Gastric Sleeve and VLCD

So I'm having a sleeve done in May. I'm one of those people who deeply believes that eating as much as you can while maintaining a deficit (and meeting your macros, for health reasons) is the best way to lose weight. I hate the whole "I must eat 1,200 a day, no matter who I am!" crap, and I get upset when I see people using a VLCD to try to lose weight (~1,000 calories especially.)

I've been looking at how many calories I can expect to eat per day after surgery, and while I understand the first few weeks with a liquid diet being very low, it seems that a lot of people are eating 600-800 afterwards. I can't see how that can be right, or healthy. I was expecting 1,200 to 1,400. I have an appointment with my nutritionist from my surgery team in a few weeks so we can chat about these kinds of things one on one, but I was wondering if anyone else had thoughts? Or experience with the issue?


  • AJ_G
    AJ_G Posts: 4,158 Member
    Most people eat that few of calories on a gastric sleeve because their stomach is a quarter of it's original size and they can't fit anymore in. The gastric sleeve is an option that should be used for the obese who are at serious health risk if they do not lose a good amount of weight very quickly. If that is not the case, then in my opinion, a gastric sleeve is not the best choice, and a moderate calorie deficit is the best way to go.
  • Greenrun99
    Greenrun99 Posts: 2,065 Member
    You change the rules when you have surgery.. maybe you need to rethink the decision unless its your only choice.
  • Iknowsaur
    Iknowsaur Posts: 777 Member
    Most people eat that few of calories on a gastric sleeve because their stomach is a quarter of it's original size and they can't fit anymore in. The gastric sleeve is an option that should be used for the obese who are at serious health risk if they do not lose a good amount of weight very quickly. If that is not the case, then in my opinion, a gastric sleeve is not the best choice, and a moderate calorie deficit is the best way to go.

    I qualify. It is covered by insurance, and I've been in the program for it for the last 6 months.
    My concern is long-term calorie intake, especially with exercise /: If you eat 600 calories a day for the first year while working out, the math is just kinda scary.
  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member

    Gastric sleeve at 18...

    I applaud you for wanting to take control of things. But surgery? You have so many more options and so much time to learn how to make good choices. Don't start a life where you take the "quick" way.

    I'm telling you with all the love I can spread over the internet: WAIT. Learn good habits. Make friends with people who can help and inspire you.
  • AJ_G
    AJ_G Posts: 4,158 Member
    Most people eat that few of calories on a gastric sleeve because their stomach is a quarter of it's original size and they can't fit anymore in. The gastric sleeve is an option that should be used for the obese who are at serious health risk if they do not lose a good amount of weight very quickly. If that is not the case, then in my opinion, a gastric sleeve is not the best choice, and a moderate calorie deficit is the best way to go.

    I qualify. It is covered by insurance, and I've been in the program for it for the last 6 months.
    My concern is long-term calorie intake, especially with exercise /: If you eat 600 calories a day for the first year while working out, the math is just kinda scary.

    If you eat 600-800 calories a day for an entire year you will absolutely damage your metabolism and cause it to slow down, then it's going to be a long hard road trying to increase your metabolic capacity again without gaining too much weight...
  • Iknowsaur
    Iknowsaur Posts: 777 Member

    Gastric sleeve at 18...

    I applaud you for wanting to take control of things. But surgery? You have so many more options and so much time to learn how to make good choices. Don't start a life where you take the "quick" way.

    I'm telling you with all the love I can spread over the internet: WAIT. Learn good habits. Make friends with people who can help and inspire you.

    I actually lost 100 pounds a few years ago and regained >< I said no to the surgery at 15, but I feel like I'm in a place where I can handle it. I have a few weight-related health issues, so I think it's the best thing for me right now.

    Thank you though, I totally understand where you're coming from.
  • Iknowsaur
    Iknowsaur Posts: 777 Member
    Most people eat that few of calories on a gastric sleeve because their stomach is a quarter of it's original size and they can't fit anymore in. The gastric sleeve is an option that should be used for the obese who are at serious health risk if they do not lose a good amount of weight very quickly. If that is not the case, then in my opinion, a gastric sleeve is not the best choice, and a moderate calorie deficit is the best way to go.

