Ladies over 50 with 100+ to lose?

I just started a week ago and am looking for friends in a similar situation. That old metabolism is slowing down, mother nature likes to have her way with our hormones and we need to fight this weight thing together so we can grow old gracefully and try to be as healthy as we can. Let's share this journey together and support each other during our "ups and downs".....mostly downs!!!!


  • Age 53, weight over 300lbs and looking to live a lot longer. Hoping this is the way to do it.
  • malyndad
    malyndad Posts: 30 Member
    Age 53, goal loss of 100+ lbs. Want to live long enough to hold my great grand children.
  • FaithLoveHealth
    FaithLoveHealth Posts: 5 Member
    I joined in 2011 but didn't do much. I'm now 65 and Nov 2, 2013 I had congestive heart failure and two heart attacks. Had to have 7 stints put in. Since then I have lost over 80# I want to live a lot longer. I don't eat any sugar or add any salt to my food. There is some salt in some foods so do get some salt that way because everyone needs some salt in their diet. The most salt in a day I can have is 2000 mg. I'm usually less.
  • educ8r613
    educ8r613 Posts: 1 Member
    I have been tracking on My Fitness Pal since Jan 1 and have lost 14lbs. While that's not the fastest on record, hey, I'll take it. :) Just thought I'd join here and get some motivation to keep at it. I want my knees to stop hurting and know it's in my best interest to loose. Let's do this together!
  • nickle2dime
    nickle2dime Posts: 23 Member
    Yes! Count me in the group. I'll be 55 in another month and have 100+ lbs to lose. I was around 250 last yr at this time and did a juice fast for 3 weeks and lost to 230. It killed my metabolism! I'm now up to 270. The most I have weighed in years. My highest was 335, about 14 yrs ago. So I know I'm capable of losing weight and keeping it off. I just have to realize crash dieting is a terrible way to do that. No quick fix is going to work long term. I'm ready to count calories and start walking everyday. (Yea for warmer weather!) I will be here logging, giving support, and hopefully getting some in return. Glad I found this group. We can do this!!!
  • missfixit4u
    missfixit4u Posts: 10 Member
    Yes please count me in! I am 58 and have been overweight most of my life, up & down mostly up. I have 70+ lbs to lose. I've tried every diet going and even a few I made up myself. But the bottom line is, learning how to eat properly and be accountable for what goes in my mouth. I was thrilled to find this site, I found it by looking up exercises for fat legs! LOL Well I might have hit gold! I am on board for the long haul, I know tracking works as I've been a Weight Watcher member in the past and that is where I had my most success. I found a fitness challenge group on here and that will be a challenge for me, I am least fitness minded person around! So if I can get up and go then there is hope for me yet. I dug out and dusted off my weights this morning, so instead of keeping the couch warm during my favorite show, I will start with some arm exercises. I know it will not fall off over night, but I think I've taken the biggest step and that was signing up here! I love the support structure on here and I just love reading ALL the success stories. I am looking forward to possibly wearing short sleeves this summer instead of hiding in sweats :wink: We can do this!!!
  • gnatss1959
    gnatss1959 Posts: 4 Member
    I have 50 pounds to lose but would love to be your fitness pal. I agree this menopause is definitely a lot harder and fat deposits in different places. Very discouraging. Hang in there, we will do this together.
  • cglola
    cglola Posts: 1
    I would ideally love to lose 60-70lbs. My short term goal #1 is 15lbs (that will get me to a mark that I've been wanting to be at for quite some time!) My nutritionist really wants me to use this as a tool for weight loss as the people with the most long term success track their food intake! My current goal for food is to lower my carb intake. I've been too comfortable eating breads and pastas again. Need to get back to the protein! I also need to start moving! Now that it is getting warmer, I have no excuse. No more hibernation!

