Plateaus and Pictures o.O

**I just posted this as my blog but the pics didn't show up I was at least partially curious if they'd show up here**

Until Saturday I had been stuck on this stooooopid plateau for, well since I posted progress pics. I didn't lose a single ounce not ONE in fact I went up 6 pounds of bloat for like a week. I was insanely frustrated. I realized I wasn't eating and was working out too hard. Started eating more again and *poof* broken plateau. (BTW thanks rayfromtx for the help identifying my idiocy and everyone for cheering me on. I love you guys!!) ANYHOO, I was getting ready to leave work yesterday and was feeling particularly skinny and decided to snap a couple pics in the bathroom mirror to bring myself back to reality. (Seems to keep me grounded I never look as thin as I feel) I compared them to the ones from a month ago and I'm starting to think that perhaps that plateau was totally worth the pause. I seem to see a huge difference. Here... Lemme share.

This was last month 194lbs



Yesterday 192lbs



And just for fun...

Thanksgiving 2009 265lbs