    I qualify. It is covered by insurance, and I've been in the program for it for the last 6 months.
    My concern is long-term calorie intake, especially with exercise /: If you eat 600 calories a day for the first year while working out, the math is just kinda scary.

    If you eat 600-800 calories a day for an entire year you will absolutely damage your metabolism and cause it to slow down, then it's going to be a long hard road trying to increase your metabolic capacity again without gaining too much weight...

    Yeah, that was mostly my concern.
    I guess I'll bring it up at my meeting >> Blah.
  • lemon629
    lemon629 Posts: 501 Member

    Gastric sleeve at 18...

    I applaud you for wanting to take control of things. But surgery? You have so many more options and so much time to learn how to make good choices. Don't start a life where you take the "quick" way.

    I'm telling you with all the love I can spread over the internet: WAIT. Learn good habits. Make friends with people who can help and inspire you.

    I actually lost 100 pounds a few years ago and regained >< I said no to the surgery at 15, but I feel like I'm in a place where I can handle it. I have a few weight-related health issues, so I think it's the best thing for me right now.

    Thank you though, I totally understand where you're coming from.

    You very well might re-gain it this time, too, only this time you will be left with a permanently altered stomach. It happens all the time. One of my close friends lost and gained weight several times over. She eventually had the gastric sleeve (she weighed approximately 280 at the time) in Dec. 2010 and lost maybe 60 pounds in the following year. Guess how much she weighs now? Over 300. She gained 20 pounds in just three months last year! I know several other people who have gained the weight back after the surgery, but she is the one whose situation I know the most about.

    Regardless of how you go about it, you have to learn how to manage your eating. The organ you need to be concerned with is your brain.
  • deksgrl
    deksgrl Posts: 7,237 Member
    My boyfriend's brother had the surgery, but it was a last resort for him, he had to due to health issues, but he is middle age. I am not sure how many calories he actually eats. He is a big man at 6'4 and he has to be careful both with what he eats and the amount he eats. He has very small servings. He had the surgery about 10 years ago, but now has gained some back, even though he eats small servings.
  • AJ_G
    AJ_G Posts: 4,158 Member

    Gastric sleeve at 18...

    I applaud you for wanting to take control of things. But surgery? You have so many more options and so much time to learn how to make good choices. Don't start a life where you take the "quick" way.

    I'm telling you with all the love I can spread over the internet: WAIT. Learn good habits. Make friends with people who can help and inspire you.

    I actually lost 100 pounds a few years ago and regained >< I said no to the surgery at 15, but I feel like I'm in a place where I can handle it. I have a few weight-related health issues, so I think it's the best thing for me right now.

    Thank you though, I totally understand where you're coming from.

    You very well might re-gain it this time, too, only this time you will be left with a permanently altered stomach. It happens all the time. One of my close friends lost and gained weight several times over. She eventually had the gastric sleeve (she weighed approximately 280 at the time) in Dec. 2010 and lost maybe 60 pounds in the following year. Guess how much she weighs now? Over 300. She gained 20 pounds in just three months last year! I know several other people who have gained the weight back after the surgery, but she is the one whose situation I know the most about.

    Regardless of how you go about it, you have to learn how to manage your eating. The organ you need to be concerned with is your brain.

    This is a really good point. If you are forced to lose weight because you can't fit anymore calories in your stomach, you're not learning how to eat properly on the way down. This is one of the reasons that the majority of people that have weight loss surgery or lose weight with meal replacement shakes almost always gain all the weight back and more because they used a gimmick to lose the weight, then once it was lost went back to their old ways.
  • a_stronger_me13
    a_stronger_me13 Posts: 812 Member

    Gastric sleeve at 18...

    I applaud you for wanting to take control of things. But surgery? You have so many more options and so much time to learn how to make good choices. Don't start a life where you take the "quick" way.

    I'm telling you with all the love I can spread over the internet: WAIT. Learn good habits. Make friends with people who can help and inspire you.

    I actually lost 100 pounds a few years ago and regained >< I said no to the surgery at 15, but I feel like I'm in a place where I can handle it. I have a few weight-related health issues, so I think it's the best thing for me right now.

    Thank you though, I totally understand where you're coming from.