    I hope I can make some friends, help encourage others and live a healthy lifestyle! Good luck everyone :)

    *Just realized this was for women over 50. Sorry for the incorrect posting! I can't figure out how to delete this, yet.
  • FaithLoveHealth
    FaithLoveHealth Posts: 5 Member
    I love it lol if you find the exercise for fat legs let me know that and bat wing arms are my biggest problem. Hope to see you more on here and good luck to you.
  • FaithLoveHealth
    FaithLoveHealth Posts: 5 Member
    I actually didn't realize that this was just for women either. I am a women though. This is a great topic for anyone though. I wish you luck on your journey.
  • Chanti1620
    Chanti1620 Posts: 92 Member
    Hi everyone!
    While i'm not over 50, I have recently almost reached my mini goal of losing 100lbs, think i'm about 93 down, (don't weigh in until tomorrow)
    I would love to have some of you ladies as friends!
    We all have to support each other on this journey!
  • Sunshine2plus2
    Sunshine2plus2 Posts: 1,492 Member
    Hello and welcome! I am not 50 but good luck, you got this!
  • jacquiearchambault
    jacquiearchambault Posts: 86 Member
    Feel free to add me. I log every day and have 100 pounds to lose so I will be on here for a while
  • patwojo
    patwojo Posts: 13
    I dug out my fitbit that I bought when I tried MFP once before. I don't think I'm ready to workout just yet, but wearing this gizmo just makes me move more so I guess that's a "step in the right direction"....PUN INTENDED. haha
  • patwojo
    patwojo Posts: 13
    I would ideally love to lose 60-70lbs. My short term goal #1 is 15lbs (that will get me to a mark that I've been wanting to be at for quite some time!) My nutritionist really wants me to use this as a tool for weight loss as the people with the most long term success track their food intake! My current goal for food is to lower my carb intake. I've been too comfortable eating breads and pastas again. Need to get back to the protein! I also need to start moving! Now that it is getting warmer, I have no excuse. No more hibernation!

    I hope I can make some friends, help encourage others and live a healthy lifestyle! Good luck everyone :)

    *Just realized this was for women over 50. Sorry for the incorrect posting! I can't figure out how to delete this, yet.

    Hey no problem!!!! You are smart trying to nick this thing while you are young while you still have some kind of metabolism working for you...haha. Those of us over 50 get to enjoy muscle loss and metabolism slow down...UGH
  • nickle2dime
    nickle2dime Posts: 23 Member
    Hey everyone! Glad to see more joining in! Congrats on the large losses some of you have already had. So inspiring!

    Pat, what is a fitbit? Do you find it a useful tool? I need all the help I can get!

    Today (my second day at this) was good. I feel a lot better already. I was eating so much junk (lots of sugar, cheese, pizza, chips) that just eating better for 2 days is making me feel healthier. Have done two walks around the block. Baby steps! Today's walk did feel easier than yesterday. Tackling the hill wasn't so bad. It was cool and crisp and felt good to be outside. I'm already looking forward to going again tomorrow.

    How did everyone else do today? Hope everyone rocked their plan!
  • sasssi50
    sasssi50 Posts: 5 Member
    Hi I am over 50 and have over 100 pounds to lose. Sounds like an impossibility but I am sure going to try. I am doing medifast, since this seems the easiest for me to accomplish. Is anyone else doing this? I am hoping to make some friends and have some diet support along this journey! IM me!
  • shaynepoole
    shaynepoole Posts: 493 Member
    Waving, not over 50 yet - but heading there in a couple of years...

    you ladies most definitely got this... take your time, go slow and do it right... start off with whatever exercise you all think you can do (and to be honest, if it isn't a whole lot, don't sweat it)

    But take a long look at what you are eating and portion sizes

    Most diets need to start there to be effective

    But you all are starting in the right direction :) and make MFP friends - Most everyone is great and supportive and it helps to have other people to talk to and support you and vice versa

    Enjoy your evening!
  • Nikoruo
    Nikoruo Posts: 771 Member
    Well i'm still very young but I do have about 90lbs to go :o If that counts!
  • nickle2dime
    nickle2dime Posts: 23 Member
    Hey sasssi, welcome! I've heard of Medifast but don't know what it is. Is it a liquid diet? I'm doing calorie counting and exercising. I'm finally in this for the long haul. For life. I just keep getting fatter and fatter with the quick fix mentality. Sooooo, logging everything and stopping when I reach 1300 cal. and hopefully getting my butt up to move around more. I know being sedentary is killing me! ;-(

    Wish I had you ladies here to go for walks with!!
  • nickle2dime
    nickle2dime Posts: 23 Member
    Wow Shane!! Amazing pics!! Incredible!! How did you do it? What an inspiration! So glad you posted.

    Nikoruo, of course it counts! Welcome!!

    Edited to add I went back and read how you did it Shane. Congrats on changing your life! So happy for you!
  • nickle2dime
    nickle2dime Posts: 23 Member
    How is everyone doing today?