iifym while on herbalife

So I just started herbalife...like, today! I've been testing out iifym and really like it. Is it something I can do while using herbalife or will it mess my progress up? I wouldn't use my macros on cookies or anything crazy like I see other people doing mainly because I'm still not at a place where I can have just a few so I'm avoiding them all together for awhie. I'm just looking for info, not for anyone to tell me why they hate the other one! Thanks! !!!


  • MrsMotivatedMama
    MrsMotivatedMama Posts: 10 Member
    I'm just starting to try the IIFYM and I drink Herbalife on a regular basis. From what I see it shouldnt mess you up but it also depends on your goals. You are using two different programs. I personally love herbalife because Im not a big breakfast eater. I am going to use it for my protein boost as I can't imagine being able to eat that much protein.
  • dieselbyte
    dieselbyte Posts: 733 Member
    I'm just starting to try the IIFYM and I drink Herbalife on a regular basis. From what I see it shouldnt mess you up but it also depends on your goals. You are using two different programs. I personally love herbalife because Im not a big breakfast eater. I am going to use it for my protein boost as I can't imagine being able to eat that much protein.

    IIFYM is NOT a program. It allows flexibility in your diet by not restricting your food choices, all while hitting and maintaining strict macronutrient and caloric targets.

    In my opinion, Herbalife is a waste of money.