Drinking Downfall?

Hey everyone!
Will start with the basics-
Start (early Jan 2014) 12st 3lb
Goal - approx 10st

I'm not new to the app but just realised there was a forum *duh*

I started my latest quest in January and lost a stone fairly easily. The last 6 weeks I've been stuck and wobbling between 11st 3 & 11st 6. I'm not doing anything really differently. But I realise I need to shake up my habits.

I eat well and healthily. I live alone. I work. My work, as I guess most peoples is, is hard work.

When I get home and finish feeding cats and myself and doing bits of housework n gardening...all I want to do is soak in the bath with a glass or 2 of wine.

I allow for the wine. Yet no loss. For ages. Only thing I can pin point is wine.

Its habit. Its a "this is how I unwind" thing, my treat and chill at the end of another days hard toil.

And if I do not want to be overweight, it needs to stop.

Have done some maths...had a think...and considering joining a gym on Monday (cuz its payday). Didn't think it would be financially possible, but with the money saved on wine and water, i should make a saving!!

Anyway, that is my confession.

Thanks for reading!!



  • oliolioli92
    oliolioli92 Posts: 24 Member

    I joined the gym recently, (I requested that my lovely boyfriend buy me a months membership for valentines day), I think it defiantly helps speed up the process, my problem is afterwards, when I go to reward myself for my effort with lots of naughty food. I have terrible will power with the gym and get really bored, so I have been making use of their fitness classes :) I recommend doing similar as its difficult to skip when you no your booked in.

  • missbehave79
    missbehave79 Posts: 15 Member
    I wonder the same thing also. I account for the calories and work them in, yet not losing. I was going to cut it out, then my husband brought home a six pack. So there goes that haha!
  • PurpleFairie
    PurpleFairie Posts: 13 Member
    Hi! It really could be the alcohol. I also thought allowing for the calories was enough. Then my husband went out of town for work for 5 weeks. He and I have a favorite pub where we go to play cards, talk, and of course enjoy a bevie. We did this about twice a week. During the time he was gone, I of course did not go there alone. The only thing I did different while he was gone was walk the dogs daily instead of every other day and only had about 3 drinks total. I lost 7 lbs. in 5 weeks. That made me realize all the extra calories and sugar from drinking really were holding me back. Don't feel you have to give it up completely, but maybe keep it to just once a week and see if it makes a difference. Try some herbal tea for your daily time out moments. It does work :smile:
  • bunnypanther
    Thank you for replying everyone!

    Some good advice here :D

    I was planning on swimming this evening so enquire about gym membership while I'm there. I believe it includes swimming and classes, so hopefully that should be a good way to keep things varied!!

    I've been a member in the past and did go regularly, so long as I went straight from work. Once I sit down at home, that's it, ain't moving!!
  • sammycat1
    sammycat1 Posts: 56 Member
    Same here. I always count wine/vodka into my allowance but weight doesn't shift. When I gave it up for a month last year I lost 8lbs in one month. Again I always count it in so calories in calories out hmmm.
  • Emi1974
    Emi1974 Posts: 522 Member
    *sigh* nooooo, don't tell me I need to give up my wine in order to lose weight :sad:
  • suey2k1
    suey2k1 Posts: 10 Member
    I have a similar issue. But I have loads of fitness friends, one being Personal trainer of the year 2014 and biggest loser coach, Charlotte Ord, so i get some great information. Apparently, with alcohol it's not just the calories. It messes with your insulin production which makes you store fat and also the body will always use the calories from alcohol first as they are more 'easily accessible so the fat etc gets left. It also messes with your sleep patterns (even if you don't realise it) and that stops you burning fat also. One or two at the weekend is ok for a 'cheat' but everyday will just stall your fat loss :O)'