    You've done it once with just changing your eating habits, why not try that again this time and not have to be concerned with metabolism issues or how much food you can fit in your new stomach?
  • Iknowsaur
    Iknowsaur Posts: 777 Member

    Gastric sleeve at 18...

    I applaud you for wanting to take control of things. But surgery? You have so many more options and so much time to learn how to make good choices. Don't start a life where you take the "quick" way.

    I'm telling you with all the love I can spread over the internet: WAIT. Learn good habits. Make friends with people who can help and inspire you.

    I actually lost 100 pounds a few years ago and regained >< I said no to the surgery at 15, but I feel like I'm in a place where I can handle it. I have a few weight-related health issues, so I think it's the best thing for me right now.

    Thank you though, I totally understand where you're coming from.

    You very well might re-gain it this time, too, only this time you will be left with a permanently altered stomach. It happens all the time. One of my close friends lost and gained weight several times over. She eventually had the gastric sleeve (she weighed approximately 280 at the time) in Dec. 2010 and lost maybe 60 pounds in the following year. Guess how much she weighs now? Over 300. She gained 20 pounds in just three months last year! I know several other people who have gained the weight back after the surgery, but she is the one whose situation I know the most about.

    Regardless of how you go about it, you have to learn how to manage your eating. The organ you need to be concerned with is your brain.

    This is a really good point. If you are forced to lose weight because you can't fit anymore calories in your stomach, you're not learning how to eat properly on the way down. This is one of the reasons that the majority of people that have weight loss surgery or lose weight with meal replacement shakes almost always gain all the weight back and more because they used a gimmick to lose the weight, then once it was lost went back to their old ways.

    I appreciate that you guys aren't supportive of the surgery, but I've made up my mind. I know how to eat well, I just sometimes have trouble doing it. I was able to maintain for two years on my own and then ended up making poor decisions that caused me to regain the weight. I decided that surgery will be a helpful tool in starting to lose again and then maintaining, especially given my medical problems, and I am having it done on May 30th with the full support of my family and friends who were also there during my "natural" weight loss.

    My question was really only about the metabolic issues/VLCD. It's fine if you want to urge me to rethink, I'm just letting you know /:
  • Luv2Smile55
    Luv2Smile55 Posts: 133 Member
    You will be eating extremely low calorie. My sister ate only 300 - 400 calories a day for months after her gastric sleeve surgery. Now after almost a year she is eating a 1000 calories but gains if she eats more. The Dr says this is common after eating such a low calorie diet after surgery. You definitely need to think this whole thing through very carefully. They remove 80% of your stomach. There's NO going back once you have it done. :noway:
  • ametolie
    ametolie Posts: 13 Member
    I had the sleeve done Oct 2010. I can tell you that you will start to eat a healthy amount of calories within 4 months. The first two months were completely liquid. Afterwards, you start adding in small amounts of solid food. Then before you know it you can eat everything you like. You just have to eat 6-8 times a day. You'll get all your calories in. But you will be constantly eating to do so. I've lost over 100 lbs after the sleeve. Then I got pregnant. I haven't gained back and am now back on the road of losing the rest of the weight. I have a little under 50 lbs to go. EXERCISE! Get on a schedule BEFORE you have the surgery. By schedule I mean 3-5 months of continual habit exercising 3-6 times a week. I wish I had. It would have made me drop all the weight before I got pregnant.
  • Collier78
    Collier78 Posts: 811 Member

    Gastric sleeve at 18...

    I applaud you for wanting to take control of things. But surgery? You have so many more options and so much time to learn how to make good choices. Don't start a life where you take the "quick" way.

    I'm telling you with all the love I can spread over the internet: WAIT. Learn good habits. Make friends with people who can help and inspire you.

    I actually lost 100 pounds a few years ago and regained >< I said no to the surgery at 15, but I feel like I'm in a place where I can handle it. I have a few weight-related health issues, so I think it's the best thing for me right now.

    Thank you though, I totally understand where you're coming from.

    You very well might re-gain it this time, too, only this time you will be left with a permanently altered stomach. It happens all the time. One of my close friends lost and gained weight several times over. She eventually had the gastric sleeve (she weighed approximately 280 at the time) in Dec. 2010 and lost maybe 60 pounds in the following year. Guess how much she weighs now? Over 300. She gained 20 pounds in just three months last year! I know several other people who have gained the weight back after the surgery, but she is the one whose situation I know the most about.

