Long road ahead of me, 85lbs to lose.

I feel a little overwhelmed right now after seeing the actual number.... 85 whole pounds to get to my target weight. But I'm doing 2 things differently this time on my journey to lose the weight: I bought an elliptical machine & I joined a weigh loss forum (MFP). Both of these things I have never done before and I have a good feeling. Looking forward to getting to know you guys, I am sure going to need a lot of motivation. Here's to a new life :)


  • Singlejules
    Singlejules Posts: 55 Member
    Hi Jenny
    Im like you, I have another 70lb to lose. Feel free to add me so we can support each other on this healthy lifestyle journey :)
  • Sunshine2plus2
    Sunshine2plus2 Posts: 1,492 Member
    Hello and welcome! Good luck, you got this!
  • missybraden
    missybraden Posts: 10 Member
    Jenny, you can do this! You have already taken the first big step, congratulations! And I too have a lot of weight to lose. I set my first goal to lose 52 pounds, but in reality I will need to keep going after that. But every pound lost, every exercise done, every positive thought will keep you going toward your goal. Feel free to add me as a friend!
  • Bjamino
    Bjamino Posts: 51 Member
    You can do it! Plenty of support in this place to see you through the journey!
  • carmenlampman3
    carmenlampman3 Posts: 10 Member
    Hello! I will share something I read recently that is helping me to recognize what I need to do to be successful in this weight loss journey: If you focus on results, you will never change. If you focus on change, you will get results. I personally loved this because I need to change the way I think about food and the way I think about what my body needs for exercise to be healthy. You can do this, we call can. I have nearly 100 pounds to lose and I am nearly 50 years old. All the best! One choice at a time!:happy:
  • Play_outside
    Play_outside Posts: 528 Member
    Good luck! Did you read through the successes forums to help motivate you? There are people who have lost a lot more and a lot less. It's pretty cool to see their photos and read their stories! I started with about the same to lose as you and now I am about halfway there (my goal is not firm, it will depend how I feel when I get closer to it). Break it down into smaller goals to stay motivated, take your measurements, and track your exercise because it's pretty cool to see the changes as you get fitter!
  • sfsoccermom2
    sfsoccermom2 Posts: 233 Member
    Hi. I just started. I have 120 pounds to lose. I know the overwhelming feeling. We just need to take it one day at a time. Feel free to add me. I can use all the help as well! Good luck.
  • The_Godwin_72
    The_Godwin_72 Posts: 102 Member
    I LOVE the support everyone here gives. best place ever. I had the 60 pound journey b 4 starting MFP and have 11 to 15 to go and I fins helping and supporting others makes my journey better. Feel Free to add me and I will be happy to support you!
  • JenMeltsAway
    JenMeltsAway Posts: 27 Member
    You guys are awwsome!!! You have all lifted my spirits today. This is so new to me, I have always kept my life long struggle with weight to myself, hence the reason why I dislike taking pictures. Getting all this support from you all is truly amazing. THANK YOUUUUUUUUUU :heart:
  • SuMcP
    SuMcP Posts: 244 Member
    Welcome to the MFP family - you can do it x
  • tasharock
    tasharock Posts: 136 Member
    Take baby steps. Don't expect too much too fast.
    Small changes along the way result in the big change you're looking for!
    BCFRASER Posts: 1
    You can do it! Don't look at it as a long road but a journey that will bring you a healthier new you and lots of new friends. I am setting smaller weight goals so not to overwhelm me which is easy for me to do. I love my elliptical machine and I now also do a lot of workouts from Fitness Blender too to keep things fresh.
  • PinUp2014
    PinUp2014 Posts: 79 Member
    Surround yourself on MFP with people that support and lift like a good bra. :wink: It makes it so much easier to log on everyday knowing you're surrounded by good people fighting the same battles as you.

    And the wise words above about "focusing on the change" gave me the chills. You're not the number on the scale, you're what you make yourself to be everyday.

    I'm not new to MFP, I've been a chronic wagon jumper; however, I'm hoping to take this path to my rightful place as the smoking hot chick I know I am. Feel free to add me, I have a good amount of weight to lose myself!
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    I was right there 4+ years ago. Had at least 100 pounds to lose to get close to a healthy weight and facing that fact pretty much gave me a panic attack! I wrote it down, came to terms with it and put it behind me to focus on the short term goals instead. Give yourself one thing to focus on at a time. Don't worry so much about how many pounds per week or a certain weight by a certain date. Instead work on forming healthy habits. Log your foods accurately and consistently. Start making better choices - more fruits and veggies, leaner meats, whole grains, etc. Gradually start exercising.

    Plan to do one thing for 2-3 weeks until you get it down pat and then work on building on the next good habit. You'll get there!
  • Hi and welcome
    Good luck on your journey and we are all here to lean on each other for support. I had 70lbs to lose, i've lost 18lbs already but i still have a long way to go.
  • Minxy0708
    Minxy0708 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi! First Congrats on your decision and putting action behind your words, that's a huge step. I'm on a 115 pound weight loss journey and happy, well more like excited to announce I am halfway there. I'm not one of those I reached my goal in a year lol but I do know I'm getting there. It's not easy and there will be time when you feel like quitting or you slip up and miss a week, but don't let that discourage you & definitely don't beat yourself up about it. Just log back on here and get that pep talk you need to get off your butt. :happy: One thing that has helped me tremendously is having positive and motivating support in my life. You will find plenty of that around here. Good luck to you on this journey, you already too the hardest step now the fun begins
  • adipace815
    adipace815 Posts: 112 Member
    You can do this!
  • Good Luck in your venture....I just started yesterday too! I have about 45 to lose and I'm hoping to kick up my exercise game and with the help and knowledge of everyone on MFP, I think we can do it! Add me if you want to help each other!!! :smile:
  • DaisyDi65
    DaisyDi65 Posts: 70 Member
    Best wishes on the journey! Great place to be on MFP with very supportive friends. I am aiming for 100 plus, feel free to add me.
    Just keep yourself moving!!
  • MamaLlamaThatsMe
    MamaLlamaThatsMe Posts: 22 Member
    Welcome! You can do it! I started out with 84 to lose, and I will tell you that having short term goals has really helped to keep me motivated, whether it was 5 pounds per month or a certain weight before a special event... Personally, I have to have a deadline or I tend to slack, although I can't see myself stopping now. I was overwhelmed at first too, but now, even though I still have a long way to go, I feel so much better, and instead of looking at it the way I did before, I see the light at the end of the tunnel. It's exciting, rather than depressing! I think you'll find that even after the first five pounds you'll feel so much better!

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