Training your lungs!



  • TaraMaria
    TaraMaria Posts: 1,975
    Thank you to everyone who replied! I really appreciate it!

    Swimming and running are my two favorite heart pumping activities. I've been doing interval training or HIIT about every other day with my running. I've read before about going as long as you can at a slow jog which is something I've avoided due to getting bored but I might have to try it out. I really enjoy interval training and rarely have issues when I do it. When I run a mile straight, I really start to fly, then I feel the lung thing become an issue. My body is most likely pushing too hard, before I get my endurance built. Its hard when my legs want to keep going and my chest is going, nah...Ha ha! I think I'll listen to the thing that keeps the blood pumping though!!

    And don't worry, I've got my inhaler in my gym bag just in case! But like I said, it never feels like that. It just feels like WHELP, better stop running. Now. I might be getting a new HRM for Christmas which is supposed to have a little alarm on it for when I go past an acceptable HR. That way I can pull it back a bit. A friend of mine recommended the brand to me and said it was the best one she used when she ran/runs. She has way more experience in the running department then I do! I'm excited to see if I get it! :o)

    Thank you so much!!! You guys are all so amazing! :o)
  • ivyjbres
    ivyjbres Posts: 612 Member
    Take voice lessons. Its hard to explain, but partially the relaxation, partially the conscious changes you make to your throat and mouth while you sing, opens up your air passages. Also, singing a tune forces you to control your breathing speed and increase the volume of each breath rather than gasping for air .
  • Hi TaraMaria,
    You mentioned on your entry "I might be getting a new HRM for Christmas which is supposed to have a little alarm ". Would you mind sharing which one that would be? It sounds helpful. Thanks
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