    Regardless of how you go about it, you have to learn how to manage your eating. The organ you need to be concerned with is your brain.

    This is a really good point. If you are forced to lose weight because you can't fit anymore calories in your stomach, you're not learning how to eat properly on the way down. This is one of the reasons that the majority of people that have weight loss surgery or lose weight with meal replacement shakes almost always gain all the weight back and more because they used a gimmick to lose the weight, then once it was lost went back to their old ways.

    I appreciate that you guys aren't supportive of the surgery, but I've made up my mind. I know how to eat well, I just sometimes have trouble doing it. I was able to maintain for two years on my own and then ended up making poor decisions that caused me to regain the weight. I decided that surgery will be a helpful tool in starting to lose again and then maintaining, especially given my medical problems, and I am having it done on May 30th with the full support of my family and friends who were also there during my "natural" weight loss.

    My question was really only about the metabolic issues/VLCD. It's fine if you want to urge me to rethink, I'm just letting you know /:

    I can understand, and won't try to talk you out of it, but I do have some advice. I've seen multiple people I know have the surgery, and then continue to overeat. Also, a friend of my husbands had it, didn't exercise, and tore ligaments in his ankle walking down the stairs because after losing muscle with the fat he didn't have anything to support the tendons and ligaments around his joints. Be careful, follow the nutrition plan, see the nutritionist often (even if you think you have it handled), make sure you get plenty of protein (it will keep your hair from thinning and your nails from getting brittle, and you can by a 3 oz liquid shot that has 42grams in it through health stores) You won't be able to eat more than a baby food jar of food in one sitting for a while. Some things you used to love will cause you to "dump" or have bowel issues. Remember why you had it done, and make good food choices. Moderation will be key for you. Good luck!
  • IronPlayground
    IronPlayground Posts: 1,594 Member
    I really don't think anyone can answer your question. It's a valid concern. My sister in law had the surgery and it's a concern I had for her. It hasn't been that long for her so I can't give you any information on how things are going. I know that she supplements a lot since there is a lot of things her body needs that can't be met with such limited amounts of food.
  • suejersey
    suejersey Posts: 36 Member
    There is a lot of assumptions being made here by people who have not had the surgery...but that is all I will say about that.

    I had the sleeve done 10/11/12. I have lost 143 pounds to date and I am now maintaining for about the last six months. I work out 4 days per week - bodycombat - weight training. I get between 1,200 and 1,500 calories per day.

    I do not feel deprived, I feel satisfied, I eat vegetables and protein, low carb (but some carbs) and I also enjoy a treat (chocolate, ice cream, et cetera)

    I have learned and every day is a new commitment to making good food choices and taking care of my body.
    Although I know and believe that people can either not lose a significant amount of weight or gain it back, it has to be something
    where they truly have not made any changes, are choosing to eat calorie dense, but not nutritious or filling foods.

    I can totally see myself committed to this new way of life and eating forever. It was a tool I needed. Not everyone needs it, but those that do, it is not a quick fix but a tool that helps us meet our goals to live a healthy and full life.

    Once I was back on solid food I ate about 600 calories per day for a good 6 months, then 700, then 800. I was probably at 800 till about a year and moved up to 1,000 and at 1 1/2 years 1,200.

    I sometimes eat my calories back from exercise (400 - 600 per workout) if I "need" them. If I don't, I don't. Some days I am hungrier than other days. I try to listen to my body and think of food as fuel. I want to fuel my vessel the very best I can, so I choose foods that will do that.

    HTH! Good luck.

    So basically, a synopsis yes 600 to 800 calories for the first year was my experience. After that 1,000 to 1,200 and now that maintaining I am shooting for 1,200 to 1,500.
  • Escloflowne
    Escloflowne Posts: 2,038 Member
    After reading some of the replies, I'm so happy I decided to go with a healthy diet and exercise, some of this stuff is just scary to me!
  • bump.
  • I do anywhere between 400-600, which my nutrition says is on target! I am two and a half months out!