Simple meal plan and grocery list needed- PLEASE HELP

Hi everyone,
I have a lot of weight to lose and not much time. I really want to lose weight for my wedding. Could you please help with a detailed vegetarian (eggs and dairy included) meal plan and grocery list. I also eat a tuna. Keep the calories at 1000-1200. I don't mind eating the same thing everyday.
Your comments are appreciated!!! :)


  • JoJo__Fit
    JoJo__Fit Posts: 258 Member
    So your not vegetarian! because you eat tuna.

    I eat anything I don't deprive myself. You just have to log everything and weigh everything and you should be ok
  • aggie613
    aggie613 Posts: 21
    These are some relatively high protein, low carb ideas...

    B: 3 egg whites + Ezekiel toast + Better n Peanut butter = 230 cal
    S: 2 pc light string cheese + small apple = 200 cal
    L: 4 oz (low sodium) tuna + 1/2 avocado mashed = 280 cal
    S: 1 cup nonfat Greek vanilla yogurt = 190 cal
    D: Veggie burger on No Sugar wheat bun = about 250 cal depending on the brands

    This is 1150 cal, give or take, but I wouldn't go any lower than 1200, especially if you are exercising. Creating too big of a calorie defecit will just backfire, slow your metabolism, and cause you to plateau. Btw, I do all of my shopping at Trader Joe's, but hopefully I was generic enough you could find this stuff anywhere
    Good luck!
  • racheldoyon
    For breakfast I do high protein instant oatmeal or omelets with spinach and mushrooms, try to avoid toast as the carbs really add up. I would suggest trying a vanilla almond milk to cut down on fatty dairy.
    For lunch: Small whole wheat baguette filled with veggies of your choice (I like mushrooms, bell peppers, and avocado) and add a flavoured hummus like roasted red pepper, this will help you avoid sauces like mayo. OR quinoa salad, tons of recipes online, i like something with maybe a small handful of nuts and a tiny bit of feta cheese with a light vinaigrette.
    Dinners can be hard since easy vegetarian meals are often pasta. Try this sweet potato pot pie, just put crust on top and make sure to use a low sodium broth to make the stock. this is obviously a chicken pot pie, just replace the chicken with sweet potatoes and feel free to experiment and add some of your favorite veggies.
    This is a great vege only quiche:
    - Tuna steak with steamed broccoli/asparagus/spinach and some mashed butternut squash,
    - Brown rice with sauteed red onion and red peppers mixed.
    - Stuffed Mushrooms/peppers

    Greek yogurt with blackberries and dark chocolate chunks. Apple slices with a bit of peanut butter, Carrots dipped in hummus with a hint of lemon, any fresh fruits! Whole wheat/corn pita with a low fat dip of your choice
  • beepaz
    beepaz Posts: 42 Member
    bfast- PLAIN oatmeal 1/3 c cooked with water and add 1/2 c of blueberries (183 cals) or with a small banana (200 cals) you can sprinkle a little cinnamon for extra flavor.

    snack- 3oz baby carrots (35 cals)

    lunch- 2c spring mix greens with 1 pouch of starkist albacore tuna seasoned with 2tbsp of lemon juice and 2tbs mustard, a container of chobani simply 100 greek yogurt and 1/2 cup of sugar snap peas and 1 c of baby carrots and 2tbs hummus- TOTAL (314 cals)

    snack- 1oz potato chips (160 cals)

    Dinner- 5oz chicken breast seasoned with pepper, garlic, anything really with side of mixed frozen veggies (like carrots peas and corn) and 1c brown rice (432)

    total cals- 1124-1141 cals :)

    i dont know your measurements or goals. but this is very little calories. just saying. If you want to lose weight the healthy way just cut out 300 cals a day from your current diet, better yet just cut out junk food and work out. i added potato chips to this meal because deprivation isn't good either, it makes us want the junky food we use to eat, so moderation is KEY.
  • dwphilco
    dwphilco Posts: 1 Member
    Check out You'll find an endless supply of healthy recipes, weight loss ideas, fitness tips and regimens, and much much more. Best web site I've found for such things, and it's visual based.....which makes it fun!
  • fabfit24
    fabfit24 Posts: 5 Member
    Thank You Aggie! This is great. I LOVE trader joes, but I always seem to walk out of there with tons of "not-so-healthy"snacks ;P Now I could go in there with a plan. Any suggestions on Veggie Burger brands?
  • fabfit24
    fabfit24 Posts: 5 Member
    WOW. THANKS TO ALL.. I'm new here, this is my first post. These all are all great suggestions!!!
  • l_ashley
    l_ashley Posts: 154 Member
    Spaghetti squash is great. It is ~45 calories a cup and you can pretty much put anything in it and still have a low calorie meal.