Hard Time Staying Full Today!

First of all I'm on my period and have been feeling unusually hungry today. I have been eating what I usually do through out the day. Breakfast : Mini bagel, cream cheese, banana, mini orange. Snack: Crackers & yogurt. Lunch: sandwich & chips snack: Chocolate (not usual lol). Normally these things keep me full through out the day but I feel like I have been fighting hunger all day. I don't think I am dehydrated as I normally drink 4 of my 22 oz bottles of water a day and today I have already drank 4 and working on my 5th... any ideas?


  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    I'd eat low calorie, high protein foods if possible. Seems like a lot of carbs (nothing against carbs, I love them, but on those days I need protein, lol). Bagel, crackers, sandwich bread, chips and chocolate all have pretty high calories but are not very filling.
  • fushigi1988
    fushigi1988 Posts: 519 Member
    You ate mostly carbs, try some more protein, boiled eggs, greek yogurt, stuff like that.
    and you're on your period, that always makes me want to eat and eat too.
  • AprilTom
    AprilTom Posts: 27 Member
    Do you know of any low calorie high protein foods? All I have here are peanut butter, eggs, I do put meat on my sandwich, and always have meat for dinner.