BMR and TDEE ?

Can someone please help me calculate BMR or TDEE for me IM SO CONFUSED ABOUT THIS?!!!! I want to boost my metabolism again because I know I have slowed it down. And what would be my activity level if I do focus T25 by Shaun T Lightly Active or Moderate Active? I ate 1200 calories but I FELT LIKE CRAP! So I wanna up my calories and I want to lose the last five pounds of belly pooch! So my height is 5'6 and weight is 122.5 pounds. I'm a healthy weight but I have trouble zones ( especially belly area and thighs ) and for my fram 115 is good :-) THANKS! And yea I want to aim my goal to June 1


  • eimaj5575
    eimaj5575 Posts: 278 Member
    I would like to hear responses to this too
  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member
    The following info is required to calculate BMR/TDEE:

    How old are you?

    What exercise do you do and how often?

    What is your activity like outside of exercise (i.e. do you have a sedentary desk job or a highly active job, like a nurse)?
  • GlitterAway101
    I'm 18 years old. And I'm just a regular college student who walks to college every day 20- 25 minutes of regular walking and come home and workout ( focuts t25, Jillian Michaelsdvds ) and I just do my homework everyday sitting. Do some light chores, listen to ipod etc
  • 4legsRbetterthan2
    4legsRbetterthan2 Posts: 19,590 MFP Moderator

    this website will do all the work for you! Just plug in some numbers and voila!
  • jakeyuma
    jakeyuma Posts: 335 Member
    Scooby says you should be eating: 1784 per day.
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member

    this website will do all the work for you! Just plug in some numbers and voila!

    Yeah, just use that calculator or one of the numerous other calculators out there. Pick an activity level that best describes you and go from there...make adjustments as per real world results. These are all estimates, nobody has a BMR or TDEE of exactly XXXX calories as per any of these calculators, they are just meant to give you a reasonably good starting point.

    Personally, I'd just eat to maintenance and start on a good weight lifting program to re-comp and take care of those "trouble spots"...generally speaking, incessant dieting is only going to make them worse because at a healthy weight you just don't have the fat stores necessary to sustain large calorie deficits, so you just burn up muscle instead.
  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member
    If you're working out every day then I'd put you at 3-5 hrs of moderate activity per week. Based on that, your results are as follows (using scooby's workshop calculator):

    TDEE (maintenance) = 2180
    BMR = 1406

    TDEE - 10% = 1962
    TDEE - 15% = 1853
    TDEE - 20% = 1744

    Bear in mind that you are already at a healthy weight so to lose you should not be taking more than a 10% or 15% cut. Your exercise calories are already factored into the equation so you do not need to eat back extra calorires.
  • trogalicious
    trogalicious Posts: 4,584 Member

    this website will do all the work for you! Just plug in some numbers and voila!

    Yeah, just use that calculator or one of the numerous other calculators out there. Pick an activity level that best describes you and go from there...make adjustments as per real world results. These are all estimates, nobody has a BMR or TDEE of exactly XXXX calories as per any of these calculators, they are just meant to give you a reasonably good starting point.

    Personally, I'd just eat to maintenance and start on a good weight lifting program to re-comp and take care of those "trouble spots"...generally speaking, incessant dieting is only going to make them worse because at a healthy weight you just don't have the fat stores necessary to sustain large calorie deficits, so you just burn up muscle instead.

    exactly this. If your concern is "five pounds of belly pooch" then you need to worry more about recomp than loss. You want to chance your body, right?
    Start a heavy lifting program and eat just under your TDEE/Maintenance.
  • Beanogirl
    Beanogirl Posts: 97 Member
    I have just calculated my BMR on here and it is 1,357 per day, no wonder I am not losing on 1,200 calories a day. Does this mean I only have a deficit of 157 calories per day? Confused!
  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member
    I have just calculated my BMR on here and it is 1,357 per day, no wonder I am not losing on 1,200 calories a day. Does this mean I only have a deficit of 157 calories per day? Confused!

    You're confusing BMR with TDEE.

    Your should be eating more than your BMR (i.e. more than 1357) but less than TDEE to lose weight.
  • scubasuenc
    scubasuenc Posts: 626 Member
    BMR is your base metabolic rate. This is the energy your body needs just to function. This is what you would burn each day if you were in a coma.

    TDEE is your totoal daily energy expenditure. This is the total amount of energy you spend from all activity including exercise.

    You want to base any deficits for weight loss from your TDEE.
  • Morgaath
    Morgaath Posts: 679 Member
    Think of BMR as your body at an idle. Still burning fuel, but not going anywhere. You start getting below that amount of fuel coming in and the body has a hard time running.
    TDEE is all the fuel your body burns idling, plus the fuel it burns once you put your foot on the accelerator (gas pedal).
  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,867 Member
    I have just calculated my BMR on here and it is 1,357 per day, no wonder I am not losing on 1,200 calories a day. Does this mean I only have a deficit of 157 calories per day? Confused!

    No, your BMR is what you "burn" just "burn" your BMR calories just being alive, even if you just did nothing but sleep all day and never even flinch. Ideally you would want to eat more than your BMR.

    Your TDEE (Total Daily Energy Expenditure) is the amount of calories your body "burns" throughout a given includes your BMR plus all of you daily kind of stuff like getting out of bed, brushing your teeth, walking around, cleaning, cooking, twitching, any exercise you do. You also "burn" calories digesting nutrients.

    My BMR is around 1780 and my non exercise maintenance is around 2300 - 2400...this means that my daily living calories come in around 520 - 620 calories or so...with exercise I maintain around 2,800 or if I eat below 2,800 calories per day I will lose weight and I never allow myself to dip below 1780, there's just no reason to and my fitness would suffer substantially.
  • karensuegill
    karensuegill Posts: 67 Member
    I'm trying to figure this out too. I just calculated my TDEE. It is 1853. So, if I subtract 15% I come up with 1575 calories a day. This is what I should eat to lose weight each day. Am I figuring that out correctly? I actually have lost 52 pounds in the last year and four months. I have a couple more pounds I would like to lose and then start maintaining and add lifting to lower my body fat% and tone up problem areas. My BMR is 1267. I exercise 5 days a week with moderate exercise, aerobics, pilates, yoga, elliptical trainer and walking. I am 59 years old.