndsey! I'm new here...I signed up five minutes ago, I think, haha. My name is Sara and I'm 23.

    It sounds like you and I are on the same page. I'm not sure exactly what I weigh right now, but the last time I was weighed I was 240...and I'm 5'2". I've always been squishy and love comfort food entirely too much, but it hit me that something needs to change when I was asked to be a bridesmaid in my brother's wedding, had to search really hard for a pretty plus size bridesmaid dress, and after finding one...the year later, when it was time for the wedding, the dress was two sizes too small. I knew something needed to happen, and now I'm trying. I bought a little manual treadmill and a yoga mat with what little money I have right now, but for the first time in my life I am committed to this because I want to be.

    It looks like we have the same goals, too--it's not just about being thin, it's about being healthy, happy, and free! We can do it together! :)
  • lyndseyyf
    lyndseyyf Posts: 3 Member
    Oh thank you for replying! :) and believe me i knowww the struggles with the whole bridesmaid dress thing. My brothers wedding i had the same thing happen. I was also going to get married in Sept and actually postponed my wedding until i'm fully comfortable with myself. I had recently gone wedding dress shopping (before i postponed it) and my maid of honer tried on the wedding dress i wanted because it would fit me!!! ( and it looked gorgeous on her) it was DEVASTATING and that's when i said i need to make a change and focus on me. I don't want to be the girl in the back round forever so here's to us making a life decision. :) We got this girl :)
  • naturallee_me
    naturallee_me Posts: 44 Member
    I completely understand. I've been a chunky girl all my life and I have tried every diet, book, pill plan, etc.

    I feel we've made the right decision by joining MFP and posting. Today I posted my first message too. So I feel ya girl! Let's keep up the good work and stay motivated. Please add me as a friend!
  • lindaamarie
    lindaamarie Posts: 114
    I'm in the same boat. I eat healthy and workout but the weight seems to stay on, luckily I was able to lose some but I'm back at a standstill
  • tattsb4u
    tattsb4u Posts: 30
    Would love to be your friend! Love your honesty as well. I just joined today....I am a bit older but I feel the same way. I just got married and he loves and accepts me, but I have never felt comfortable in my own skin....its time to get healthy and stop saying "I will do it tomorrow" IS tomorrow. We got this! :wink:
  • It's funny because I think last week was the first time I posted and even started looking at the forums and community part of MyFitnessPal.
    I kind of feel like I'll drive my friends/family crazy with my obsession with my weight loss. lol

    3 years ago, I was at my highest weight of 287 lbs and a size 22 or so...
    I got motivated and ended up losing almost 50 lbs.
    The very next year, I started gaining weight slowly, although I had not changed my eating habits.
    9 months later, I realized I had gained almost 60 lbs! I tried several times to lose the weight again, but it seemed like the harder I tried, the more I gained. I had my thyroid checked, all sorts of tests done, and even had a brain MRI (!!!). No one could ever figure out what caused the rapid weight gain.
    At the end of last year, I started trying to lose weight again. At first, I got no results, but slowly I saw I would fluctuate and lose a lb here and there.

    At the end of 2013, I reached my HIGHEST WEIGHT EVER: 307 lbs and a size 24 clothing!!!! (So i KNOW how you feel typing in that 285!!!)
    I've lost 26 lbs in the last 2.5 months and am on my way!!!!! Now that I am seeing results like I did before, I want to keep going and NEVER look back. I'm hoping that by the end of this week, I'll be under 280!

    My father's side of the family tend to struggle with obesity. I know genetically, I have a few hurdles to overcome, but I don't want to have this weight struggle the rest of my life, so I'm giving myself GOOD HEALTH for my 30th birthday this year. I'm joining classes and creating healthy 'gym relationships' to make sure that I continue to work out. like.. forever.
    I'm really motivated this time around, so I definitely want some friends to share my success and stress with.

    Add me as well and maybe we can help each other out!
  • Deeni11
    Deeni11 Posts: 10
    Please feel free to add me as your friend (all you ladies!) the more motivation we can give each other the better!
  • jbnjul17
    jbnjul17 Posts: 7
    I can try and help in anyway I can. I have been told Im a good couch to some people that I have helped, hope they weren't just being nice. I get the wanting to be comfortable in your own skin. Add me if you want, I can help you with your journey :). Good luck and just remember you ARE beautiful.
  • lyndseyyf
    lyndseyyf Posts: 3 Member
    Yes!!! Thank you everyone for the motivation. It feels good to finally take the first step....Im tired of drooling over other peoples before and after pictures... I want to be the before and after.. :) The support on MFP is great and with everyones motivation and tips how could we go wrong? We all know how hard the struggle is but i've heard the reward is 10 times better! :) again thank you all so much for replying it means so much to know there are people who care about helping others! :)
  • Binxette
    Binxette Posts: 7
    Wow! I totally understand. All my bridesmaids for the future are personal trainers and model types...I'm done being the bigger girl in the background!

    I'm happy to see so many other people here who need a change too. It's great knowing that I'm not alone in this! :)